Results for: MAGA Republicans

Media Hides Laughable Turnout for Obama's Nevada Speech While Trump/Cruz Rally Saw Thousands in Attendance…eech-trumpcruz-houston-rally-saw-thousands-attendance-n96656
– Former President Barack Obama’s recent speech attacking Republicans and the President — though he never mentioned Donald Trump by name … #MAGA🇺🇸 — Donald J. … This is even more of a clue that Republicans have a serious amount of momentum going into the midterm elections.…
Media Misrepresents Pelosi Protest to Smear Miami Republicans
– In response to Shalala’s planned event with Pelosi and Lee, local Republicans planned to protest the event. … Republicans and are publicly supporting an independent candidate for the District 27 seat, Mayra Joli. … But the media and Democrats still accuse the Republicans of “creating mobs” and engaging in hateful conduct.…
Yahoo News Wages Language War: You're Not Allowed to Call it a Migrant Caravan
– Even before it happens: “It doesn’t really matter what he says,” chimed another woman, this one clad in a red MAGA cap and sweatshirt … This is the characterization by the Left: When Democrats speak, it’s from the heart; when Republicans babble, they’re solely pandering…
CNN's Don Lemon Shows Us the Hypocrisy and Racism of the Left in Just a Few Mindbogglingly Horrible Sentences…sy-racism-left-just-mindbogglingly-horrible-sentences-n96987
– They’re wearing red MAGA hats, and voting for Republicans in the midterms who, by all accounts (at CNN) are guilty of racism by virtue … domestic terror groups like Antifa and radicalized socialists that like to shoot up baseball fields filled with high-ranking Republicans … No, white Republicans are the problem, and MOST of them — not just one — are radicalized to the right.…
You'll Never Guess Who the Washington Post Just Blamed for the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting…ington-post-just-blamed-pittsburgh-synagogue-shooting-n96862
– … House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) issued a tweet on Tuesday warning Republicans that they are under threat of … #MAGA.” He deleted the tweet the following morning after authorities said Soros had been targeted in the mail bomb plot. … Ryan (R-Wis.) if Republicans maintain control after the midterms, denounced the “heinous” attack on Tree of Life synagogue Saturday…
Trump's Idiot Svengali, Steve Bannon, Is Going To Make Things More Difficult For Trump
– One would think, Steve Bannon would pour money and effort into races where Republicans can beat Democrats and where Trump won bigly … However, if they manage to eek out wins in Arizona and Mississippi against incumbent Republicans, it makes the likelihood of Democrats … Republicans were poised to take control of the House and Senate in 2010 that would have included having a Republican Senator in Delaware…
Anti-Anti-Trump Obsessives are Every Bit as Harebrained as the Loony Left
– Telling the #MAGA red cappers what they want to hear is probably lucrative and #NeverTrump makes a good enough Emmanuel Goldstein. … It’s not as if any of them are against being critical of Republicans in general. … Their limited, binary view of the political landscape seems to equate criticism of Trump with support for the dead wood Republicans
New Poll Shows Trump Still Loved by His Base but Losing Badly to Generic Dem in 2020
– Nine percent of Democrats are undecided, compared with 17 percent of Republicans. … Trump and his MAGA red cappers would mostly have you believe that Gillespie’s loss is a direct result of not wholeheartedly embracing … the primary rigging and DNC corruption and if their candidate isn’t the current focus of multiple FBI criminal investigations, Republicans
Two Big Takeaways From Last Night's Democratic Blowout
Republicans are nervous after last night’s big win by Democrats, and they should be. Republicans didn’t just get beaten. … Republicans lost in New Jersey and New York, but that matters little. … Trumpism is a flop, and everybody knows it. – There are #MAGA types who will tell you Gillespie lost because he didn’t go #MAGA enough…
Lunatic Paul Nehlen Defends Moore While Associating Speaker Ryan with Pedophilia
– Wishful thinking and knee jerk reactions have most of the MAGA gang dismissing the Roy Moore sexual misconduct allegations as “fake … For years I’ve disagreed with the conventional wisdom on primary challenges against ensconced Republicans.…
Thought Cutting the Adoption Credit Was Bad? This New Loophole Makes It So Much Worse.
– Remember the mass outpouring of outrage a couple weeks ago when it emerged that House Republicans were planning to ditch the adoption … Super #MAGA types (like a lot of House Republicans purport to be these days) probably aren’t thrilled about the idea that we’re giving…
Roy Moore and the GOP: Together Forever
– Conventional wisdom among Republicans is that Moore will win. … All of Trump’s decisions can always be viewed as an effort to please or strengthen the MAGA base, and this is no exception.…
Family Feud: Activists Plan to Use Trump's Daughter's Own Words As Protest Tool at Florida Rally…use-trumps-daughters-words-protest-tool-florida-rally-n80967
Republicans will have a hard time extricating themselves from this, especially when Democrats seem to be expelling their perverts. … has only recently thrown his full support behind Moore, stating that Doug Jones, Moore’s Democrat opponent, would be awful for the MAGA
Have Roy Moore's Poll Numbers Caused Paul Ryan to Change His Mind About Supporting Him?
– Paul Ryan cemented his position in the “Republicans you can criticize without being guilty of infighting” category created by the … Unlike some other Republicans, Speaker Paul Ryan is refusing to change his position on Alabama Senate GOP candidate Roy Moore. https … There are some Republicans who don’t believe the allegations at all.…
The Dirty, Swampy Way a Shady Tax Provision Ended Up in the House Tax Bill
– So it’s pretty clear what happened here: Republicans took a look at getting rid of a very un-#MAGA-like loophole– and as Carney noted…
Listen: Former NC Governor Pat McCrory Talks About a Year Past and What's Ahead
– McCrory apparently fell to grudge voters with single issues, too dull to think of the greater welfare of the state, when Republicans … in Mecklenburg County punished him for the toll roads on I-77 (something the new governor, Roy Cooper, has not stopped), and Republicans … If you were a low info voter – Trump’s MAGA base – you would have thought that North Carolina was the festering pit of poverty and…
REPORT: The White House Has Major Midterm Plans in the Wake of Moore Loss
– Should his win concern the Republicans, a party under Trump power? … In MAGA-land, the president needs only say “jump” and the starry-eyed, red hat-wearing cheerleaders breathlessly ask “how high?” … He is often at odds with other Republicans and is certainly hated by the Democrats.…
Rumor Mill: Is Trump Planning to Fire Robert Mueller Before the New Year?
– Adam Schiff (Calif.) is going one further, and thinks Republicans, as a whole, want to see Mueller’s investigation stopped. … “Republicans have scheduled no witnesses after next Friday and none in 2017 [sic]. … The president and his MAGA troops have jumped on this to paint the entire FBI as corrupted partisans, and certainly Robert Mueller’…
The Latest Immigration Numbers Suggest the Trump Factor Is Losing Its Edge
– Apparently, they heard about Trump’s September meeting with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, where he turned on Republicans in the room … That Republicans so readily embraced the lifelong liberal con artist shows their own ideological foundations may be lacking, for that … At this point, let’s just fling open the gates and start passing out MAGA caps at the border.…
– (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson) Be glad for Republicans that Roy Moore did not win. Be glad for America that Roy Moore did not win. … But these reminders must be here, because we see everywhere Republicans who choose still not to face the reality of Roy. … It’s good for Republicans, it’s good for America, and it’s good for all of you.…
Health Insurance "For Everybody" and the "Government Will Pay" Says "Republican" Donald Trump. AGAIN.…ay-says-republican-president-elect-donald-trump-again-n66212
– For conservative Republicans dubious about his pledge to ensure coverage for millions, Trump pointed to several interviews he gave … What then will Trump do if Republicans remember they aren’t big fans of big government running healthcare? How will he respond? … From the Washington Post interview: Trump warned Republicans that if the party splinters or slows his agenda, he is ready to use…
The Judiciary Helped Save Republicans From Utter Defeat in the Midterms
– On Tuesday, both Republicans and Democrats were hoping for some kind of wave to wipe away the opposition. … Conversely, frustration at the minority and the mainstream media among the MAGA set did not help retain the House. … McConnell said Republicans were worried by voter apathy on their side but the debate over Kavanaugh was like an “adrenaline shot” to…
Advocacy Groups Taking Advantage of 'Executive Time' To Reach Trump Via Television…g-advantage-executive-time-reach-trump-via-television-n97941
– The ad features apparent stereotypical Trump voters and #MAGA types – older, white Americans who look like the people you find in a … lot of rural America (one of them is even wearing a #MAGA hat). … Advocates for the program are hoping Republicans, led by Trump with his disdain for high drug prices and his base of voters who benefit…
POLL: Voters Weigh President Trump's Chance at Re-Election (With Some Surprising Results)
– While the Democrats gained a majority in the House and will take control come January, Republicans kept hold of the Senate. … This truth should soothe at least some MAGA fears. … These changes would probably not pull anyone from the Democratic side into the GOP fold, but it would encourage more wandering Republicans
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