Results for: elites

Trump Flack Jeffrey Lord Calls the Military "The Establishment" (VIDEO)
– cited – good folks, I’m sure, and certainly they have a point, but they are in this context, “the establishment,” they are “the elites
Veteran Puts Biden, Dems on Notice: You Don't Speak for Hispanics
– Vote4crod) October 23, 2021 Rodriguez wrote (emphasis, mine): I’m not just in touch with the working-class Hispanic voters who the elites … Let’s start with the Democrat elites’ crazed devotion to using the word “LatinX.”…
Dem Rep. Greg Meeks Threatens to Primary AOC As the Civil War Goes Nuclear
– “It’s offensive for CBC members when these elites are looking down on them when they don’t have the financial ability to say, ‘I don…
Greg Gutfeld Takes Blowtorch to Media 'Hypocrites Who Pick and Choose Their Favorite Protesters'…crites-who-pick-and-choose-their-favorite-protesters-n307318
– “And stop calling these people rubes and denigrating them because they aren’t cool elites, because that’s part of this, too,” he said…
Josh Hawley Is Accused Of Anti-Semitism Because the Left Can Hear Dog Whistles
– And they subscribe to a set of values held by similar elites in other places: things like the importance of global integration and … That’s because our elites distrust patriotism and dislike the common culture left to us by our forbearers. … Theodore Roosevelt once…
Geithnerism In Its Fulsome Evil Glory
– I suspect that history, including great historical novelists of the future, will look back and see that many of our elites simply decided … That’s what I think a lot of the elites are up to.…
Battlefield 2012
– The one obstacle to adopting this program was the opposition to anything reeking of nationalism by not only our elites, but our average…
In Artur Davis And Erskine Bowles The Democrats Lose Two Serious People…erskine-bowles-the-democrats-lose-two-serious-people-n43332
– growing economy beats dividing a shrinking pie, reforming our schools requires radical effort, politics is too dominated by narrow elites
American Royalty
– However, here again as the vast majority of Americans work and pay, a few elites manipulate the system for their benefit. …
Daily Links - June 19, 2012
– Sorkin’S ‘Newsroom’ Insufferable | Big Hollywood “But his show rails against conservatives so tediously that even New York cultural elites
Maybe We Really Do Need a Third Party
– look at Indiana’s Senator who does not even live in Indiana anymore and consequently got thrown out much to the outrage of Beltway elites
Poverty and free will
– It is the doom of the Western world that its elites have persuaded it to seek moral superiority in mandated, controlled poverty… while … the elites themselves live in fabulous luxury, peddling the idea of “income inequality” as “people without the right Party credentials…
Obama’s Inequality Sophistry Is a Recipe for Misery
– The elites think a smart society will be wealthy enough to relieve the masses from the need to work.…
The War on Misfortune
– A great deal of the nation’s wealth has been destroyed by the bad decisions of our political elites.  …
The Fall of the Traditional American Family
– You know, she said she wanted more babies from the elites and fewer babies from, you know, the poor but which she really meant minorities…
Tea Party Victory Against Illegals in Maryland
– This attitude from liberals, and too many Republicans, is a quintessential example of the dissonance between the elites and ‘we the … Quite the contrary, it is a wedge issue that divides commonsense Democrats (to the extent that they exist) from the party elites. …
How the GOP Can Win Big This Primary Season
– overregulation he calls the red tape worm–but he also warns against the transfer from a nation-state to a market-state ruled by global elites
Judd "Goldman Sachs" Gregg Paid to Fight BBA
– supported before he became a jaded Washington and Wall Street insider who is more concerned with conserving the benefits of the elites
A mini-Ice Age?
– But then, I have kids, and I worry that the current short-sighted, willful denial of science by our self-appointed elites may be…
Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann, a Tale of Two Campaigns
– I think that the elites have done a very poor job of communicating with the base when it comes to defense spending, and because of … and the Tea Party in which there are a lot of elites and the — Domenech: I think though, wait. … That when the elites are talking, viewed as talking down to these people, then that’s a problem.…
The Immigration Policy of Absurdistan: Legal is Illegal; Illegal is Legal…licy-of-absurdistan-legal-is-illegal-illegal-is-legal-n39499
– Fortunately, most Americans still have an affinity for our laws, even if their interpretation is sullied by out-of-touch elites.…
How Children Get Left Behind in Medicaid
– And in terms of the long view, it’s the one that the liberal elites really wants.…
Happy Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Day!
– It’s no wonder that, as the US tried to negotiate a settlement with Mexico, many of Mexico’s elites asked the US simply to annex the…
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