Results for: the big guy
AFL-CIO Boss: Fox & 'Confused' Tea Partiers Deliver a 'Cynical, Deeply Dishonest, and Incoherent Message.'…ver-a-cynical-deeply-dishonest-and-incoherent-message-n36387…ver-a-cynical-deeply-dishonest-and-incoherent-message-n36387
AFL-CIO Boss Richard Trumka, the same guy who pled the Fifth Amendment before Congress is doing all he can to carry the Democrats … In the short term, said Trumka, the labor movement has to “recapture the moment and take control of the national conversation.” … Help Get Out the Vote by going to The Concord Project.…
For he must be traveling on, now.... (Open Thread)
If you clicked the link above, you’ll see that Leonard Skinner was the man whose name was used to name the band Lynyrd Skynyrd. … As one who grew up in the Midwest during the 70s, that band and its music was a big part of my life. … only big color TV in the dorm). …
Lisa Murkowski Profits in Office
When the obituary is finally written on Lisa Murkowski’s political career, one of the key points will be her land deal.Many people … The guy she bought the land from would be her neighbor. … If you answered “to her property” you would be right.Well, people find out about the land sale and make a big stink about it so Murkowski…
Morning Briefing for September 28, 2010
The guy she bought the land from would be her neighbor. … If you answered “to her property” you would be right.Well, people find out about the land sale and make a big stink about it so Murkowski … , the Teamsters have gone gunning for the founder of FedEx, Chairman Fred Smith.Please click here for the rest of the post.
Morning Briefing for October 12, 2010
the tea party and the establishment. … The establishment controls the major party machines, the media, the fundraising tools, etc. … The only way to do that is to get more of your people to vote than the other guy turns out.On November 3rd, as we look back on this…
Morning Briefing for October 22, 2010
Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. Pew Research reveals THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST. … a conference call on which the CWA President participated.According to Big Journalism writer Niger Innis, after the NAACP’s Ben Jealous … Daddy gave her the very seat he held and vacated to run for Governor, after all, and she cannot let some upstart Tea Party guy like…
Lisa Murkowski - the Entitled Senator
Daddy gave her the very seat he held and vacated to run for Governor, after all, and she cannot let some upstart Tea Party guy like … (check the 7:50 mark). … She uses the Air Force as an example – putting aside the fact the Air Force started as an arm of the Army and was later pulled out.…
Again I Say Fight!
Mike Pence—and only God knows how this guy has managed to not drink the kool aid in his time in leadership—is giving a speech tonight … We didn’t come this far to return to the big spending Republicanism of the recent past. … The guy tried to have the pro-life plank yanked out of the California GOP’s platform for God’s sake!…
Malicious Mendacity in the Tea Party Movement [UPDATED]
Here’s a rule of thumb — if engaging the tea party movement, focus on the local groups, not the big groups. … record, the Claremont Institute is on the opposite coast of the United States from Washington and composed of some of the wingiest … The groups merged.Then the Claremont event invitation went out three days after the announcement of the Shadegg/Tea Party event.…
Tech at Night: Google, Wireless Internet
Even as Google tonight wins some recognition from conservatives for its observing Veterans day on the search homepage, the firm is … As Machiavelli warned, become the big guy and everyone turns on you. Now it’s the big television networks going after Google. … As soon as Google TV’s User Agent is changed to match a desktop browser, the blockade is history and there’s nothing the networks can…
Texas is going to make big gains in the census and pick up some congressional districts. … Conservatives across the country must be concerned that the man who will have the heaviest hand in drawing those lines is 100% NARAL … We must fight at the state level here to help the conservative cause nationally in the 2012 elections.And what happened late yesterday…
Morning Briefing for November 24, 2010
Texas is going to make big gains in the census and pick up some congressional districts. … here for the rest of the post.
2. … here for the rest of the post.
Morning Briefing for November 17, 2010
It was one of the ingenious and little noticed provisions the Republicans dropped in the post-9/11 legislation creating the TSA.With … Oh, and Congress will cover the payments to the TSA replacement.Practicing what I preach, I am the Chairman of the Public Properties … an investigation into the guy who resisted the TSA’s overtures.Please click here for the rest of the post.…
Tech at Night: Netflix, Comcast, Level 3, Peering, Net Neutrality
Just as I was saying copyright was soon to replace Net Neutrality as the big tech issue of the moment, circumstances prove me wrong … The former deals with the back end of the Internet, from the user’s perspective, while the latter deals with the front end that we … Further, the best way to keep the FCC in line is to make them fear what the House just might do with the power of the purse.…
The Baseball Bat Behind Obama's Federal Pay Freeze Gimmick
I was just joking with you, big guy! But I gotta do something to show people that I’m tough. … the call for the “federal pay freeze” to get their approval for the announcement. … As I passed by the AFGE organizer on Monday—the same day as the President threw around the term ‘tough sacrifice’—I couldn’t help but…
Tech at Night: After Thanksgiving Catch Up Edition
The big story that we’ve been following with Tech at Night since the beginning has been Net Neutrality, but right now we’re still stuck … So until then, we return to what was once the big tech issue, and what might again become the big tech issue: Copyright. … Further, even as we have assisted big companies in clamping down on the little guy, we’ve also given them vastly longer terms of monopoly…
The Ethanol Juggernaut: Do Republicans Have the Will to Stop Big Government?…t-do-republicans-have-the-will-to-stop-big-government-n37309…t-do-republicans-have-the-will-to-stop-big-government-n37309
The Democrats will always demagogue the issue by attaching big government programs to honey traps. … We should be opposing this bill on the premise that it enriches powerful special interests on the backs of the “little guy”, by regressively … We always hear about the latest big government agenda item that the GOP is compelled to support because of imminent mitigating circumstances…
The Left's Black Puppet
From the diaries by Neil
Over the last few weeks the left has made a concerted effort to target black conservatives, challenge the … The founder is this guy named James Rucker.
Before, Rucker just happened to work with … He has known Van Jones for a decade and has served together on the advisory board of The Beatitudes Society.…
Morning Briefing for January 5, 2011
The Myth of the Government Shut Down
2. Now Is The Time. Today Is The Day. Let’s Have a Coup.
3. … the rest of the post.
3. … So there, neener neener, and similar big talk from a guy who just presided over the literal decimation of his party’s caucus in 2010…
Boehner dismisses Reid on Obamacare repeal.
House, because it would not succeed in the Senate. … So there, neener neener, and similar big talk from a guy who just presided over the literal decimation of his party’s caucus in 2010 … that you struck behind closed doors with ‘Big Pharma,’ resulting in bigger profits for the drug companies, and higher prescription…
The quintessential example of media bias for the 2010 election cycle
With the state’s political players all lined up in the primary for the other guy — including the party chairman, the congressional … delegation, EVERYBODY — the candidate beat the establishment pick, upset the apple cart, had people crying foul, and went on to be … That’s also why Christine O’Donnell is my big hero for the 2010 election cycle.…
The Horserace for July 28, 2011
We’ll get into it all in the horserace the horserace this week. … Sarah Palin
Palin will be heading a big even in Iowa for the tea party movement on September 3rd. … About the only guy not hurt is Jon Huntsman, but that is more a testament to how outside the GOP Huntsman intends to run his campaign…
Tech at Night: Anonymous and Net Neutrality in trouble, Patents, Apple, HTC, AT&T, T-Mobile…neutrality-in-trouble-patents-apple-htc-att-t-mobile-n39837…neutrality-in-trouble-patents-apple-htc-att-t-mobile-n39837
I’m unhappy with the US patent system since the passage of the America Invents Act, which changed our patent system to appease Europe … It wouldn’t be surprising though if HTC and Apple simply cross-licensed the patents, which is the typical cartel creation that the … Al Franken has reflexively come out for big government, but T-Mobile dignified him with a response despite the fact that he lacks any…
What is the End Game for Big Government?
You told us that it was not the time to fight, and it was the best we could get at the time. … the field. … You don’t really believe in limited government, and, despite the rhetoric, lack a true sensitivity for the pernicious effects of big…
In Which Bill Kristol Decides To Play The Fool. Again.
His partner in crime is Fred Barnes who defended the rise of “big government conservatives.”And now, Bill Kristol thinks that conservatives … This is point scoring from a guy who really doesn’t have much in common with a lot of the conservative movement.Kristol wants to cut … In other words, in the time it takes to photocopy and distribute Boehner’s “plan”, the savings have all been borrowed back.As for the…