Results for: misgendering

Dear LGBT Community, Resistance to Your Community Has Nothing To Do With Being "Phobic"
– Every attempt to strip freedoms – like being able to fine someone exorbitant amounts of money for misgendering someone – or every attempt…
Watercooler 5/24/16 Open Thread: Racistnativeclimategendering
– PS I just COULDN’T leave this one out: New York businesses face hefty penalties for ‘misgendering’ customers The Gotham mayor’s…
Culture War Madness: May 30th edition
– Said one user: “…its bad enough that you force a false gender binary, but actually misgendering folks is egregious rhetorical violence…
California has Made Misgendering Someone with Improper Pronouns a Jailable Offense…sgendering-someone-improper-pronouns-jailable-offense-n77915
– A whole new wave of regressive leftist insanity has hit California, as new legislation has signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on Thursday allows Californian’s to be thrown in prison for a year if they refuse to call someone by their preferred pronoun. Thankfully, this bill is limited to anyone...
A Court Didn't Give In to "Gender Pronouns" and That's Very Important
– Duncan’s courageous refusal to engage in it amounts, in progressive parlance, to “deadnaming” or “misgendering.”…
The West Is On the Cusp of Seeing State-Sanctioned Sexual Assaults Thanks to Transgender Activism
– ’d remind everyone here in the states that laws exist on the books that can cost you hundreds of thousands for intentionally misgendering
A Hit-Making Music Star Announces He's No Longer a Man
– I understand there will be many mistakes and misgendering but all I ask is you please please try.…
DAVIS: It Will Never, Ever Be Enough
– Now she finds herself in trouble once again after *gasp* misgendering a faceless account on Twitter. … From 'Woke Queen' to 'Peak Turf' in one misgendering. Poetic!…
'SNL' Hires Its First Nonbinary Cast Member
– Effectively Be Given Points if They’re Biological Males Nonbinary Flight Attendant Fights Dress Code via ACLU, Decries ‘Constant Misgendering
Trans Clinic at Vanderbilt Exposed; Lefties Respond by Calling the FBI on the Person Who Exposed It…linic-at-vanderbilt-lefties-immediately-call-the-fbi-n630744
– the community who attend appointments with trans patients, monitoring the doctors to guard against "unsafe" behavior such as misgendering
Twits Trip Over Elon Musk Telling Twitter to Clarify Its Own Rules
– Twitter’s hateful conduct policy, according to the people, specifically a section that says users can be penalized for “targeted misgendering
Amazon Offered a School District Kindles for Kids, the District Requested 'Antiracism' Books…les-for-kids-the-district-asked-for-antiracist-books-n401613
– Colorado Mayor Does Away With the Pledge of Allegiance Due to ‘Divisiveness’ ACLU Demands Uber Eats Stops ‘Deadnaming’ and Misgendering
For Pride Weekend, Bar Bans Budweiser Due to 'Donations That Fuel Hate'
– Colorado Mayor Does Away With the Pledge of Allegiance Due to ‘Divisiveness’ ACLU Demands Uber Eats Stops ‘Deadnaming’ and Misgendering
Colorado Mayor Does Away With the Pledge of Allegiance Due to 'Divisiveness'…s-away-with-the-pledge-of-allegiance-it-was-divisive-n401447
– -ALEX   See more pieces from me: ACLU Demands Uber Eats Stops ‘Deadnaming’ and Misgendering Its Drivers Las Vegas Raider Makes…
ACLU Demands Uber Eats Stops 'Deadnaming' and Misgendering Its Drivers
– Therefore, on Tuesday, demands were made: “We are demanding that Uber Eats end its practice of misgendering and deadnaming trans … BREAKING: We are demanding that Uber Eats end its practice of misgendering and deadnaming trans drivers. … “[Y]ou can prevent this dangerous misgendering,” the ACLU insists. Will he? Only time will tell.…
Report: Navy Says Sailors Can Use Whichever Locker Room Suits Their Gender Identity…se-whichever-locker-room-suits-their-gender-identity-n408686
– Intelligence officers have been informed that repeated misgendering will result in potentially legal consequences — doing so would…
Rand Paul Will Introduce a Repeal of Air Travel Mask Mandates to 'Stop This Farce'…epeal-of-air-travel-mask-mandates-to-stop-this-farce-n408338
– These days, the skies are more sensitive: Nonbinary Flight Attendant Fights Dress Code via ACLU, Decries 'Constant Misgendering,'…
In the Aftermath of Ben Shapiro's Speech, Stanford University Clamps Down on Students Misgendering Each Other…ech-stanford-university-clamps-students-misgendering-n121588
– appreciate his offering; therefore, she mentioned him in a recent letter to students announcing new moves to end the malady of “misgendering … So the Title IX office is waiting: Persistent and willful misgendering or misidentifying, or other forms of disrespect toward TGNC…
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