Results for: elites

Multiple Violent Assaults in San Fran Sway 87-Year-Old Man to Move Back to Where It's Safer - China…drive-87-year-old-man-to-move-where-its-safer-china-n2169473
– That will begin when the residents of these cities stop voting for Democrats; the problem is that many of the wealthy urban elites
Biden's Plan to Ban Menthol Cigarettes Is Nanny State Nonsense
– This plan is nothing more than the typical adherence to the dangerous belief that the elites in charge of the government know what’…
Shocker: Americans Believe They Are Paying 'Too Much' in Taxes
– But perhaps there is a third option: Our tax money is only going to serve the elites within and outside of the state.…
Two Americas: The Moneyed Elite vs. Everyone Else
– Rasmussen, in this survey, identified "elites" as follows: The survey is a first-of-its-kind look at the views of the American Elite … Make no mistake; the elites surveyed here harbor that same attitude towards the rest of us. … Here's the catch: No matter what happens this November, these "elites" aren't going away.…
Ted Lieu Wants to Throw You in Jail for Using Glue Traps to Catch Mice
– into the nooks and crannies of everyday life, the Glue Trap Prohibition Act could be the latest example demonstrating how much the elites
BREAKING: DeSantis Suspends Presidential Campaign, Endorses Donald Trump
– The DC elites who have facilitated this mess do not work for you, they do not care about you; they work for themselves.  …
Heritage Foundation President Goes Scorched Earth in Davos, Tells Elitists 'You Are Part of the Problem'…in-davos-tells-elitists-you-are-part-of-the-problem-n2168916
– As we've been reporting, the "elites" have been gathering for their annual World Economic Forum to obsess over the climate -- even … Watch more of his remarks here: My message to the self-appointed global elites: Your time is up. — Kevin … When he writes in the above tweet, "My message to the self-appointed global elites: Your time is up," you know he's going to set the…
Is America in an Irreversible Decline?
– middle class is a fairly recent innovation, arising out of the Industrial Revolution; before that, wealth was the province of a few elites
WATCH: John Kerry Snaps When He Gets Confronted About His Climate Hypocrisy
– Czar, Help Biden's Plummeting 2024 Campaign -- And It's Pure Lunacy But that didn't prevent Kerry from going to the party of the elites … Don't you dare question us elites when we are deciding for you, boy — that's his attitude. …
Global Overlords in Davos All Atwitter About Elon Musk and X
– The billionaires and global elites are once again gathering in Davos, Switzerland, for their annual debauched World Economic Forum…
Biden Radio Interview: No Tie, but a Lot of Malarkey and a New 'Put Y'all Back in Chains' Remark
– They are wealthy elites trying constantly not just to pit race against race but identity groups in general against each other.…
Spoilers or Trendsetters: Is 2024 Open to a Third Party POTUS Challenger?…ters-is-2024-open-to-a-third-party-potus-challenger-n2168531
– progressive" (as in, progress on the road to socialism) left, the government worker's unions, academia, and the coastal and urban elites
Totalitarian Governments Creating 'Climate Crimes' - It's Not About Climate, It's About Control…mate-crimes-its-not-about-climate-its-about-control-n2168446
– Doom-Mongering': WaPo Climate Alarmist Ridiculously Claims House Plants Are Bad for the Planet None of these things will apply to the elites
Why Does California GOP Asm. Devon Mathis Support Giving Illegal Aliens Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare?…ewsoms-plan-to-give-illegal-aliens-health-insurance-n2168394
– In other words, his sudden change of position and op-ed appears to be a signal to the Sacramento elites that he is ready for hire.  …
Trump v. Biden: Not the Candidates We Deserve - but Maybe the Ones We Need?
– The Democrats are in danger of becoming a regional party, catering to coastal elites and government dependents in the major cities.…
Chris Matthews Reveals How Wrong Dems and Biden Are About America With Comment About 'Rural Rage'…rural-rage-against-liberal-elites-is-like-terrorism-n2168102
– Jeff wrote about the disdain that liberal elites like Matthews and others have for rural America, "those people that didn't go to college…
Chris Matthews Says Addressing Rural Americans' Anger Is Like 'Fighting Terrorism'…ng-rural-americans-anger-is-like-fighting-terrorism-n2168009
– Matthews recently illustrated the type of condescending attitude towards a wide swath of Americans that is typical of progressive elites … contempt for rural folks whose politics don’t align with theirs and then turn around and wonder why these people dislike the liberal elites
Alec Baldwin and PETA Need to Shut the Hell Up
– But this is part and parcel of the hypocrisy shown by authoritarian elites who believe firmly in the principles of “rules for thee,…
How Do We Fight Back Against Marxism in Academia?
– Are elites willing to reject the whole ideological thread, not just its most recent manifestations?…
The Exodus of Productive Citizens From California Proceeds Apace
– state still has a lot going for it, if only the government can be wrested out of the hands of the progressive-liberal urban coastal elites … California's current woes began with the ascension of California's Democrats, making California a one-party state, and allowing coastal elites
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