Results for: democrats should replace

Bob Bennett: Sore Loser
– I guess that is understandable.Well, today we’re getting word that Bob Bennet’s son is now working for the Democrats in Utah.How fitting … campaign for a fourth term this year, has begun working as a volunteer on the Senate campaign of Democrat Sam Granato, who hopes to replace … discussing ways to change Utah’s candidate-selection process.Jim Bennett says his defection to a Democratic candidate for the Senate should
Breaking: Sen. John Walsh (D, Montana) cuts and runs.
Should have done it a week ago, frankly. Sen. … As to the plagiarist’s replacement, well… I don’t know what’s more depressing for Democrats: that their best hope to replace Walsh…
California Recall Election Ballots Begin to Arrive
– Question one is a YES or NO that simply asks if Governor Gavin Newsom should be removed from office. … If you vote YES, you must choose only one from a list of forty-six candidates to replace him. … affixed at the Assembly and State Senate levels of government, the easiest way for Californians to disrupt the status quo is to replace
Is #ReplaceBiden Gaining Steam? High-Profile Bernie Bros Share Video Noting Party's 'MeToo' Hypocrisy…bernie-bro-share-video-noting-partys-metoo-hypocrisy-n136255
– They’ve gotten so loud, in fact, that pieces are being written asserting that it either should be done, or noting that it can be done … Here are a few examples, some of which were written the day of the Joe/Mika segment: –NY Mag: Can Democrats Force Joe Biden Off the … B –Cedar Rapids Gazette columnist Lyz Lenz: Biden should step aside.…
Liz Cheney's Pitch to Republicans Shows Just How Clueless She Truly Is
– But any conservative would realize that we are now in an existential battle with Democrats for the soul of our nation, with Democrats … When the WaPo is defending Cheney, you know you should be on the opposite side. … And if you do not, you should not be in leadership.…
Next Tuesday's "other race" in Pennsylvania
– They should be. … For union Democrats, PA-12 should be a no-brainer.   … After all, there are more than two registered Democrats for every one Republican (256,281 Democrats compared with 118,175 Republicans…
Unity? Definitely Not. Compromise? Maybe.
– Right now, Democrats are very big on preaching “unity” in politics. … You don’t have to replace the whole thing. You just have to replace enough of them that you can create a stalemate. … Unity isn’t an option, but compromise definitely should be.…
The Media Handles Amy Coney Barrett's Faith With All the Care of a Paranoid Drunk
– On a pretty regular basis, Christianity comes under fire from the media and from Democrats simply because the central tenets of the … At the Washington Examiner, Becket Adams has been breaking down a lot of the stupidity we’re seeing from Democrats and journalists … should always remember that a ‘legal career is but a means to an end … and that end is building the Kingdom of God.’”…
Top Trump Ally: Trump Should Make a Deal With Ruth Bader Ginsburg
– Ruddy’s logic is that if Trump replaces her with Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s choice to replace the late Justice Antonin … I said they should not have done it. I think that he still should pick Merrick Garland and do a deal. … Who is to say that Democrats still won’t continue to be obstructionists on everything going forward? Garland is 63 years old.…
Absolutely Nobody Should Be Surprised That the Effort to Oust Speaker Mike Johnson Has 'Fizzled'…the-effort-to-oust-speaker-mike-johnson-has-fizzled-n2173539
– It should come as no surprise that Rep. … Greene filed the motion to vacate over a month ago.The reality is that there are far too many forces working against a move to replace … They also want us to unify and beat Democrats.…
Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Throws His Hat Into the CA Governor's Recall Race…ley-throws-his-hat-into-the-ca-governors-recall-race-n407374
– I’m running to replace Gavin Newsom as the Governor of California. — Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) July 6, 2021 Asm. … If more then 50 percent of voters respond YES to the question, “Should Gavin Newsom be Recalled?” … , then the next question, “Who Should Replace Gavin Newsom as Governor?” will be the pivot point.…
Bad Move: Nancy Pelosi Short-Circuits While Trying to Defend Biden
– Ah, it's been a fun weekend with the Biden team and the Democrats madly scrambling to explain Biden's problems and their own involvement … Because trying to replace him opens up another whole can of worms. …  Voters are fed up with the bullshit gaslighting from House Democrats.…
Sen. Dan Coats (R, Indiana) to retire at end of term.
– The good news about this race is that there’s a good talent pool on the GOP side to replace Dan Coats*: the Democrats have precisely … It should be a hoot to watch. Moe Lane (crosspost) *Because there is no such thing as a meaningless election.…
President Donald Trump at Six Months: A Failure of Leadership
– With too many defectors among Republicans and zero support from Democrats, the effort is pretty much dead. … Now he’s blaming Democrats and some Republicans: We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans. … It went from, “Repeal Obamacare, and we’ll replace!” to “Let Obamacare die, and we’ll replace!” in less than 24 hours. …
BREAKING: Trump's 'Repeal and Replace' Pick Dr. Tom Price CONFIRMED as HHS Secretary
– Price’s nomination, saying that his experience in healthcare should “horrify” you and that he wants to “destroy fundamental protections … Price has stated his support for protections for preexisting conditions, saying no one should be denied coverage on that basis. … But the tl;dr is this: He’s the new HHS Secretary, he supports repeal and replace, and Democrats despise him.…
Stefanik Reportedly Has Made Private Promises to Leave House Leadership in 2023…e-private-promises-to-leave-house-leadership-in-2023-n377158
– Trump, appears to be in position to replace Rep. … But in a significant twist, it was reported late on Friday that in calling around to gauge support for her move to replace Cheney, … Instead, she beats the drum — much to the delight of the Democrats and media — for the NeverTrumpers who somehow think there is some…
Trump Calls It -- a Red Wave, Thanks to 'the Caravan, Kavanaugh, Law & Order...and Common Sense'
– must be voted out of office. … The Democrats want to replace freedom with socialism. … And they want to replace the rule of law with … the rule of the mob. … Democrats produce mobs; Republicans produce jobs.” … But history tells us — given the GOP victory two years ago — that the Dems should rally in a sizeable way.…
It's Happening: Growing Calls From Liberal Media for DNC to Replace Biden at the Convention or Earlier…r-dnc-to-replace-biden-at-the-convention-or-earlier-n2176092
– Some might have been saying they favor replacing Biden behind closed doors, but now some are coming out and publicly saying he should …  Former Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang posted on X that the Democrats must replace Biden in order to have a chance … against Trump in November:Guys, the Dems should nominate someone else - before it’s too late.…
RedState Weekly Briefing: Midterm Variants, Ron Burgundy Moments, and Palace Intrigue…rm-variants-ron-burgundy-moments-and-palace-intrigue-n595616
– The fact is that Democrats benefit from ballot harvesting and mass mail-in voting. … But why should you — or Daniel’s great (times six) grandchildren — own one? … “Replace Harris.” Or is it?…
Anti-Pelosi Democrats Search for Female to Challenge Pelosi for Speaker Position…crats-search-female-challenge-pelosi-speaker-position-n97684
Democrats are looking to fight fire with fire as they search for a viable female candidate to keep Rep. … Many Democrats in the House do not want Pelosi to return as Speaker after months of bad moves that made Democrats in the House look … According to a Gallup poll, the majority of Democrats would rather not see Pelosi return as Speaker.…
Should House Republicans Start Thinking About Replacing Speaker Boehner?
– The short answer is no, but I have been getting a lot of emails and phone calls into my radio show asking if the GOP should boot Boehner … I think John Boehner is more conservative than Eric Cantor, who’d most likely replace him, but Boehner’s leadership has been crap lately … That’s a fancy way of saying it will wind up costing us money to get these cuts and put the Democrats in a better position to begin…
Reps. Defazio, Grijalva slavering over Ed Markey's Ranking Membership.
– certain why – Natural Resources is one of those committees where the basic goal of the Republicans is to inflict Maximum Fun on the Democrats … Grijalva are already fighting over who should replace him as the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee. … The two Democratic lawmakers are arguing not only over legislative records and policy positions, but also over the weight that should
Rand Paul May Have the Alternative to Obamacare
– As agreed w/ @realDonaldTrump, we must replace it w/ real market reforms. Details coming! … — Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) January 9, 2017 That should calm some quaking nerves. … The Kentucky senator floated in an op-ed last week that the law should be replaced with “freedom.”…
We Sent 'Tea Party' Republicans to Washington for This?
– for proposing a tax increase.To be fair, if there are serious structural reforms to the tax code and serious concessions by the Democrats … But, based on what we know so far, the Democrats have offered nothing publicly substantive and the GOP is offering up a bunch of smoke … And fear should never be the starting point for negotiations.…
King v. Burwell and the Democratic Abyss.
– But there’s an even worse potential problem for Democrats: what’s their Plan B? … But they are, in fact, plans: and should King v. … So what’s the Democrats’ Plan B? …Besides screaming about Republicans, of course.  …
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