If Kamala Harris Gets Her Way, the Only 'Journalists' We'll Have Will Be Those Like the ABC Debate Mods

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

Tuesday night’s so-called debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump was a glimpse into a future without independent media outlets. David Muir and Linsey Davis were not moderators; they were advocates with an agenda who frequently jumped in to gaslight Trump and to “correct” the truths he told with blatant lies.


On numerous occasions, Harris repeated debunked Democrat propaganda about things Trump had allegedly said or done, and Muir and Davis sat silent. The only reason anyone knows that Harris’ claims were false is because of independent journalists like those at RedState and Townhall Media. It’s abundantly clear that members of the regime media aren’t interested in fact-checking Harris or Tim Walz, just like they weren’t interested in investigating anything about our allegedly current president, Joe Biden, until they were given orders to do so. And if one of the regime journalists had a sudden bout of curiosity and dug into something and tried to go public with it, their story would be killed and they’d be lucky to have a job the next day.

At RedState we’ve never hesitated to investigate what’s really happening and bring the truth forward, regardless of the consequences. From our early reporting on Anthony Fauci and U.S. funding of illegal gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Fauci’s collusion with researchers to quash dissent, to exposing Hunter Biden’s Burisma business partner as an asset of Russia’s intelligence agencies, and our recent reporting on Joe Biden’s medical emergency in Las Vegas right before he was forced to drop out of the presidential race, we’ve continually gone against the prevailing narratives. As a result of that hard work, we’ve been relentlessly censored and shadow-banned by Big Tech and targeted for demonetization by left-wing “media watchdogs.”


Our reporting has had consequences for the elites, so they’ll continue to target us. As a result of our independent investigative journalism, an up-and-coming Democrat star, Katie Hill, was forced to resign from Congress, big-spending Ronna McDaniel is now the former RNC Chairwoman, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom has decided to pay his property taxes on time.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it’s only because of the direct financial support of our RedState VIP members that we have been able to bring these stories and others forward, and without the continued support of our VIP members we won’t survive the continued censorship and shadow-banning. As an example of the shadow-banning we’re subjected to: Last week we broke the story of a Democrat running for State Senate in California who blatantly lied about his past professional experience, claiming to be a “former criminal prosecutor” who prosecuted cases of sexual assault at a local DA’s office and who prosecuted consumer fraud for the DOJ during the Obama administration. Our investigation revealed that the candidate, Kipp Mueller, was merely an extern at the DOJ and a law clerk at the DA’s office, with both experiences occurring before he passed the bar. There were a few stories in local newspapers about the exposé the next day. Yet, when one searches Google for news over the last week about Kipp Mueller, RedState’s story doesn’t even show up, but the local news stories covering RedState’s story do.


So, Big Tech is obviously working hard to bury RedState’s truthful original journalism – and it will only get worse if Kamala is elected. She will go into prosecutor mode and set out to silence all truth-tellers, starting with conservative media. If she gets her way, the only media anyone will hear will be mockingbirds like Muir and Davis and their fellow travelers.

We’re working overtime to bring our readers the truth about Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the Biden administration so voters can go to the polls armed with the information they need to make the right choice. We’re also working to expose any instances of election fraud or interference in an effort to thwart Democrats’ “fortification” efforts this year.

I know I’ve said it before, but we can’t do it without our RedState VIP members, and I hope you will join thousands of our readers in offering your direct financial support. As a RedState VIP you’ll enjoy an ad-free experience on our site (and on all Townhall Media sites as a RedState Gold VIP), exclusive VIP articles, access to our comments section where you can hang out with like-minded individuals to discuss the issues, and have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re supporting independent journalists who will hold the regime’s feet to the fire – whether those in the regime claim to be Democrats or Republicans.


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