Is Beto already back? Will a lucky few get to pull the lever for the punk rocker sometime very soon? Could be.
In October, the ambitious politician — who inherited millions, then married into millions, but wants you to know he’s the guy to defeat privileged wealth in America (here)…and who’s promised to confiscate your hunting rifles while ensuring you can keep your hunting rifles — made things clear: If he didn’t snag the nomination for the highest office in the land, he was outsie for good.
But then, just after dropping out, bam — he dropped this in November:
“Any of you out there who have run for office before and come up short — some part of you wants to go deep into a cave and never come out again. That’s a natural part of the reaction, but I don’t think you get that pass in a democracy.”
There goes that goofy political employment of the word “democracy” where it makes no sense again, but I digress…
Back to Beto being back:
“This country is counting on all of us. And if any one of us fails to do our part to the best of our ability, then we will fail this country and the generations that follow that are counting on us. … I am going to do everything that I can, and what form that takes and in what capacity I don’t know. But certainly, it will involve supporting great candidates all over this country from school board trustee to the next nominee for the presidency of the Democratic Party.”
And now, we’ve got a real possibility playing out for O’Rourke.
According to the Dallas Morning News, fans of the 47-year-old Hispanic-monikered Irishman are pushing for him to take on Republican Sen. John Cornyn for a seat at the national congressional table.
There’re a handful of Democrats already vying for the position, who’ve been running for months, but hey — he’s Beto.
The guy can change a tire:
Watch @BetoORourke change a tire pic.twitter.com/Pvi2F9jHWU
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 12, 2019
Could the revolutionary be just what the Texas Democratic Party needs?
Yep — from DMN:
Poll after poll shows Cornyn would trounce the dozen or so contenders for the Democratic nomination at this point. None can touch the near-universal name recognition O’Rourke enjoys among Texas Democrats after his near-miss against Sen. Ted Cruz last year.
A poll compliments of his supporters backs that up, even though it shows him set to lose:
[A] new poll commissioned by backers worried that the current crop of candidates would fall short shows that O’Rourke is by far the top choice of Democratic voters in Texas at 58%, with the runner-up, state Sen. Royce West of Dallas at 13%. … The poll also shows [O’Rourke] in a near-tie, trailing Cornyn 46-42 at this point, which is far stronger than others already seeking the nomination.
But Beto already passed on the senate seat in favor of a chair behind the Resolute desk.
For the moment, as noted by The Daily Wire and reported by the Houston Chronicle, he’s looking at fixing the world at the state level:
A month after ending his presidential campaign, Democrat Beto O’Rourke has turned his attention to state politics — namely, an effort to help flip the Texas House of Representatives from Republican control to the Democrats. With Texas Democrats nine seats away from retaking the majority of seats in the Texas House, O’Rourke is trying to convince his donor base to send money to an organization called Flip The Texas House, which has targeted 17 House Districts in which Republican candidates won by fewer than 10 percentage points last year. More than half are districts in which O’Rourke won the majority of votes as he ran for U.S. Senate.
So if you’re dying to see Robert ascend to a powerful political place, hold on to your britches. But you might not have to hold on long.
Sounds like Beto’s on the brink.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Jon Voight Gives Thanks for Trump, Praise to God, and Wow – Look How Far We’ve Come
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