Results for: democrats should replace

Unnamed Democrats Question Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Ability to Lead Judiciary Committee Fight Over Court Nominee…judiciary-committee-fight-over-supreme-court-nominee-n260319
– Trump nominates to replace Justice Ginsburg. … This senator is worried that potential missteps by Feinstein could cost Democrats seats. … can’t replace a female senator for hearings on an expected female nominee to replace a deceased female Supreme Court justice.…
Ted Cruz Blocks Amendment to Resolution Honoring Ginsburg After Schumer Tries to Pull a SCHUMER…oring-ginsburg-after-schumer-tries-to-pull-a-schumer-n255208
– Justice Ginsburg from the Republican majority will be totally empty if those Republicans ignore her dying wish and instead move to replace … “Specifically, the Democratic leader wants to add a statement that Justice Ginsburg’s position should not be filled until a new president … have threatened to do if Republicans replace her.…
The Media Handles Amy Coney Barrett's Faith With All the Care of a Paranoid Drunk
– On a pretty regular basis, Christianity comes under fire from the media and from Democrats simply because the central tenets of the … At the Washington Examiner, Becket Adams has been breaking down a lot of the stupidity we’re seeing from Democrats and journalists … should always remember that a ‘legal career is but a means to an end … and that end is building the Kingdom of God.’”…
Here's Why Biden Wouldn't Answer That Question About Packing The Supreme Court…answer-the-question-about-packing-the-supreme-court-n255118
– On Monday, Biden was asked several questions about his approach to the Supreme Court should he become president. … It’s obvious that if the Democrats held the White House and the Senate, they would not hesitate to replace Ginsburg.  … In the end, this is yet another battle that the Democrats are destined to lose.   …
CNN's Don Lemon Tells Chris Cuomo: 'We're Going To Have to Blow Up The Entire System'…uomo-were-going-to-have-to-blow-up-the-entire-system-n255116
– their minds as it became clear that Republicans intended to go ahead with confirming a Trump nominee as Supreme Court Justice to replace … Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham (R-SC) flamed the Democrats, saying they had no standing to object to anything after … Republicans should demand equal time in kind for the Democratic promotion here.…
Tucker Carlson Slices Up the RBG 'Dying Wish' Idiocy as Only He Can
– her should be binding. … In the end, the fact that the Democrats are even pushing the dying wish angle shows they’ve got nothing. … If Amy Coney Barrett is named, and she should be, the response is going to be apoplectic. (Please follow me on Twitter!…
AOC Issues Laughable Threat To Trump And Barr Over Supreme Court
– a new Supreme Court Justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. … On Sunday, he indicated that he would be nominating a woman to replace Ginsburg. … If he wins re-election, the Democrats aren’t going to stop trying to remove him from office. …
Kayleigh McEnany Busts Joe Biden and the Dems Big Time Over Their Own Words in 2016 on SCOTUS Vacancy…time-over-their-own-words-in-2016-on-scotus-vacancy-n255018
– election as did Barack Obama and Kamala Harris in 2016, where they said the seat should be filled without delay. … President Trump says he will soon nominate a justice to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. … Let’s go to the tape of the words of Joe Biden and other Democrats in 2016.…
Never Trumper Gets Scalded After Suggesting Senate Operate on 'Norms' and Not Written Law on SCOTUS Noms…operate-on-norms-and-not-written-law-on-scotus-noms-n255025
– rest) is sorely lacking in the self-awareness department, was discussing the battle over who President Trump would nominate to replace … Besides – when should “norms” ever trump written law? … Related –>> WaPo’s Jen Rubin Finally Does Something She Should Have Long Ago, and Utterly Beclowns Self Along the Way…
Radical Leftists Try to Intimidate Lindsey Graham and Thom Tillis at Their Homes Over SCOTUS Decision…and-thom-tillis-at-their-homes-over-scotus-decision-n254996
– These are the intimidation tactics Democrats have not only been condoning, but explicitly calling for, in their quest for power. … morning, angry over Graham’s decision to proceed with a confirmation hearing for whatever nominee President Donald Trump has to replace … But just a little more evidence that the mob serves the will of Democrats.…
The Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett Begin; They Are as Dumb as You'd Imagine
– There are a couple of different answers out there as far as who the front-runner is to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. … You can expect lots of grandstanding and litmus tests to be applied by Democrats if Barrett does make it to a hearing. … But that’s exactly why Republicans should stop caring what these people think.…
There Can Be No 'Grand Bargain' Over the Supreme Court Seat, Republicans Better Realize That
– Not only should something like court packing not be ceded as a negotiating tool because it’s so illegitimate, but Democrats have no … There would be far too many red-state Democrats whose necks are on the line to make a move like that. … If the GOP doesn’t replace Ginsburg before the election (or in the lame duck), Democrats will still move forward with blowing up the…
Hypocrisy Alert: Leaked Podesta Emails Show Democrats Were Considering Scalia's Replacement Just Hours After His Death…ering-scalias-replacement-just-hours-after-his-death-n254938
– Justice Ginsburg body is not even cold yet, and @senatemajldr has already insisted that the Senate will vote to replace her. … Maybe Democrats have a point in the “timing” of this, right? Wrong. … Should Republicans fill the Ginsburg seat?…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Could Have Named Her Successor -- All She Needed to Do Was What Anthony Kennedy Had the Foresight to Do…or-all-she-needed-to-do-was-what-anthony-kennedy-did-n254868
– The Democrats can blame Barack Obama — and Harry Reid — too.  … The Democrats held 57 seats and had two Independents who caucused with them. … In 2014 alone, the Democrats lost 9 Senate seats — 5 lost re-election bids and the GOP took over the seats of 4 Democrats who retired…
Dems Calling to Burn Everything Down or Court Pack After RBG May Want to Listen to What She Had to Say…d-court-packing-after-rbgs-death-dishonor-her-memory-n254865
– If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down. … Should you transfer to a different class? … — Ed Markey (@EdMarkey) September 19, 2020 In other words, Democrats once again being Democrats.…
Dems: Check Your History, GOP Are Completely Right to Hold Confirmation Process Now, as You Admitted in 2016…old-confirmation-process-now-as-you-admitted-in-2016-n254852
– a nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. … Republicans should not create a brand-new precedent to deviate from them. [….] … It’s Democrats who are now trying to upset that norm. Let’s look at the Democrats’ own positions in 2016.…
Trump Lays It Down on the Supreme Court Question: 'We Have an Obligation'…on-the-supreme-court-question-we-have-an-obligation-n254837
– President Donald Trump made it clear on Saturday that Republicans had an obligation to confirm his nominee to the Supreme Court to replace … While Democrats are trying to claim that no one should be appointed because it’s an election year, McConnell has previously explained … So no, it’s not the same situation as 2016 and the Democrats like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) shouldn’t pretend it…
WaPo's Jen Rubin Finally Does Something She Should Have Long Ago, and Utterly Beclowns Self Along the Way…ld-have-long-ago-utterly-beclowns-self-along-the-way-n254762
– time, Rubin has routinely portrayed herself and her Never Trumper allies as the Truuuue Conservatives™, the moral arbiters of what should … In any event, fast forward from when Trump became the GOP nominee to now, and Rubin has finally done what she should have a very long … Whatever altern to that toxic waste dump arises to replace it may be worth considering — but only if it embodies our most basic (“We…
House Freedom Caucus Looks to Bounce Pelosi as Speaker Before the Election…ooks-to-bounce-pelosi-as-speaker-before-the-election-n254628
– Freedom Caucus, a group of GOP Congresspersons have attempted to push Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to make a procedural move to replace … Such a split could cause significant waves in the unity the Democrats have coalesced for November. … While this is a long-shot bid, should McCarthy agree to the vote, it should make for some interesting fireworks in the House for a…
Senator Dianne Feinstein Hospitalized
– CORRECTION: After relistening audio, it sounds like she said, “I *should have* known they put it out. … That, in turn, robs the Democrats (temporarily) of their majority in the Senate, though at 49-49, Vice President Kamala Harris would … That should prove an interesting spectacle, even as we wish Senator Feinstein a full and speedy recovery.…
'Profound Risk': Urgent Bipartisan Call for Intervention Into Growing AI Technology, Biden Remains Crickets…on-into-growing-ai-technology-biden-remains-crickets-n723724
– For now, however, Bennet said these companies should police themselves. Uh-huh, I’m sure that’ll happen. … Deepfakes replace features on one image with those of another.” … So should you. What are your thoughts on the issue, RedStaters?…
San Diego Supervisors Call Emergency Meeting, Asking for Immediate Resignation of Nathan Fletcher…ing-for-the-immediate-resignation-of-nathan-fletcher-n729057
– Fletcher has let his constituents down and should no longer receive taxpayer funds.” … Fletcher has let his constituents down and should no longer receive taxpayer funds.” He is the king of understatement here. … held to replace Fletcher, which might not happen until 2024. …
Democrats Struggle to Cope as Senate GOP Throws Wrench in Feinstein 'Replacement' Plan…nate-gop-throws-wrench-in-feinstein-replacement-plan-n732951
– As a result, three things have happened: Feinstein has faced growing calls from some of her fellow California Democrats including some … “I will vote against any attempt by Senate Democrats to temporarily replace Sen. … , conveniently, being the only committee they seek to replace her on.…
Katie Porter Makes Disqualifying Statements on SCOTUS, Staff Abuse Allegations…ements-on-scotus-staff-abuse-allegations-on-the-view-n732679
– Katie Porter (D-Calif.) is on a reputation rehabilitation tour as she aggressively makes her pitch to California Democrats to choose … Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) would have less competition for the nomination to replace Sen. … Watch: Katie Porter calls for Congress to police the Supreme Court: “Congress absolutely can and should police the Supreme Court…
Ro Khanna Delivers Lame Explanation of How Fetterman and Feinstein Situations Are Different…how-fetterman-and-feinstein-situations-are-different-n732318
– Barbara Lee’s campaign to replace Feinstein in the Senate in 2024, and that he would benefit from Feinstein’s departure. … That sounds reasonable—except that Governor Gavin Newsom has vowed to fill the seat with a black woman should there be a vacancy. … Meanwhile, Democrats in the Senate are frustrated that they have to get bipartisan support to vote through judges since Feinstein isn…
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