Results for: merrick garland

NEW: Grassley and Comer Had the Biden Bribery Form Before Wray Admitted it Existed; Grassley Says FBI Redactions Are 'Obstructive Conduct'…grassley-says-fbi-redactions-are-obstructive-conduct-n781984
– Grassley says, so far, those in charge at the DOJ and the FBI have not disputed any of the whistleblowers’ allegations (though MerrickGarland arguably has), including the information relating to the 1023, and there is no reason for the MSM to continue to use the word…
Did the Justice Department Illegally Fund Red Flag Laws?
– Alex Mooney, R-W.Va., assert in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland that the Justice Department has handed federal funds to … The entire letter from Senators Marshall and Mooney to Attorney General Garland is available to read at the link. … A strongly worded letter will likely have no effect on Merrick Garland’s DOJ, any more than any number of other strongly worded letters…
Joe Biden's Re-Election Campaign Is Non-Existent, and That Should Terrify You…campaign-is-non-existent-and-that-should-terrify-you-n780949
– AG Merrick Garland is a partisan, and you can bet he’s keeping the White House abreast of how sure the DOJ is of delivering convictions…
House GOP Now Demanding Answers From Hunter's Business Partner About Joe's Connections…from-hunters-business-partner-about-joes-connections-n556988
– Bill Hagerty (R-TN) picked up on all this and pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland on it on Tuesday. … Hagerty Confronts AG Garland On Hunter’s Emails Suggesting Money Went To Joe Biden — Yig (@yigsstarhouse … Garland refuses to respond, because he can’t talk about current investigations.…
CDC Estimates Almost 200 Million Americans Have Had COVID, Including 75 Percent of Kids…mericans-have-had-covid-including-75-percent-of-kids-n556625
– comes not long after other high-profile D.C. figures have tested positive, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Attorney General MerrickGarland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Rep.…
Joe Biden's 'Unexplained' Income Starts to Connect the Dots to His Degenerate Son…ome-starts-to-connect-the-dots-to-his-degenerate-son-n556356
– Of course, I’m highly skeptical AG Merrick Garland, a partisan hack if there ever was one, will allow the investigation into Hunter…
BREAKING: Vice President Harris Tests Positive for COVID
– comes not long after other high-profile D.C. figures have tested positive, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Attorney General MerrickGarland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Rep.…
Tom Cotton Drops Scathing Midterm Message on Biden, DOJ After Inaction on SCOTUS Home Protests…on-biden-doj-after-inaction-on-scotus-home-protests-n562544
– Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) delivering a blistering message to President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland during an interview on … If Joe Biden and Merrick Garland won’t do that and there is violence against one of the justices, they will be responsible for the … Tom Cotton: “The only thing one can conclude is that Joe Biden and Merrick Garland are politicizing and weaponizing federal law enforcement…
Biden Stunningly Silent as Radical Leftists Promise Vile New Attack on Catholic Church…leftists-promise-vile-new-attack-on-catholic-church-n561582
– Dear Attorney General Merrick Garland: Harassing and intimidating federal judges at their homes to influence their judgments on pending…
CNN Reporter's Fact-Check ‘Debunking’ Republicans Is a Lesson on How Media Body-Checks Facts…publicans-is-a-lesson-on-how-media-body-checks-facts-n560525
Garland never called parents terrorists for attending or wanting to attend school board meetings. … Attorney General Merrick Garland ever called parents terrorist, true. However…The DOJ did respond to this letter. … That memorandum from AG Merrick Garland was issued on Monday, October 4, and this was followed up by an official release from the DOJ…
Biden DOJ Fails to Enforce Federal Law Against Protesting Outside the Homes of SCOTUS Justices…inst-protesting-outside-the-homes-of-scotus-justices-n563157
– Attorney General Merrick Garland and the most inept president in modern history, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Any questions? … Toss in Biden’s lackey attorney general, Merrick Garland for the trifecta. … In statement released this afternoon, DOJ spokesman indicated that Attorney General Merrick Garland has "directed the U.S.…
Whistleblower Confirms: FBI Targeting Parents Under Counter-Terrorism Provisions…targeting-parents-under-counter-terrorism-provisions-n563470
– For their part, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are demanding documents from AG Merrick Garland on how and why this is…
National School Board Association Draft Letter Asked Biden for Military to Get Involved Against Parents…d-biden-for-military-to-get-involved-against-parents-n568541
– Then, on Oct. 4, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memorandum instructing the FBI to collaborate with state and local leaders…
AG Garland Won't Prosecute FBI Agents in USA Gymnastics Case and Sen. Roger Wicker Wants Answers…a-gymnastics-case-and-sen-roger-wicker-wants-answers-n576254
– who is the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, issued a letter to Attorney General MerrickGarland on Wednesday demanding answers over the DOJ’s decision. … Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the decision by the Department of Justice (DOJ) not to prosecute the FBI Special Agents…
Desperate Liberals "File" Perjury Complaint Against Kavanaugh; Hope Garland Reviews It
– The latest stunt is filing a complaint of perjury against Kavanaugh, and the Democrats think Merrick Garland is going to review it. … According to the Democratic Coalition’s statement, their complaint will be reviewed by none other than Merrick Garland. … Things won’t get better for them and Merrick Garland is not going to save them.  …
The Media's Full-Court Press Against Kavanaugh is Culminating
– Kennedy, the court’s erstwhile swing vote — particularly given the Senate’s inexcusable refusal to consider Judge Merrick Garland when…
Democrats Embrace Court-Packing to Carry On The #Resistance
– By 2016, Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, and Republicans wouldn’t even hold a hearing — reasoning that it should … The GOP’s treatment of Merrick Garland means that this informal agreement is trashed.” … Had Obama managed to install Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court and lock in a liberal majority can you name a serious voice on the…
Hell, Yes, We Need To Gloat About Kavanaugh's Confirmation
– Since Kavanaugh’s confirmation seemed assured, there has been a bumper crop of “conservatives” advocating for Trump to nominate MerrickGarland to the Supreme Court if he gets another vacancy. … Merrick. F***ing. Garland.…
Justice Gorsuch Reassures That "Textualism and Originalism" Aren't Going Anywhere
– organizations have many problems with Justice Gorsuch, one of which is his supposed “stealing” of the SCOTUS seat that should have been Merrick … Tonight’s speech is just the latest stop on Neil Gorsuch’s thank-you tour to honor the people who got him what should have been Merrick … Let me know how your call for impartiality squares with your claim that poor Garland had the SCOTUS seat stolen right out from under…
Is There Any Fake News the Left Will Not Believe?
– If you read the Democrat threats to stymie Trump’s efforts to fill cabinet posts, you find them whinging about Garland as a reason … Garland. … The Democrats are a majority in that rump Senate and then Biden can delay swearing in a new Senate until Garland is confirmed.…
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