Results for: idiots

Donald Trump: Don't Believe the People Who Work For Me, They Are Idiots
– (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File) That Donald Trump presides over the most hilariously (well, it would be were they not in danger of getting the nuclear codes) campaign teams in the history of US politics (for instance, here | here | here) is not a secret. When you look at the...
This Video of Angry Mobs Attacking Trump Supporters Will Make Your Blood Boil
– As Andrew Stiles asks in the article, “Are these idiots trying to get Trump elected? It’s a good question.…
Trump Rally Violence: Maintaining the High Ground After Taking the Low Road
– Stop it you idiots. — Ben Howe (@BenHowe) June 3, 2016 People over the course of the night took issue with my tweet.…
Time to Choose a Side (Again)
– Contrary to what you might have been told by people who get rich off of selling books to racist idiots, the Hispanic share of the vote…
BREAKING. Actually Suspends An Editor For Saying Stupid Stuff
– interesting to watch Rensin try to walk back his tweets from flat out “go riot” to “I don’t really think Trump is a threat but all you idiots
Great Response To Orlando: Group Offers Free Gun Classes To LGBT Nightclub Workers…group-offers-free-gun-classes-lgbt-nightclub-workers-n59819
– While the the idiots on the left want people to believe Republican opposition to gay marriage or a the bathroom law in North Carolina…
Stupid NRA Responds to Stupid Donald Trump's Really Stupid Tweet
– In short, he made himself, and them, look like idiots. And now they have issued an official response below.…
Trump Makes the NRA Look like Idiots
– Is there anyone who has ever endorsed Donald Trump who wasn’t embarrassed by the decision less than two weeks later? The most recent honoree in the Trump endorsement embarrassment sweepstakes is the NRA, who woke up to this tweet this morning from Donald Trump: I will be meeting with the...
BREAKING: Terrorist Bill Ayers Is Worried About Guns
– He’s almost an American version of Che to a whole slew idiots who are embracing socialism and communism as though it has actually worked…
Orlando Terrorist Shooting: The Left Makes It About Gun Control And The NRA
– Yet, here are some examples of the idiots on the left and what they had to say about it: If this happened in Paris, the U.S. gun…
Donald Trump Can't Hire the Best People, Because They Refuse to Work for Him
– remarkably resilient and has far surpassed expectations, mainly due to the fact that people vastly underestimated the number of idiots
Jimmy Kimmel Interviews the People who are Trying to Ruin America (VIDEO)
– Memo to all of you drooling idiots: this is not how exercising your civic duty to vote is supposed to work.…
The Shame: When People Have To Arm Themselves Thanks To Trump's Anti-Semitic Supporters
– While it’s true many of these idiots are go-along young morons with no life who spend most of their time on 4chan, enough of them exist…
Tom DeLay Hammers Servile "Evangelical" "Leaders" for their Softball Treatment of Trump…servile-evangelical-leaders-softball-treatment-trump-n60008
– DeLay also echoes my thoughts perfectly on the idiots who voted for Trump because they were frustrated with impurity in Washington:…
House Speaker Paul Ryan Calls Out Sit-In Scam (Video)
– While sitting like idiots in the middle of the floor, holding up pictures of Orlando’s dead for the cameras, their aides were furiously…
Putin’s Fascism Vs Barack Obama’s
– What these idiots don’t realize is that we’ve already reelected just exactly this type of domineering authoritarian.…
2015 Could Be an Historical Inflection Point
– ceremony honoring a 100 year old WWII Veteran at a US Senator’s Town Hall Meeting is interrupted and profaned by a mob of Leftist idiots
The Case Against Free Community College
– The people who write the books we complain about are either idiots or liberals or (shockingly, I know) both.…
Muslim Brotherhood calls for 'uncompromising jihad' following visit to State Department…uncompromising-jihad-following-visit-state-department-n51825
– The Muslim Brotherhood is a violent organization that has avoided being classified as a terrorist organization because the idiots in…
Corruption Kills – The Devil At Duke University
– Again, the actions of perverted member of the student body and a few idiots who publicized it the most salacious fashion imaginable…
Marie Harf and Those She Represents are Damn Naive Fools
– wish to transpose their own lack of faith, or secularized liberal “Christianity” on an Apocalyptic Death Cult, not only are they idiots
These GOP Representatives think you are idiots UPDATED
– One of the classic stunts in Washington is to vote for and against a bill. While [mc_name name=’Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’K000148′ ] made “voting for it before voting against it” famous, he is by no means the only practitioner. Bob Dole was eviscerated because his voting record was...
UPDATE: Police Looking Into Assault Allegation in Betsy DeVos Altercation
– under investigation — DC Police Department #StayHomeDC (@DCPoliceDept) February 10, 2017 I wouldn’t doubt it with these idiots
Obama Staffers Are Crying Because Their Ridiculous Plan To Attack ISIS Was Laughed At
– the verge of kicking major ISIS ass when time ran out and they gave the Trump administration the secret key to victory but those idiotsIdiots!) Without the actual plan you don’t know what the level of detail was involved in the planning.…
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