Results for: the big guy

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld's CNN Town Hall Last Night
– Anything but the President of the United States,” said Weld to laughter from the audience. … For the most part, Johnson hit all the right chords, especially for people on the right like me. … That 1A, and “common decency” will keep the courts from ruling in favor of the Nazi forcing the Jewish baker to bake the cake.…
Watercooler 8/3 Open Thread: Hypocrisy, History, Primaries and Peculiarities
– So, Lucas used congregation money to buy out most of the raffle tickets… then he lied on the 4473 claiming the rifle was for himself … Seems this guy was an enthusiastic supporter of the Bloomberg “Universal Backdoor Registration” known in Oregon as SB941… and his transfer … Watch the Diaries here for it…   Washington State Primary Preliminary Results Take this with a grain, as the big urban counties…
Gary Johnson Should Tell William Weld to Shut the Hell Up if He Wants My Vote
– Weld hasn’t apparently changed a bit from the days when he was a big government Republican who was liberal on both social and fiscal … Susan Collins, the best of all. Mark Kirk on the Republican side. A guy, he’s a challenger, Russ Feingold in Wisconsin. … We will hire the best of the Democratic Party, the best of the Republican Party, the best of the Libertarian Party and the best of…
No, Mr. Trump, Americans DO Have a Choice
– You have no choice,” Trump continued, calling the late Justice Antonin Scalia a “great guy” and acknowledging tied decisions at the … Other than those dancing in the aisles, as Trump and the RNC allowed the co-founder of PayPal to rail against traditional values, or … Third parties are an option, however, and one that has long been decried as the “spoiler” option, blocking one of the big two parties…
Rand Paul Savages Hillary Clinton as He Calls for Her Indictment
– “I’m a big believer in equal protection under the law. Whether you’re rich or poor, white or black. … Everybody should be treated the same under the law.” he said. … Especially from a guy like Rand Paul.…
100 Million "Huge" Ways Hillary's Pay-to-Play State Department Was Corrupt…oled-huge-number-favors-high-dollar-foundation-donors-n61144
– This is a big deal. … a dizzying number of big ­donors to the Clinton Foundation to score government favors. … ; and companies looking to grease the skids to get an edge on the competition.…
Mike Pence Plays Straight Man in Trump's Vaudevillian Candidacy
The press is going to do what the press does. … Of course the media forgot about some guy sitting behind Clinton at a rally. He didn’t pull the trigger in Orlando, after all. … He was just the dad of the guy who did. Thanks to Trump, it became a big Nothing burger to the press.…
Is Sean Hannity Really the Right's Answer To Al Sharpton?
– that warning about picking fights with a guy who buys ink by the barrel?). … big. … Hannity, after all, is the guy who said this: “I don’t think there’s anything about Trump’s agenda that isn’t conservative except…
The GOP Establishment Attacks Another Conservative Candidate While Backing A Crypto-Democrat…nother-conservative-candidate-backing-crypto-democrat-n61476
The pro-amnesty wing of the GOP is out in force for Dunn, who actually gave money to Charlie Crist against Marco Rubio and was a big … Keep in mind that the guy McCarthy is campaigning for donated money to Charlie Crist to help him defeat Marco Rubio. … One of the observations was this, via Townhall’s Guy Benson: Voters are less white, less traditional and less male than ever.…
GOP Establishment Freaks Out At Apparent Conservative Alliance
The House Freedom Caucus may very well be the only conservative force left in the Congress after most of the GOP members of both Houses … They are right, conservatives have, across the board, demanded that the leadership, the RNC, NRCC, and the NRSC stay the hell out of … behind Donald Trump as the guy they thought would be the most likely to let them continue to sup and the trough of public largess.…
Ann Coulter Shifts Her Position On Immigration with Trump
The woman has been on social media, national TV, and even wrote a book for the guy in her gung-ho cheerleading for the new Republican … All this, especially, because he was going to be so tough on immigration, a stance Coulter absolutely adored about the guy. … “It mostly worries me rhetorically … I mean, what to do with the illegals already here was never really a big part of it,” she said…
Rush Limbaugh: Trump's Supporters Are Smart Enough to Not Care That He Lied to Them and Used Them
– So the Drive-Bys went out and they started doing man-on-the-street interviews with Trumpists.  … Trump happens to be the guy, whether by accident or by design, who connected with this movement.  Again, unknown how big it is. … And of course, Rush is doing it by using the Trump supporters’ equivalent of using the force on the weak-minded: by saying that refusing…
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Doesn't Mind that Trump Stabbed Him in the Back on Immigration (VIDEO)
– He’s a great negotiator, he’s a great guy, he has a great heart, so why not meet with the people and explain how he feels, and maybe … the law. … I’m also a big fan of the part where he suggests that Trump might set immigration policy through a process of negotiation with illegal…
When This Arab Prince Couldn't Get An Appointment To See Hillary Clinton, Who Did He Call?
– As it turned out, the Crown Prince’s father and the Bahrain state-owned oil company were also a significant donors to the Clinton Foundation … Over and over, big donors to the Clinton family approached Doug Band for favors they could not get through normal channels. … One of the bagmen was a guy named Johnny Chung (another of them is now the governor of Virginia).…
Did Breitbart's Matt Boyle Try to Get Michelle Fields Fired from the Huffington Post?…to-get-michelle-fields-fired-from-the-huffington-post-n61292
– be tough enough on Trump for the remainder of the campaign. … According to the source who provided the letter to Yahoo News, Boyle claimed he personally wrote the letter. … Once she resigned from Breitbart and made the shift to Trump reporter at the Huffington Post, he then sent an off-the-record e-mail…
Eric Bolling Dismisses Polling Data Citing Trump Crowds; Dana Perino Incredulous (VIDEO)…ling-data-citing-trump-crowds-dana-perino-incredulous-n61270
– Some guy even created a website devoted to “unskewing” the polls as people were claiming the pros were weighting the polls incorrectly … Now that he’s losing, the polls are bogus or they’re rigged by “the media.” … The most absurd arguments made when dismissing the polls are those citing Trump’s social media following and the number of people showing…
WaterCooler, Tuesday! 9/6/2016 - Open Thread - Blind Justice, Menstruation, Conservatives
– hygiene products free of charge for employees in the bathrooms of the employer.” … At the end of the day, Fox might fair ok. … Welcome, RedStaters, to the WaterCooler! It’s RedState’s only daily Open Thread. Today is a Big News day! Let’s chat! Enjoy!…
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Has a Warning for America
The man was complicit in years of facilitating the problem our nation now has at the border. … The most gigantic nation in the world, which is the United States, the largest by far economy is based on building a wall. … And then the big depression came. This is what U.S. voters, followers of Trump have to read. They have to learn about this.…
On Immigration, Two Donald Trumps Showed Up Yesterday, And They Were Both Kind of Jerks
– Take that, guy who I said would be working with me closely to improve both our nations in the spirit of good will and cooperation. … Trump played diplomat in the morning, demagogue in the evening. … In Mexico, his audience was the Establishment, the RNC, the donors. People who feared he couldn’t play nice.…
RedState Exclusive: New Secret Plan that Guarantees a Massive US-Mexico Border Wall With Mexico to Bear the Entire Cost…exico-border-wall-with-mexico-to-bear-the-entire-cost-n61602
– What’s the solution? Secret Guy: We have the CIA overthrow the Mexican government and install a Communist regime. … Secret Guy: Only the US Chamber of Commerce, businesses that hate paying real wages and the unions. … Secret Guy: The Chinese Commies. RedState: How’s that? Secret Guy: The US-Mexican border runs some 2,000 miles.…
Despite His Nationalist Base, Donald Trump Is A Proud Globalist
The majority of his supporters believe in “America first”, that the United States should be the most important country and that any … He even spun his “big beautiful wall” as something that would benefit the hemisphere. … We look out for the little guy.…
Anyone Who Doesn't Understand What the Alt-Right Is Needs to See This
– I am willing to defer to the definition of the alt right that the people who created and lead the alt right movement use, which is … Buckley led the effort to drive the Birchers out of the party, so must genuine conservatives drive out what you and I agree is the … — – – — – HH: Now Jonah, I want to go back to the big question I asked Jake Sherman. Jake, would you define it?…
Watercooler 8/31 Open Thread: Pokemon Panic and other News of the Weird
– a quote as an open letter from a gun owner to the non-gun crowd which I thought worth forwarding to use on the Wine Good Guns Bad … As always, the Watercooler is an Open Thread.  … Hope you found something tasty on the snack table, and there’s plenty of space to offer your own tasty morsels in the Comments.…
GOP Is Hit With Buyer's Remorse
– that the party could have done better. … Now they are stuck with a guy that well over half of the GOP does not want and they will get the credit or the blame for what happens … I’ve got a big bet resting in “blame.”…
LIMBAUGH: I Never Took Trump Seriously on Immigration Anyway
– But now Rush is saying that, eh, he never really bought it anyway, what’s the big deal? … But that’s not the objective; that’s the result. I’m a radio guy. I am a broadcaster. … The big shock and the surprise in the primaries was Trump. How can this guy being skunking everybody?…
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