Results for: MAGA Republicans

The Left Is Forced to Create a Ridiculous New Concept to Explain Increased Racial Diversity on the Right…truggling-to-hold-onto-the-right-is-racist-narrative-n311801
– The left has built an entire narrative around a “racist right” for decades now and for years, people were convinced that Republicans … It’s hard to label Republicans — or the right as a whole — as racist when so many minority groups are voting for right-leaning parties … In the politics of multiracial whiteness, anyone can join the MAGA movement and engage in the wild freedom of unbridled rage and conspiracy…
California Dems Characterize Recall Gavin Newsom Effort as "California Coup"…terize-recall-gavin-newsom-effort-as-california-coup-n309053
– “Hey guys, let’s say Donald Trump, insurrection, riot, coup, Proud Boys, Republicans, and they all want to recall Gavin Newsom! … The red MAGA hat must now be placed next to the disgraced iconography of other failed, hateful ideologies. … The Confederate FlagThe Nazi SwastikaThe ISIS Black FlagAnd now, the red MAGA cap They all stand for bigotry and violence.…
Biden's Back to Tweeting About Unity and Healing Again, and It Goes 50 Shades of Wrong…ity-and-healing-again-and-it-goes-50-shades-of-wrong-n308034
– You don’t “rebuild together” by continuing to fuel hate & incite violence by maligning all #MAGA as extremists & allowing them to be … can’t credibly say “let’s come together” while at the same Democrats are not only participating in trying to purge and silence Republicans … In reality what Biden means – and what other Democrats mean – by wanting to “move forward” and “rebuild” the country is for Republicans
'White Slavery': 'The View' Pictures GOP Leader as Slave to Master Trump, But They Really Missed a Great Opportunity
MAGA himself. The purpose: A discussion of the erstwhile Commander-in-Chief backing 2022 GOP candidates. Democratic Rep. … Courtesy of The Daily Caller: “So House Minority Leader — the fabulous Kevin McCarthy — told Republicans to…‘Cut the crap and stop…
'The View': GOP is the Party of Isolationist, Kid-Caging, Radical Racism…publican-party-isolationist-extremist-radical-racist-n317766
– And… “This is the MAGA party.” … with this MAGA party, with this type of party, they are going to need to leave this party and start their own. … Just last week, on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, she scolded all Republicans that celebrated the man’s life.…
Mitch McConnell Faces Blowback Over the Impeachment Vote He Helped Engineer
– This is the climate, according to Politico: REPUBLICANS ARE UNDER INTENSE PRESSURE to acquit DONALD TRUMP — whether they think he … Some donors fear if more than a handful of Republicans vote to convict, there is a real threat of a third-party MAGA uprising. … Which is to say: This is not an easy vote even for Republicans who want Trump gone for good.…
Jake Tapper and Chris Hayes Lose Their Minds 'Inciting' Against GOP and Reveal Next Step to Control the Narrative
– The shamelessness of Republicans on the Sunday shows is a sight to behold. … Republicans are evil and are killing you. They must be shut out from being heard. He’s literally saying that. … It sure sounds like he’s “inciting” against Republicans to me. Hayes is also not alone.…
Leftist Riots Vs. Capitol 'Insurrections' And The Clueless Media That Conflates Them…rrections-and-the-clueless-media-that-conflates-them-n323399
– Both CNN’s Jake Tapper and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes were apoplectic about MAGA violence to come on Sunday morning if “shameless” GOP members … attempt by the Republican Party to stop these insane lies that have taken root in their party… This is not going to be the end of MAGA … #CNNSOTU — State of the Union (@CNNSotu) February 7, 2021 The shamelessness of Republicans on the…
Is It All Unraveling After the TIME Magazine Secret Cabal Piece?
– Certainly not the MAGA crowd. They were holding peaceful and fun-filled rallies and boat parades. … democracy at its very foundation,” says Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official who recruited Republicans … The organization is a major donor to Republicans and one of the most prominent supporters of pro-business policies.…
CNN's Jake Tapper Tries Subtweeting Nancy Mace About Capitol Riots, It Doesn't Go Very Well…ancy-mace-about-capitol-riots-it-doesnt-go-very-well-n322439
– Tapper, who considers himself a Journalist™ among journalists, took the opportunity yesterday to double down on allegations “MAGA-allied … It’s what they do”: That MAGA-allied officials and media are now attempting to pretend the Jan 6 MAGA terrorist attack wasn’t a big … terrorists — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) February 5, 2021 Tapper’s swipe about Republicans
The Lincoln Project Is a Money-Making Opportunity Created by Former McCain Supporters Without Campaign Jobs in 2020…d-by-mccain-supporters-without-campaign-jobs-in-2020-n319568
– But as it became more of a media darling and the home of “cool Republicans” through the summer of 2020, the flow of money from bigger … The policy agenda that drove the MAGA constituency is not being put back in the bottle. …
General Russel Honoré is a Racist POS Who Should Not Be Leading a Conga Line, Let Alone an Investigation Into the Capitol Riots…ne-let-alone-an-investigation-into-the-capitol-riots-n329520
– According to Fox, Republicans including House Administration Committee Ranking Member Rodney Davis, House Judiciary Committee Ranking … Pelosi hired a bigot to hunt MAGA. — Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) February 18, 2021 Gen.…
Fired-up Don Jr. Announces Next Move, Sets His Sights on 'Dream Puppet' Biden: 'I Told You So'…es-next-move-with-puppet-biden-clearly-in-his-sights-n327246
– “is returning to the glare of the Klieg lights to take on the new president with a tour, newsletter, and direct messages to the MAGA … WATCH: Donald Trump Jr. rips into Senate Republicans — including Mitt Romney — who voted to convict…
GOP Leaders Ready to Turn Page on Trump After Impeachment Trial Better Get Ready For A Reckoning…r-impeachment-trial-better-get-ready-for-a-reckoning-n326898
–  reported, “though only seven of the 50 GOP senators voted to find Trump ‘guilty’ at the end of his second impeachment trial, Republicans … Trump is showing no signs of going away, saying in a statement after the trial concluded that the MAGA movement was just getting started … But Republicans say he has a diminished following and competition for the party’s top spot.” Sen.…
The GOP Sorts Itself Out -- Putting Defense of Pres. Trump Behind Them Is Different Than Putting Pres. Trump Behind Them…hem-is-different-than-putting-pres-trump-behind-them-n326563
– I suspect there are fewer deep MAGA electorates than the GOP in Louisiana. … Trump back them for the nomination with the MAGA base. The Senate is all about self-preservation.  … Donald Trump is not in the rear view mirror of the Senate Republicans. …
Rush Limbaugh To Trump: ‘Take MAGA Rallies To Georgia’
– If Democrats win both seats, it will mean that the Senate be a 50/50 split between them and the Republicans. … He’s still MAGA. He could still go down there and do some rallies and secure those two Senate seats,” he explained. …
‘Stop The Steal’s’ Campaign to Boycott Georgia Runoff Election Is a Stupid Idea…to-vote-in-georgia-runoff-election-is-a-stupid-idea-n284252
– “For any Republicans not explicitly helping Trump to ‘stop the steal,’ we will make sure you are never elected ever again.” … I will have 100,000 Republicans not vote for you on January 5th if I don’t get what we said we want.” … #MAGA #GASEN — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 23, 2020 Townhall’s Kurt Schlichter also weighed in.…
Is Georgia Senator David Perdue Trying to Lose or Is He Just Stupid or Does It Even Make a Difference
Republicans have been breaking their own necks claiming video evidence of very bizarre behavior is “debunked.” … First off, a crap ton of Republicans don’t really care a whole lot about David Perdue or Kelly Loeffler. … If Perdue were telling Trump voters to FOAD and peeing on a MAGA hat, he could have hardly been more direct about it.…
President Trump And Others Tell Lin Wood To ‘Knock It Off’ With Georgia Election Boycott…n-wood-to-knock-it-off-with-georgia-election-boycott-n289329
–   Attorney Lin Wood, along with his comrades, are getting a gigantic rebuke from the MAGA crowd and Republican Party for their push … Politico also reported on the phone call: “Amid party fears that a MAGA boycott could cost them control of the U.S. … Wood retaliated by calling Breitbart News “dishonest” and highlighting his donations to Trump and other Republicans.…
Jake Tapper Virtue Signals About GOP 'Moral Cowardice', His Argument Gets Turned Around on Him Big Time…but-his-argument-gets-turned-around-on-him-big-time-n286696
– of those angles involve the promotion and/or perpetuation of tiresome Democratic bogeyman narratives about the evil nature of Republicans … Tapper’s reply was to accuse Republicans of “such moral cowardice”: Such moral cowardice. — Jake Tapper … is a subject matter expert — streiff (@streiffredstate) November 29, 2020 Moral cowardice is attacking a high school kid in a MAGA
David Limbaugh Isn't Buying What Dems Are Selling: They 'Only Want Unity on Their Terms'…dems-are-selling-they-only-want-unity-on-their-terms-n286192
– “Trump’s opponents — the media, Democrats, never-Trump Republicans — have never given him a moment’s rest, never a benefit of the doubt … “The Left has villainized every Republican president in recent memory and, for several generations, has defamed all Republicans as … Republicans aspire to racial colorblindness and an end to the manufactured tension over gender politics.”…
Gaming Out a MAGA Party
– Meanwhile, the working-class voters who once formed the Democratic Party’s base have become Republicans. … Could a “MAGA Party” replace one of today’s major parties, and become a major party itself? … They want the MAGA Agenda, not the Chamber of Commerce agenda.…
Antifa’s Radical Leftists Attack Trump Supporters At MAGA Rally In DC
– The men were making their way to Freedom Plaza, where a rally dubbed the Million MAGA March had gathered. … “We knew that both Republicans and Democrats were against we the people. We are the cavalry. No one’s coming for us.”  Lt. Gen.…
Thirsty Lincoln Project Founder Simps For Ocasio-Cortez
– doesn’t seem likely that the lawmaker will deign to grasp Schmidt’s sweaty hand of friendship and form an alliance against the evil MAGA … Twitter thread, AOC eviscerated the Lincoln Project, stating that they were in “scam territory” over its promise to convince Republicans
Students Try to Deplatform University's College Republicans, and You're Probably a White Supremacist…steal-maga-proud-boys-deplatform-college-republicans-n296303
– At least, such goes for the organized version of you — the College Republicans. … ASUO takes action after University of Oregon College Republicans respond to a statement by UO College Democrats after College Republicans … Ever wondered what Republicans believe?…
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