The Left Continues to Eat Their Own, Climate 'Activists' Attempt to Thwart Democracy in the Process

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Climate "activists" are back, and this time, they are fighting their own people. Their goal is to pressure Biden to step aside or have the DNC remove him and replace him with someone who is willing to pass their entire agenda, including the Green New Deal, which would decimate the economy while pushing Americans out of employment. 


Michael Greenberg, the founder of a climate group called "Climate Defiance," said:

Nominating Biden is a recipe for electing Trump. For the sake of the climate and our democracy we need to choose a nominee who can win in November. That person is not Joseph Biden.

Reminder: Democrats had a primary, and they chose to silence Dean Philips and Marianne Williamson. So now, they have to live with that and understand that they had the opportunity to oust Biden the right way but chose to ride it out with him. Yes, usually, the big-name politicians don't challenge the incumbent, but the Democrat voters had other options during the primary and declined those options.


Leftist site "The Guardian" asked some of the largest climate groups to respond whether they want Biden to remain in office or not; some of them are rooting for Biden to remain in power; Greenberg called those groups "cowards."

They are cowards. We need progressives to be bold on this; we need more voices on the left and the climate movement to do the same. The most important thing for the climate is to beat Trump.

The communications director Stevie O'Hanlon for the Sunrise Movement, which is one of the biggest "environmental justice" groups, had this to say:

What we’re hearing from young people around the country is that excitement about Joe Biden is at a historic low. So yes, we’re really worried that the Democratic party is not putting forward the best possible candidate to take on the threat of Trump this November. The more climate organizations that are making that case the better.

Political director for "Friends of the Earth Action," Ariel Moger, had this to say about the situation:

But we welcome the public discourse surrounding Biden’s electability ahead of the Democratic convention. We can’t afford to lose the White House to someone as dangerous for the planet and democracy as Trump.


Speaking of democracy, again, the Democrat voters chose Biden to be their nominee. Now, these climate "activists" want to thwart democracy that they claim is at risk, to install their own candidate who will advance their extreme climate agenda. 

The elites of the Democrat Party are joining forces with the radical left wing of the party to attempt to oust Biden. As he remains defiant about staying in the race, donors are saying they will freeze donations to Biden.

While the Democrats are in a frenzy, the GOP looks united and ready to deliver for the American people after winning in November. 


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