Results for: Biden Family Business

House GOP Now Demanding Answers From Hunter's Business Partner About Joe's Connections…from-hunters-business-partner-about-joes-connections-n556988
– Ron Johnson (R-WI) have been trying to highlight some of the concerning questions involving Hunter Biden, James Biden, and the connections … But remember when Joe Biden said he didn’t know anything about his son’s business? … A lot of visits for a business partner, when Joe Biden knew nothing about his son’s business. But it gets even more involved.…
Joe Biden's 'Unexplained' Income Starts to Connect the Dots to His Degenerate Son…ome-starts-to-connect-the-dots-to-his-degenerate-son-n556356
– A 2019 subpoena also sought records dealing with Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, and a myriad of businesses the Biden family was … Joe Biden and Jill Biden actually shared an office with Hunter Biden and a Chinese businessman (i.e. a CCP agent because the government … Joe Biden has also had numerous meetings with people that Hunter Biden was dealing with.…
Oops: NY Post Finds Hunter's Closest Business Partner Visited the Obama WH 19 Times, Met With Biden…partner-visited-the-obama-wh-19-times-met-with-biden-n554841
– First, as RedState reported in May 2021, Biden has met with Hunter’s various business partners multiple times. … This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. … As the walls continue to close in on the Biden Family Syndicate, there’s a better-than-even chance we’ll soon find out.…
Catherine Herridge Breaks Down New Hunter and Jim Biden Info - and Why 'the Timing Matters'…hunter-and-jim-biden-info-and-why-the-timing-matters-n553977
– entities and Hunter Biden, the president’s brother James, as well as two business partners dating back to 2014. … Tony Bobulinski: “I have heard Joe Biden say that he has never discussed business with Hunter. … That is false… At my approximately hour-long meeting with Joe that night, we discussed… the Biden family’s business plans with the…
Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: AP's Hit Piece on '2000 Mules' is Full of Holes
– As the night wore on and went into the next day, it seemed that every update was favorable for Biden until he was ultimately named … Enthusiasm levels for Biden were lower than they were for Clinton in PA.  … And sure, it’s plausible that devices of first responders could be mixed in with the rioters, but business owners?…
Joe Biden's Given So Many Arms to Ukraine, Now Our Own Troops Are Short…so-many-arms-to-ukraine-now-our-own-troops-are-short-n561245
– Now, Biden just asked Congress for $33 billion more. … Biden said: The cost of this fight is not cheap. … Joe Biden is a longtime critic of the U.S. military.…
Joe Biden to Skate on Possible Tax Evasion After His Extreme Hypocrisy Is Revealed…tax-evasion-after-his-extreme-hypocrisy-is-revealed-n561373
– President Biden is likely to avoid an audit that could reveal whether he made money from his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings … school, said the rejection means Biden is likely to run out a three-year statute of limitations, meaning Republican claims that Biden … , possibly criminal son, Hunter Biden, dumping money in the family coffers during that time period.…
San Francisco School Officials' Attempt to Ban the Word 'Chief' Foiled by a Faux Pas…can-indians-but-their-effort-is-foiled-by-a-faux-pas-n572122
– the Navajo, Sioux, Chippewa and the like recoil at “American Indian,” consider the following organizations: American Indian Business … Dispute Resolution Services National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) National Urban Indian Family … And anyway, we may be moving away from such apple-pie-sounding designations as “chief”… In Another Orwellian Move, Biden DHS to Create…
A Nothingburger Lawsuit by Department of Justice Hints at an Attempt to Minimize Hunter Biden's Criminality Before the 2022 Election…e-hunter-bidens-criminality-before-the-2022-election-n568540
– Much of the evidence comes from the laptop computer Hunter Biden left behind in a repair shop. … I suspect that this New York Times story has more to do with the Biden Crime Family than with Steve Wynn. … Hunter Biden is the point of entry into that burgeoning scandal.…
Marble Halls & Silver Screens With Sarah Lee Ep. 129: The 'Biden Experiment, Top Gun, and Depp Decision' Edition…e-biden-experiment-top-gun-and-depp-decision-edition-n575362
– The experiment in letting a guy run the country who is massively compromised by his family and foreign business connections, as well … Is this meant to suggest that Democrats are also noticing their Biden experiment is a failure? … DeSantis was not polled against President Joe Biden in the most recent April survey.…
@BuzzFeed continues orgy of self-beclowning
– Yes, it was wrong for Joe Biden, in his aborted 1988 presidential run, to copy a speech, which made him describe someone else’s family … Ben Smith, in particular, has been in the business long enough to know that press releases and talking points are designed to be reproduced…
Is There Any Fake News the Left Will Not Believe?
– Their sole line of business was opposing George Bush and reliving the Flordia Recount. … So suppose Biden were to recognize Durbin first, and grant him the floor for opening remarks? … Suppose Biden decided he like a Senate of 66 members which he controlled. Why swear them in at all?…
Veteran Puts Biden, Dems on Notice: You Don't Speak for Hispanics
– One such Hispanic is Christopher Rodriguez, a GOP congressional candidate, who is also a small business owner and U.S. … nothing and have raised a beautiful family with seven kids. … And the Biden Border Crisis? “We notice,” wrote Rodriguez. Take President Biden’s handling of the border crisis.…
CNN Host Grills Pete Buttigieg Over His Abject Failure Among the Black Community
– He isn’t taking care of business at home: Pete’s vacated his mayoral office to run for president, and some people haven’t appreciated … until they can fix — it’s almost like…when you’re the mayor or a governor, it’s almost like being the father or the mother of the family … See 3 more pieces from me: Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party Has Become A Religious Cult, And Biden & Pelosi No Longer Pass Muster…
Fascist Libs Now Targeting Jared Schmeck's Business, Calling on the Government to Punish Him…cks-business-calling-on-the-government-to-punish-him-n497433
– The man who dared to make fun of Joe Biden two days ago during a NORAD Christmas Eve call continues to be viciously harassed online … The firestorm began after the phrase “Let’s Go, Brandon” was uttered, causing Biden to oddly repeat it back, seemingly unaware of the … Btw, these radical MAGA business owners got $440K in Federal PPP loans. This could be a very costly "joke" for the Schmeck family.…
Leftist Outrage Over ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Dad Is the Fakest of Fake Fakery
– you this, but I’m going to do it anyway: The outrage over the dad that said “let’s go Brandon” on a phone call with President Joe Biden … his family, but they are also allegedly threatening him now. … These folks also launched a smear campaign against the family business at which he is employed.…
CNN Now Attacking the Dad Who Trolled Biden With Bizarre Claim
– That apparently deserves threatening the dad and trying to get him fired and/or harm his family business. … He claims it’s a comment on Biden being an “illegitimate president.” … Biden?…
Dad Who Pranked Biden With 'Let's Go, Brandon' Now Being Threatened
– The left has posted his address on Twitter, his family’s electric company business information, and the names of family members, and … Fortunately, he works for a family business so maybe he won’t get fired for this, but if he wasn’t working for a family business, he … Even with working for a family business, the left is still trying to hurt him by attacking the business, leaving bad reviews, and trying…
MSNBC's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Christmas Take
– Brown claimed, “The messier business of war that goes on in the background doesn’t jibe with the Christmas spirit.” … think of one drone strike that could use more looking into, that hasn’t had anyone punished for it — that’s the case where the family … I would point out that this also comes right at a time when Joe Biden embarrassed himself big time on a NORAD Santa-tracking call,…
Media Melts Down Over 'Let's Go, Brandon' Troll of Biden, as Left Targets the Caller…go-brandon-troll-of-biden-as-left-targets-the-caller-n496876
– They have his alleged name, the local government job he supposedly has, and that he works for a family business. … They’re also talking about trying to hurt the family business. … But you want to get him fired so he can’t feed his kids or cut off the business for him and his extended family?…
EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Woman Veterinarian of Kabul
– It was exactly the kind of business model that America wanted, and the Taliban did not. … We have another family come. My friend Akram. He worked for Kabul Small Animal Rescue as well. … You know, I just worried about my family, but I hope they will come someday.…
'Let's Go, Brandon' Businesses Taking off; Even Brandon Brown Now Embraces Saying…es-taking-off-even-brandon-brown-now-embraces-saying-n499255
– “Business is very, very good right now.” … It too is a Trump-oriented business. — Dr. … During the interview, fans started chanting “F**k Joe Biden” nearby in the stands.…
Despite What 'Christianity Today' Says I Really Doubt Christian Witness or the Gospels Will Be Damaged If President Trump Is Not Removed From Office…pels-will-damaged-president-trump-not-removed-office-n123400
– He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. … and possibly Joe Biden simply because of Hunter Biden’s family connections. … Joe Biden saying he'll destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs to appease the left-wing base, which do you think most find more immoral…
I'm Not Saying Joe Biden Is a Crook but Joe Biden Certainly Looks Very Crooked…s-a-crook-but-joe-biden-certainly-looks-very-crooked-n124319
– A lot of attention has been focused on the saga of Hunter Biden. … Somehow this official role for Joe Biden resulted in Hunter Biden getting a gig on the board of directors of Burisma, the largest private … no qualifications…other than being related to Joe Biden.…
Andrew Yang – Clever Leftist
– Joe Biden, the ostensible front-runner at ~24% nationally, is damaged goods – in more ways than one. … Here are a couple of excerpts from a comprehensive 20 December article on Yang in Business Insider: Insider has conducted a number … Attributes considered to be a liability based on the preferences of self-reported Democratic voters include his past as a business
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