
Democracy Might Die in Darkness—but Can It Survive the Light of Day?

Peruvian Anti-Drug Police via AP

With the 2024 presidential election less than two weeks away, the charged rhetoric between the Harris-Walz campaign and Team Trump has reached a fever pitch.

While former President Donald Trump's attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, have been standard Trump stuff — "loser," "stupid," "lazy," et al. — Harris has gone deeper and deeper into a dark place than American political figures shouldn't go, particularly presidential candidates. 

During the Democrat National Convention in Chicago, Harris talked gleefully about her "campaign of joy," "lifting up all Americans," rainbows and lollipops, and other such hollow pablum, but as the election draws ever nearer, her dark reality of rhetoric is all about calling Trump a fascist, comparing him to Hitler, and worse.

As my colleague Jennifer Van Laar reported on Wednesday, Harris actually held a press conference just to call the former president of the United States "Hitler."

Kamala Harris was scheduled to spend the entire day Wednesday preparing for a CNN Town Hall (why that takes an entire day and she can't just answer what are surely planted questions, who knows), but interrupted that to deliver brief remarks at a hastily-scheduled 1 PM press conference. 

What was so important?

It seems that Harris wasn't satisfied that almost every legacy media outlet (and CNN and MSNBC, of course) ran with the debunked Jeffrey Goldberg hit piece in The Atlantic which alleged that Donald Trump once told some White House staffers, “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had," among other allegations.

"It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, Harris said, "the man who was responsible for the deaths of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans." 

Shame on you, you dishonest fraud.


DESPERATE MUCH? Yes, Kamala Harris Really Held a Press Conference Just to Call Donald Trump 'Hitler'

Yes, America, Kamala is desperate much — as she should be.

This takes us to the gist of my article: Can democracy survive the light of day in today's America? The question might confuse some, but it shouldn't confuse those who have paid attention to the growing abuse of the First Amendment right to free speech. 

Ironically, while Team Harris continues to hysterically howl at the moon about how Donald "Hitler" Trump will end democracy in America and replace it with a Trumpian dictatorship, it's Harris and the Democrats who threaten democracy by incessantly preaching to low-information rank-and-file Democrat voters that Trump will put his enemies in camps, call out the military, shut down liberal media outlets, and other such insane nonsense. 

Does Harris really believe any of this? I doubt it, but she doesn't have to. All she has to do — with the help of the lapdog liberal media (and the morons of ABC's "The View") — is convince enough low-information voters that it's true.


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The fly in the Democrats' hysterical ointment is America's constitutional system that has survived for more than two hundred years, and it has done so because of the checks and balances that allow each branch of government — legislative, executive, and judicial — to amend, override, or veto acts of another branch so as to prevent any one branch from exerting power beyond its authority.

Translation: A "maniacal" Donald Trump couldn't dissolve the Supreme Court or kick the Congress to the curb with a stroke of his Hitleresque pen. Kamala Harris knows that, even if the lady geniuses of "The View" don't.

The Washington Post has been among the most hysterically vociferous of the left-wing media, incessantly warning that Trump would end America as we know it. It appears that WaPo believed a majority of voters believe it, as well. So much so that it commissioned a poll to find out. 



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As George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley noted, the poll results didn't turn out to be the proof source that WaPo thought it would be.

The poll sampled 5,016 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. When asked whether Trump or Harris “would do a better job” of “defending against threats to democracy,” 43% picked Trump while 40% picked Harris.

Notably, this was the same result when President Biden was the nominee. While over half said that threats to democracy were important to them, the voters trusted Trump (44%) more than Biden (33%) in protecting democracy.

Even with the slight improvement for Harris, the result was crushing for not just many in the Harris campaign but the press and pundits who have been unrelenting in announcing the end of democracy if Harris is not elected.

I found the results of the poll amusing, considering how shocked WaPo must have been. And on the off chance that Harris read the results, she likely figured that the way to "fix it" was to call Trump even scarier names and warn her low-information supporters about even more terrible things he'd do if he regains the presidency. 

You know, just like all of the terrible Hitleresque things Trump did during four years in the White House.



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