Results for: elites

The Effort to Mandate Movie Diversity at the Oscars Is Already Showing Signs of Trouble…y-at-the-oscars-is-already-showing-signs-of-trouble-n2162657
– It was a rather delicious time when the elites in entertainment - who love to cast accusations on the country as being intolerant -…
The Leftist Attacks on 'Rich Men North of Richmond' Begin
– Naturally, this was going to upset the people who are either elites or are, at least, huge fans of the elites.…
The Elite Media Deserves Our Contempt
– Universities began offering formal journalism education, and the elites became more represented in the industry. … There is a reason why their reportage tends to skew in favor of the authoritarian elites who run our government.…
Renowned Climatologist John Kirby Declares 'Wildfires and All These Storms' Caused by Global Warming…dfires-and-all-these-storms-caused-by-global-warming-n790882
Elites have used climate alarmism to justify efforts to control food and energy policies in their home nations and around the world…
Putin's War, Week 76. Russia Shut out of Peace Conference and Its Black Sea Gambit Backfires…peace-conference-and-its-black-sea-gambit-backfires-n788859
– Jimmy Rushton (@JimmySecUK) August 6, 2023 Russian Billionaire Goes Anti-War It is something of an open secret that Russia’s elites
Target Faces Lawsuit Over Going Woke, Makes Desperate Move With Starbucks to Save Themselves…kes-desperate-move-with-starbucks-to-save-themselves-n790009
– “For far too long, large corporations have recklessly pandered to the left and ‘bent the knee’ to serve the woke elites.…
Here’s How the Left Exploits Racially-Motivated Murders to Foment Fear
– tragedy to fearmonger and push the narrative that this is the biggest threat to black Americans does not help anyone except the elites
Oliver Anthony Is a Voice of Reason in Today's Polarized Partisan World
– lambasting the singer for not picking one side of the aisle, we would be better served by realizing that the true battle is about the elites
RedState Weekly Briefing: Banning Meat, Freezing Hell, Mugging Trump, and More
– But liberty isn't the goal here; as my colleague Becky Noble recently wrote, these elites are more than willing to force compliance…
Outlaw Country
– posting it left and right, with the vast majority of them using it to speak out against an unjust, weaponized system utilized by elites
Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Scolds Fellow Republican Vivek Ramaswamy on Ukraine…scolds-fellow-republican-vivek-ramaswamy-on-ukraine-n2163019
– It was political elites like Haley, with a huge foreign policy background, that sent us to war in Afghanistan and Iraq and sent forces…
Here's What Might Happen if the Left Reignites COVID Hysteria
– If the elites, through government action and media fearmongering, manage to persuade most Americans that they are all going to die…
California Contemplates Mandating Heat Pumps
– It is astounding that state climate elites insist on causing such economic, social, health, and climate harm in exchange for minuscule—if…
WATCH: Chuck Todd Panics Over Trump's Popularity With GOP Voters, Biden’s 'Hillary-Like' Polling Woes…ty-with-gop-voters-bidens-hillary-like-polling-woes-n2162859
– sound and fury signifying nothing - except the fact that seven years after Trump stunned the political world, the Beltway media elites
14 American Cities Aim to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030
– But liberty isn't the goal here; as my colleague Becky Noble recently wrote, these elites are more than willing to force compliance…
The Left Plays Its Usual ‘Everything Is Racist’ Tune Against Country Music
– For starters, we have Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond,” a populist anthem decrying the reality of elites making themselves…
Is America Doomed?
– Of course, this is not the first time in history that elites have leveraged the power of the state to enrich themselves at the expense … But now, it has become a way of forcing people to live as the elites say they should live – and far too many of us buy into it.…
New DeSantis Ad Takes Aim at Spending...and Both Parties' Complicity
– When I’m president, the days of the DC Establishment spending this country into oblivion are over.I’ve had enough of the elites imposing…
MOTR, Ep. 79: G-20 Meetings Are Fun for Elites, but They Can't Even Call out a Ruthless Invader…e-fun-for-elites-but-they-cant-even-call-out-russia-n2163793
– The world was just treated to another spectacle of economic elites gathering in another exotic locale to chat and strut, to dine grandly…
Wine-Sipping Elites Completely Miss the Plight of the Average American
– Instead of accepting responsibility for the suffering caused, though, wine-sipping elites continue to pretend everything is just fine…
Putin's War, Week 80. Ukraine's Offensive Continues Slow Progress as Fingers Are Pointed
– The question we don't know the answer to is at what point do Kremlin elites decide that their continued association with Putin is more…
After Seal-Clapping for a Literal Nazi, Justin Trudeau Blames 'Russian Disinformation'…nazi-justin-trudeau-warns-of-russian-disinformation-n2164299
– These international tours where he gives the same speech over and over while various global elites fall all over themselves to get … Rather, it's harming perceptions, especially when the elites Zelensky is hobnobbing with are deeply unpopular figures like Joe Biden…
Roman Balmakov's 'No Farmers, No Food' Exposes a Global Agenda Against Our Food Supply…ood-exposes-a-global-agenda-against-our-food-supply-n2164249
– journey of discovery and why we should be very afraid about what the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and other globalist elites
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