the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
1. A Few Necessary Truths
2. Again I Say Fight!
3. Assault on Palin, DeMint and Other Conservatives Often Rooted In Lies or Distortions
4. Pew Research reveals THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST.
5. CWA Union Boss Says Tea Party Advocates “Slavery”
6. Lisa Murkowski – the Entitled Senator
1. A Few Necessary Truths
The media is largely run and operated by people who are left of center.Consequently, in the newsrooms of America, instead of dealing with issues of right and wrong, the news revolves around victims and victimizers. It’s why a highly educated lady like Gwen Ifill of PBS could mock Sarah Palin for accurately, though Ifill did not know it, saying the Boston Tea Party was in 1773.Because the Boston Tea Party was not carried out by muslims, women, gays, the poor, minorities, or real Indians Native Americans, it is not important in American history — at least not nearly as consequential as anything Sacagawea, Victoria Woodhull, Richard Ely, or Cesar Chavez ever did — to the left.That, though, is a minor truth.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. Again I Say Fight!
They haven’t even won the election yet, and Congressional Republicans are already looking to compromise. I know it doesn’t come as much of a surprise, but it does show yet again how out of touch the establishment crowd is. The gains made in November will be in spite of them, not because of them, and it will require an ongoing and permanent vigilance by all of us in the movement to ensure they don’t sell us out.Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. Assault on Palin, DeMint and Other Conservatives Often Rooted In Lies or Distortions
The long knives have been out for Sarah Palin since her emergence on the national stage just over two years ago. Katie Couric infamously mocked Sarah Palin and her family on tape even while the Republican Convention was still going on… long before her “objective” interview with her. But that was just the beginning.Recently there was this silly effort by leftists to make fun of Palin for admonishing activists not to “party like it’s 1773? yet. Not just random bloggers, mind you, but that paragon of fairness and balance from PBS, Gwen Ifill, lept at the opportunity to make fun of Palin for getting a date wrong. The problem, of course, was that Palin was correctly referring to the year of the Boston Tea Party. Ooops.But then today, we see that Jonathan Martin with Politico has put out a piece trying to make the case that Palin is a “Diva.” Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. Pew Research reveals THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Pew was just having its little joke by making sure that its latest report on the midterms had a URL of If it did, then Pew would be well on its way to winning the contest of being The Coolest Research Center EVER – but it’s much more likely that this was just an accident. A very, very hysterical accident.Certainly the contents are. The very shortest version: the generic ballot flipped in a month from 44/47 Republican/Democrat to 46/42 Republican/Democratic among registered voters (the likely voter model only mildly increased from 50/43 R/D to 50/40 R/D). That would be bad enough for the Other Side – but there’s more.Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. CWA Union Boss Says Tea Party Advocates “Slavery”
Just when you thought the left-wing race baiting over the last year couldn’t get any worse, the Communications Workers of America chief honcho Larry Cohen has sunk to new depths attacking those who do not agree with his socialist agenda.On Wednesday, the NAACP, in continuing its unfounded “racist” accusations of the Tea Party movement, had a conference call on which the CWA President participated.According to Big Journalism writer Niger Innis, after the NAACP’s Ben Jealous continued his normal the-tea-parties-are-racist-harangue, his little buddy at the CWA threw the rhetorical grenade out on the call.Please click here for the rest of the post.
6. Lisa Murkowski – the Entitled Senator
As you know, Senator Murkowski is mounting a write-in campaign to try to hold on to her Senate seat. Daddy gave her the very seat he held and vacated to run for Governor, after all, and she cannot let some upstart Tea Party guy like Joe Miller take it away from her.Just this last week, according to Politico, the Anchorage Press asked if “Republicans are secretly hoping [she’ll] win.” She replied, “Yes. Yes I do. Definitely.” She went on to say she expects a warm welcome by both her Democrat and Republican colleagues,” and that “they need my vote.”Now, when she refers to Republicans, she isn’t referring to Alaska Republicans. She isn’t referring to Republican citizens across the country. She’s talking about Washington establishment Republicans. Please click here for the rest of the post.
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