Results for: Sen. John Kennedy

Who Compelled Sally Yates to Act? GOP Senators Want to Know
– Cruz, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Sen. … Louisiana Senator John Kennedy even went so far as to ask Yates when she became a member of the Supreme Court, since deciding the constitutionality … The insinuation is, of course, that Flynn’s associations were a witch hunt to harm the new administration, prompting Kennedy to wonder…
You Want to Know Who to Blame If ObamaCare Is Not Repealed? I'll Tell You Who
– the four Republicans who voted for that bill in 2015 and are now gone from the Senate, three have been replaced by Republicans — Sen … Coats (replaced by Republican Todd Young), Sen. Sessions (replaced by Republican Luther Strange), and Sen. … Vitter (replaced by Republican John Kennedy).…
WHOA! Trump May Be Considering Ted Cruz to Take Jeff Sessions' Place
– President Trump and his advisers are floating possible replacements for Attorney General Jeff Sessions — and the list includes Sen … with Cruz slamming Trump’s “New York values” and Trump accusing Cruz’s father of being somehow connected to the assassination of JohnKennedy.…
Remember When the Democrats Asked the USSR to Help Elect Walter Mondale?
– The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy. “On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. … Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” … Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan.…
From The Nook of RMJ: How To Clean Up Poisonville On The Potomac
– In today’s Washington, DC, nobody divides and conquers Conservatives better than [mc_name name=’Sen. … It turns great American war heroes into [mc_name name=’Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’M000303′ ]. … It brings out the true essence of anyone named Kennedy.…
The Closing of the Sunday Show Mind
– CBS News has announced Schieffer is being replaced by John Dickerson, who might actually be more liberal than George Stephanopoulos … The mansion formerly belonged to Hugh Auchincloss, who was step father to both Jackie Kennedy and Gore Vidal. … presided over by Chuck Todd, objectively the most balanced of the three, worked on the 1992 Presidential campaign of [mc_name name=’Sen
Grandma Nixon
– WHEN my brother Michael was a Senate page, he delivered mail to John F. … Kennedy and Richard Nixon, who had offices across the hall from each other. … Democratic strategists face-palm at the imagined scene of her squaring off against [mc_name name=’Sen.…
"Chilling": Notre Dame President Slams Dianne Feinstein for Her Religious Bigotry…me-president-slams-dianne-feinstein-religious-bigotry-n76607
John I. … John F. … This is what the party of John F. Kennedy has become.   FULL TEXT OF REV. JOHN I. JENKINS’ LETTER TO SEN.…
Sen. John McCain the Savior of ObamaCare
– President-elect Barack Obama and Sen John McCain, R-Ariz. smile during their meeting at Obama’s transition office in downtown Chicago … (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) Sen. John McCain has just firmly cemented his legacy as the Savior of ObamaCare. … Sen. McCain pounded the last nail into the coffin of the effort to repeal ObamaCare.…
An Open Letter to "Mitch" and "Chuck"
– As Republican Sen. John Kennedy (La.) said recently, “our nation was founded by geniuses but is being run by idiots.” … You, Mitch and Chuck, are the “idiots” to whom Kennedy was referring. It’s time to go.…
Rand Paul’s Kabuki Theater Performance Raises The Ire of Fellow Senate Republicans…rformance-raises-the-ire-of-fellow-senate-republicans-n84324
– “He wanted attention and he got attention,” said Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). “That’s it.” Sen. … Paul was not without his defenders: Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) agreed with his stance on the importance of addressing the deficit.…
Rob Porter Should Not Have Been a WH Staffer, But Remember, Trump Hires the VERY BEST People!
– GOP Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana had some harsh words for him. Sen.  … John Kennedy (R-La.) said Thursday that White House chief of staff John Kelly made a “bad decision” to retain staff secretary Rob Porter … Porter was close to John Kelly and also assisted the president.…
Remember Charlie Crist? Things Are Not Going Well For Him
– Even after Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) passed him over for former Gov.  … When former Sen. … Law firm patriarch John Morgan poured piles of money into promoting Crist, blanketing the state in television ads and billboards that…
Budget Director Mick Mulvaney Gives an Eye-Popping Price Tag for Trump's Military Parade…ey-gives-eye-popping-price-tag-trumps-military-parade-n84564
Sen.  … Sen.  … John Kennedy (R-La.) also expressed opposition to a parade, saying, “America is the most powerful country in all of human history;…
As FCC Ends Net Neutrality, Tell These Republicans to Quit Selling Out to Google
John Kennedy (R-LA) has also been the target of a fierce lobbying campaign to persuade him to support net neutrality. … Kennedy on the issue. … Sen. Collins’ Senate office address is 413 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510. Sen.…
John Kennedy (R-LA) says Big Tech's Power "Scares" Him While Playing Footsie on Net Neutrality…big-techs-power-scares-playing-footsie-net-neutrality-n85625
Sen. … John Kennedy (R-Louisiana) has been playing a lot of footsie with net neutrality proponents, foremost of whom is Google, lately. … John Kennedy (R-La.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, told MT he’s in the process of drafting a letter asking Crime and Terrorism…
Trump’s Deregulating and It’s Working - Why Would Congress Reimpose Any of It?
– Republican Sen. … Murkowski, and Marco Rubio, as well as Dean Heller of Nevada – whose seat is often considered a potential Democratic pickup – and JohnKennedy of Louisiana.”…
Watch: Sen. Kennedy Lights Up Zuck Over Facebook's User Agreement Verbiage
Sen John Kennedy (R – La.) did just that when he made no bones about how he felt about Facebook’s user agreement.…
GOP Senator Gets Tucker Carlson Excited With Key Point About Witnesses at Senate Trial…cited-with-key-point-about-witnesses-at-senate-trial-n125712
– Screenshot from this video Sen. … John Kennedy (R-LA) appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show last night to talk about the upcoming impeachment trial and he managed to get … Kennedy said that the Senate wanted to guarantee a “fair trial” unlike the process which had taken place in the House.…
Watch: Sad and Somber 'Morning Joe' Panel Discussing Democratic Panic and Trump's Resiliency Is Everything…ussing-democratic-panic-trumps-resiliency-everything-n128256
– FILE – In this Oct. 11, 2017, file photo, MSNBC television anchor Joe Scarborough takes questions from an audience at forum at the JohnKennedy School of Government, on the campus of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Mass. … What with the Iowa caucus debacle, socialist Sen.…
The Democrat Debate Was NOT a Disaster
– Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) remarked on MSNBC afterward: “It’s a little bit like a presidential version of ‘Survivor.'” … And here is what neo-conservative (and anti-Trump) NY Post columnist John Podhoretz thought (albeit perhaps tongue-in-cheek): Forget … Forget Nixon and Kennedy. Hell, forget the Athenians and the Melians back during the Peloponnesian War.…
Lindsey Graham and Others Call for a Halt to the Stimulus Bill: The Current Text 'Incentivizes Layoffs'…stimulus-bill-the-current-text-incentivizes-layoffs-n132456
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaks to reporters at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020. … to wrap up arguments in his impeachment trial Tuesday as Senate Republicans wrestled with whether to allow witnesses, including John … out, of course, there’s always Nancy Pelosi’s offer — and what’s more important during a pandemic than giving $35 million to the Kennedy
Senator John Kennedy Brutalizes Democrats Over Playing Politics With Bipartisan Stimulus Bill…over-playing-politics-with-bipartisan-stimulus-bill-n132150
– In this Dec. 19, 2017, photo, Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., arrives on Capitol Hill in Washington. … “He said, ‘look, Kennedy, do your job. I’m not upset or angry. … John Kennedy (R-La.) took to the Senate floor in order to demolish Democrats for their transgressions against the American people,…
Sen. John Kennedy Has a Perfect Description for What We've Done to Our Economy…erfect-description-for-what-weve-done-to-our-economy-n133884
– FILE – In this June 18, 2018, file photo, Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., listens during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. … John Kennedy (R-LA) always comes through. … China lied, a lot of people have died, and the cover up is not right. — John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy)…
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