Results for: democrats should replace

While President Trump Continues to Attack, Support for AG Jeff Sessions Grows
– It’s as if the Democrats and liberal media are trying to overturn the election, they can’t come to grips with the fact that Americans … Senator from North Carolina and member of the Senate Judiciary Committee In a press release: “While some may argue that he should … Senator Ted Cruz, in his response about being possibly considered to replace AG Jeff Sessions, also spoke highly of him.…
McConnell Differs from Trump & Pence on Next Steps to Address Health Care
– The Majority Leader also spoke of the repeal and replace effort. … We were not elected to save Obamacare — we were elected to repeal and replace it.” … For now, Obamacare is still the law of the land, and there is no repeal/replace effort in sight.…
What Will the GOP Delegates Decide to Do Today About Trump?
– The delegates should feel free to vote their consciences, and the rules and history of the Republican National Convention support their … authors, Curley Haugland and Sean Parnell, wrote an op-ed for The Hill laying out the case for why delegates to the GOP convention should … vote for Trump should be allowed to abstain or vote for someone else, even if it causes some modest embarrassment for Trump.…
Sean Hannity Dissolves Into a Bodice-Ripping Tantrum Over GOP Leaders Questioning Trump's Judgment…pping-tantrum-gop-leaders-questioning-trumps-judgment-n61010
– “They did nothing, nothing — all these phony votes to repeal and replace Obamacare, show votes so they can go back and keep their power … After all, the angry masses know nothing of policy or the job, either, so why should he? … Maybe if he was really serious about Republicans not going after Democrats, he could get off of his knees long enough to see that Trump…
RedState Surveys the Midterms Part 2: The United States Senate
– Class I is interesting in that the Democrats won big the last two times this class was up. … As a result, the Democrats have nearly maxed out the seats up right now: Of the 34 seats up, 25 are de facto held by the Democrats … In conclusion, with 11 Democrats and 2 Republicans in the battleground, it’s somewhere between improbable and impossible for Democrats
2018 Midterms- The South About a Year Out
– Only one has drawn a primary challenger, although the Democrats will field a challenger in all four districts. … Perhaps, the Democrats will come after the 6th District again to take Karen Handel down.   … Both open races in districts currently held by Republicans should remain in the hands of the GOP.…
The Health Care Nightmare Republicans Aren’t Talking About (Anymore)
– divided congress, there’s a unifying narrative that the Republican majority seems to have forgotten about in its rush to repeal and replace … Obamacare, and the Democrats should be thanking their lucky stars. … It even culminates with 32 congressmen, including five members of the House Freedom Caucus as well as three Democrats, co-sponsoring…
One Nation's Outcome, After Caving To The LGBT Agenda
– Sin and wickedness do not seek to share space with the godly, but rather, seek to overwhelm, overcome, and replace the godly, until … when you can bloody well get married in a church if you want to do so, without having to fight the church for the equality that should … Upon finding that he considered himself a Christian, Tim Farron, leader of the Liberal Democrats, was harangued and grilled over his…
BREAKING. Fifteen States Sue Over End of DACA
– House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. accompanied by members of the House and Senate Democrats, gestures during a news conference … House and Senate Democrats gather to call for Congressional Republicans to stand up to President Trump’s decision to terminate the … essence they are filing the same lawsuit used to attack the Trump’s travel restrictions executive order but they used search-and-replace
Trump and Rand Paul's Relationship Publicly Sours Over Healthcare Battle
– tweeted Trump, adding “I hope Republican Senators will vote for Graham-Cassidy and fulfill their promise to Repeal & Replace ObamaCare … In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul also bashed the bill for its spending, pulling us further into debt should it be passed. … With Democrats vowing a solidly to vote “no,” Republicans would need almost everyone in line.…
Hot Speculation: Could Former Bush Spokesman Scott Stanzel Be Running for Congress in Washington?…h-spokesman-scott-stanzel-running-congress-washington-n76919
– Evergreen State Republicans are keen to draft a strong candidate into the race to replace Reichert, ideally someone with a strong fundraising … Republicans in the Evergreen State say former should-have-been-governor-bar-electoral-fraud-by Democrats GOP big dog Dino Rossi has … Murray in 2010 which he lost by about four points after getting in later than many had hoped and being pummeled with attacks by Democrats
Ted Cruz Just Stuck a Fork in the Graham-Cassidy ObamaCare Repeal/Replace Bill
– The Graham-Cassidy bill that is supposed to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with something less horrible has been on life support … ever since Senator John McCain decided to vote against it because the Democrats didn’t like it (I am not making that up). … If you think pre-existing conditions should be covered and you don’t want to use the force of the government to make people buy a product…
Bannon Is Slick, but McConnell Has Been Playing the Game Longer
– helm of his alt-right control center, Breitbart News, and has declared “war” on all incumbent Republican lawmakers, seeking to replace … Another bug put in Trump’s ear very likely was that if Bannon’s chosen fail and are ousted by Democrats, losing the GOP majority, then … Considering Trump has spent more time attacking other Republicans than any Democrats, I have to wonder when this great, unifying shift…
Trump Cripples Obamacare by Ceasing Critical Payments to Obamacare Subsidies…amacare-ceasing-critical-payments-obamacare-subsidies-n78205
– “Congress needs to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare law and provide real relief to the American people.” … The Democrats ObamaCare is imploding. Massive subsidy payments to their pet insurance companies has stopped. … Dems should call me to fix! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2017    …
The October (not at all) Surprises for Both Hillary and Trump are Exploding Right Now
– If Democrats have any morals, and I’ve seen no evidence that they do, they will replace Hillary. Oh, she can win. … So the Democrats don’t have to replace her. But they should. This race shouldn’t be this close. … So they should replace her even though they don’t have to.…
Senator Mike Lee: Trump Can't Win
– Senator Mike Lee appeared on Meet the Press this morning to press his case that Donald Trump should withdraw from the race. … So flawed, in fact, that I think the Democratic Party ought to be taking steps to replace her with someone else. … How should other Republicans who have suddenly decided, “Okay, I’m not supporting him now,” answer that question? SEN.…
Seriously, Why Did We Give Up on Replacing Trump on the GOP Ticket?
– On the question of who should lose, let’s be perfectly clear. I want Hillary Clinton to lose the election. … To replace him at the top of the ticket. … He should have stepped down.…
Dear Trump Supporters: He Is A Politician So Of Course He'll Disappoint You
– In some cases, Trump should fight Democrats to the political death. … Trump should not waver at all should he choose a person worthy of replacing Justice Scalia. … But should he give in areas to get his tax plan passed? Certainly.…
POLL: More Than Half of Americans Think Trump Will Do Just Fine
– If the Democrats and the Media and the cast of Hamilton were hoping they could erode Donald Trump’s support, then they really need … Nearly three-quarters say Trump is likely to repeal and replace Obamacare, two-thirds think he will renegotiate NAFTA and 6 in 10 say … While I think we should brace ourselves for the next 4-8 years, I can take a moment and enjoy their suffering.…
Time To Shut Down Public Schools?
– Between the walkouts, safe spaces and stupidity, starting to think we should close all the public schools and start over. … Democrats claim to want to help people, but only if they can find a way to tie to re-election. … Democrats and the Media have a blindspot when it comes to education.…
The Democrat's David Duke
– the Left there are orgasms galore as it appears that Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison has the inside track for DNC Chairman to replace … How progressive of Minnesota Democrats! … If anything, we should be encouraging all Americans to take part in the U.S. political process.…
Ted Cruz: "Radical and Extreme" Democrats Shut the Government Down in 2018, Just Like in 2013
– Over and over, Republicans and Democrats have come together to cut taxes. … This time, in both Houses of Congress, zero Democrats voted for tax cuts. … “We should not shut down the government.…
BAD Idea: Trump Associates Fear He Plans an All-Out Assault on Mueller Probe
– On Sunday, the president lashed out with this tweet: Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary … If he fired Rosenstein, he would look to replace him with a loyalist, who would shut down Mueller. … “So to suggest that Mueller should shut down and that all he is looking at is collusion—if you have an innocent client, Mr.…
Mitt Romney defends his liberal past with a "severely conservative" redux
– the man I call the chameleon conservative, as Romney tries to change his colors in an effort to win his carpetbagger campaign to replace … That makes me more conservative than a log of republicans and a lot of democrats. … immigration, Romney also believes that climate change, the war on poverty, education, and income inequality are the issues Republicans should
Finally Someone Says It! Marsha Blackburn: Senators Running for President Must Recuse From Impeachment Trial…ators-running-for-president-recuse-impeachment-trial-n125764
– These four Democrats, Senators Bennet, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren, cannot sit in judgment of the very President they seek to replace … They should recuse themselves. — Sen. … They should recuse themselves. — Sen.…
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