Results for: Bernie Sanders
Gun Grabbing Houston Police Chief Threatens Dana Loesch With Legal Action Over NRA Video…ce-chief-threatens-dana-loesch-legal-action-nra-video-n90043…ce-chief-threatens-dana-loesch-legal-action-nra-video-n90043
The First Amendment says what it says, no matter how much that may annoy Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.…
Bernie Sanders is Obviously Endorsing His Son's Congressional Run Despite the Bogus Media Narrative…sons-congressional-run-despite-bogus-media-narrative-n90827…sons-congressional-run-despite-bogus-media-narrative-n90827
The media narrative goes like this: Bernie Sanders’ son Levi is running for Congress in New Hampshire’s 1st district but he won’t … “The basic difference is that I’m a vegetarian and he’s not,” Sanders told Vice News, which had earlier reported that Sanders was considering … When asked about controversy that that his dad, Bernie, won’t endorse his New Hampshire congressional campaign, Levi Sanders quips:…
Starbucks Outgoing Exec May Be the Next Democratic Presidential Hopeful, but Sounds Oddly Republican…mocratic-presidential-hopeful-sounds-oddly-republican-n90649…mocratic-presidential-hopeful-sounds-oddly-republican-n90649
The closer to 2020 we get, the further left candidates will want to run in order to keep up with Bernie Sanders, the most popular leftist…
When A Baseball Game Is More Than Just A Baseball Game
James Hodgkinson was a Bernie Sanders supporter with a history of drunk driving, domestic violence, and angry Facebook posts against…
Man Who Destroyed the Democratic Party Gives Advice to Democratic Presidential Hopefuls…c-party-gives-advice-democratic-presidential-hopefuls-n90900…c-party-gives-advice-democratic-presidential-hopefuls-n90900
Bernie Sanders; Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren; former Vice President Joe Biden; former Massachusetts Gov.…
Lindsey Graham and Peter Navarro Agree John McCain Is Wrong About America and Free Trade
Bernie Sanders [I-Vt.] element of the Democratic Party doesn’t stand for free trade.…
It's Bernie's Democratic Party Now
Bernie Sanders went toe-to-toe to the end with the establishment anointed Hillary Clinton. … It was the Democratic super-delegates who kept Sanders at bay, but in these midterm primaries, there are no super-delegates. …
Will They Really #WalkAway from the Democrat Party?
And let’s not forget that proud Democratic Socialist ‘Independent’ Bernie Sanders stirred up millions of Americans in the last election … How did the party of anti-Communist JFK end up with Commie wannabe Sanders so close to dethroning Hillary ‘Catch Me if You Can’ Clinton … Sanders, or anyone else who dares to not be a Democrat and evidence is mounting that something is deeply wrong with the so-called ‘…
Only the GOP Can Defeat President Trump's Supreme Court Nomination
Right now the Senate breakout is 51-49 (47 Dems plus Angus King and Bernie Sanders).…
Upsets In New York and Maryland Primaries May Signal a Major Change for the Democrats
She was a field organizer for Bernie Sanders who didn’t break 40% in the district. … Sanders-endorsed former NAACP president Ben Jealous took 40% of the total vote. … In both cases the handpicked candidate of the current Democrat machine was upset by Bernie Sanders.…
The Sarah Sanders and the Red Hen Restaurant Story Takes Turn Directly Where You Thought It Would
There was a vote of the politburo and the manager asked Sanders and her party to leave. … The story of Sanders being asked to leave the restaurant was in the public domain prior to her tweet. … Sanders supporter reacting to standard Democrat propaganda.…
Clear and Ready for Action Healthcare Lessons
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. … state programs, while Coloradans will vote on a state version of a “single-payer” government-run health system, similar to what Sanders…
After Child Separation Policy Blow-up, Democrats' 2018 Advantage... Shrinks?
First, Bernie Sanders appearing on Jake Tapper’s State Of The Union revealed something somewhat startling: He has no intention of pushing … But I suspect there is something for the Democrats to be worried about here, and some of them appear to be (hence Sanders’ hesitation…
(No) SURPRISE! Post-Executive Order, the Left Rages Against Family Togetherness at the Border
Regardless, Senator Bernie Sanders had this to say:
“We have a situation where the Trump administration now, their solution is to … Now, Sanders is referencing the law which Trump’s executive order (due to pressure from the Left) undid.…
WATCH: DNC Chair Tom Perez Avoids Questions On Democrat Flip-Flop About Border Security Like the Plague…stions-democrat-flip-flop-border-security-like-plague-n99490…stions-democrat-flip-flop-border-security-like-plague-n99490
Bernie Sanders voted for it. 2006, Hillary Clinton voted for it, Barack Obama voted for it; Schumer voted for it again going back 12…
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Are Trying To Shut Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Up
Sanders for. … Schumer, and the rest of the Democratic leadership as too centrist and not progressive enough, and those voters are siding with Bernie … Sanders and AOC and Tlaib.…
AOC, Steve Scalise Twitter Debate Ends Abruptly When AOC Supporter Tweets ‘She’s Got Better Aim” Than Man Who Shot Scalise…supporter-tweets-shes-got-better-aim-man-shot-scalise-n99329…supporter-tweets-shes-got-better-aim-man-shot-scalise-n99329
Scalise you will recall, was shot by left-wing activist James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders supporter, in June 2017 at a Congressional…
The 2020 Democratic Party Clown Car... Thus Far
of Spartacus Booker, Drunk Uncle Joe Biden, Hillary “You Owe Me the White House” Clinton, the political world’s Ichabod Crane- Bernie … Sanders, John “The Man with the Funny Name” Hicklenhooper, Robert “Call me Beto” O’Rourke, Eric “Its Racism, I Tell You” Holder,…
Why Kamala Harris's Surge In Popularity Signals Democrats are Heading for Disaster…reaking-town-hall-signals-democrats-heading-disaster-n100497…reaking-town-hall-signals-democrats-heading-disaster-n100497
Not long ago, polls released showing that the favored candidates for 2020 by Democrats to face off against Trump were Joe Biden, Bernie … Sanders, and Robert “Beto” O’Rourke. … Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who has been between 15 percent and 16 percent.…
An 80's Video Of Bernie Sanders In the USSR Has Surfaced Thanks to Beto Fans and It's...Weird
A video has surfaced of Bernie Sanders while he was on a “honeymoon” trip with his wife to the USSR in 1988. … Including Sanders. … “Recently discovered footage from 1988 reveals a shirtless Bernie Sanders with his wife, Jane, on their honeymoon in the USSR, drunkenly…
Kamala Harris Electrifies Voters, Then Completely Undermines Herself, Within 24 Hours…trifies-voters-completely-undermines-within-24-hours-n100481…trifies-voters-completely-undermines-within-24-hours-n100481
He stated she supports the Bernie Sanders bill (on which she is a signatory) that would ultimately eliminate private health insurance…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Literally Outlines Her Fight Against Cow Farts -- No Bullsh**
back the Green New deal including: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Je Merkeley, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bernie … Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and Jay Inslee.…
Put the Screws To Them!!!
To these and others, among them Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Patty Murray, the problem is simple and it exemplifies their…
SURPRISE!! Panera's Socialist Restaurant Closes Due to People Not Paying for Their Food
Donald Trump handed socialism its behind last night, to the dismay of Bernie Sanders (here); but Panera Bread was sure the economic…
Takeaways From the SOTU Address
Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) reveals their disagreement and anger with this message.…