San Diego County Board of Supervisor Jim Desmond and Chairwoman Nora Vargas are tag-teaming to put more pressure on District 4 Board of Supervisor Nathan Fletcher to resign immediately. After Fletcher announced that he would be entering rehab in order to deal with PTSD and alcohol issues and that he would be suspending his State Senate campaign, news broke of a lawsuit filed against Fletcher by a former San Diego Metropolitan Transit System staffer Grecia Figueroa alleging sexual assault and harassment.
From that point forward, the walls have been closing in on Fletcher. A resignation date of May 15, 2023, was extracted from him by the Board of Supervisors, but the outcry from San Diego residents and even the local Democrat Party has called for Fletcher not to wait until his medical leave is completed, but that he be gone today.
It appears those walls are no longer closing, but crashing in around him. On Sunday, Supervisor Jim Desmond tweeted the announcement that a Tuesday special meeting would be held to discuss a vote of “No Confidence,” as well as call for Fletcher’s immediate step down from office.
BREAKING: The Board of Supervisors announces emergency meeting Tuesday morning regarding Nathan Fletcher’s resignation. There will be a vote of no confidence and a call for his resignation immediately.
— Supervisor Jim Desmond (@jim_desmond) April 10, 2023
The San Diego County Board of Supervisors will be holding an emergency meeting on Tuesday to vote on a resolution of no confidence for Nathan Fletcher and to call on him to resign immediately, Supervisor Jim Desmond’s office said in a statement Sunday night.
Fletcher, who has been accused of sexual assault and harassment in a lawsuit by a former Metropolitan Transit System employee, announced his resignation late last month and that would be effective at the end of his medical leave on May 15.
The vote of no confidence resolution would be a symbolic measure to pressure the Supervisor to step down as soon as possible, according to Desmond’s office.
“While the Board of Supervisors does not have the ultimate power to remove Mr. Fletcher, this resolution will serve as a powerful statement for him to resign,” the statement from the District 5 representative said. “Mr. Fletcher has let his constituents down and should no longer receive taxpayer funds.”
Desmond’s full statement:

Note the County Chief Administrative Officer’s decision is on hold until Fletcher’s removal. They want the taint of his leadership gone from this board.
The former CAO was set to retire at the end of March, but was brought back temporarily amidst the allegations surfacing.
Desmond also said in his statement, “Mr. Fletcher has let his constituents down and should no longer receive taxpayer funds.” He is the king of understatement here. The demands for Fletcher to immediately step down have been loud and fierce from the San Diego community. I have corresponded with a few of its residents on condition of anonymity, and they say that they have been demanding the supervisors call for Fletcher to relinquish his office now and that the taxpayers should not be on the hook for his rehab or his lawsuit. Some have expressed that they will be at this emergency meeting in force.
Fletcher’s own party, the party that he abandoned his Republican first wife for, is now eating him alive, like jackals on a pig. Media entrepreneur and Democrat activist Shane Harris held a press conference on March 29 expressing his displeasure over the sexual assault allegations and demanded Fletcher remove himself post haste.
March 29,2023 here is proof that we were in fact the first known democrats and arguably just two hours after the lawsuit against @SupFletcher broke the first leaders countywide to call for #NathanFletcher resignation.
I held a press conference that day at noon arguing that he…
— Shane Harris (@shaneharrisnow) April 10, 2023
March 29,2023: here is proof that we were in fact the first known democrats and arguably just two hours after the lawsuit against @SupFletcher broke the first leaders countywide to call for #NathanFletcher resignation. I held a press conference that day at noon arguing that he must resign from the @SanDiegoCounty
Board immediately. In that press conference I also called on his board colleagues @JoelAndersonCA @jim_desmond .@SupNoraVargas @SupLawsonRemer to join the call for his immediate resignation. I’m glad to see that many many others across our region have now hopped on board to call for this and I’m happy to see Democrats like @RepSaraJacobs rescinding their previous support of him but there are more leaders who need to hop on board. Tuesday I will return to the county board of supervisors for the special meeting to urge supervisors to support the motion of “No Confidence” calling for his immediate resignation officially as a board. Glad to see Chair Vargas bringing this emergency motion to the floor Tuesday.
Harris reiterated his commitment to be at the emergency meeting.
I will be there. As the first Democrat to call for Nathan Fletcher’s resignation and immediate resignation I will be requesting that the board officially go on record requesting @SupFletcher immediate resignation. San Diego D4 constituents deserve to have representation as fast…
— Shane Harris (@shaneharrisnow) April 10, 2023
Democrat Lori Saldana, a lifelong San Diegan, former Assemblywoman, and current District 2 City Council candidate also expressed her displeasure that Fletcher has not been removed and demanded that those who endorsed and supported Fletcher also be held accountable.
“People knew @nathanfletcher had a problem… if Nathan Fletcher is brought down by something like this, then there are a whole bunch of people around him who should really not be in politics right now because they encouraged it to happen.”
— Lori Saldaña 😷 (@LoriSaldanaSD) April 8, 2023
KPBS, the local San Diego PBS station, pointed out this inconvenient truth:
Fletcher’s downfall comes less than three years after Democrats gained a majority on the Board of Supervisors for the first time in decades. As chair of the board from 2021 to earlier this year, Fletcher established a progressive record — pushing through new policies on mental health, affordable housing and climate action.
Now there is no majority on the board and any momentum Democrats may have had will likely stall at least until a special election is held to replace Fletcher, which might not happen until 2024. And that’s assuming a Democrat wins his seat.
It was a busy Easter Sunday for the San Diego BOS, as Chairwoman Vargas also issued a statement that she would introduce the motion for the vote of No Confidence. Vargas also indicated that she was calling for a special meeting in May to discuss a path forward for the board. Potentially, that if Fletcher still chooses not to resign, the board could remove Fletcher for cause.
It’s clear to me that in order to move forward with the business of this county and to meet the needs of the people we represent, Supervisor Fletcher must resign immediately.
— Supervisor Nora Vargas (@SupNoraVargas) April 10, 2023
Vargas’ full statement:

In a signed letter to the board, Vargas requested the vote on the resolution, citing that — “by his own statements” — Fletcher had not “upheld the principles of integrity expected in his position.”
Fletcher previously acknowledged engaging in “consensual interactions” with the MTS employee, but denied the allegations of sexual misconduct.
And nobody is buying that load of horse twaddle. As our Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar reported, Fletcher was caught on camera leering at Figueroa, who, in the video, appeared uncomfortable over the unwarranted attention. Figueroa’s attorneys presented instances of this in the pleading, as Van Laar also notes.
In Grecia Figueroa’s sexual harassment lawsuit against San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, she alleges that Fletcher would stare at her in a leering, inappropriate manner during work meetings and events, making her uncomfortable, and making her fear that other people noticed Fletcher’s keen interest in her. On Thursday, video footage emerged of Fletcher leering at Figueroa during a December 2, 2022 press conference in which Figueroa served as the translator for an elected official from Argentina.
🚨👀 Check out @nathanfletcher being a creep with his lustrous grin towards Ms. Figueroa, just as the lawsuit alleges. 👀#ResignNowNathan #FedUpWithFletcher
— 𝑍ᴀᴄᴋ Ꮹɪᴀɴɪɴᴏ (@ZackGianino) April 6, 2023
Fletcher is fully complicit in his own undoing. Not unlike Harvey Weinstein and Joss Whedon, who made an art form of virtue-signaling their male feminist status, expressing vocal support of sexual assault victims, while being chief victimizers themselves.
We support survivors of sexual assault. We hear you, believe you, and stand with you in solidarity. #DenimDay
— Supervisor Nathan Fletcher (@SupFletcher) April 27, 2022
Now the San Diego County Gun Owners Association is insisting that law enforcement revoke Fletcher’s concealed carry permit and that a gun violence restraining order be filed against him, which is the recommended course of action for those accused of sexual assault and violence.
🚨 #NathanFletcher Update:
Last week a lawsuit against Supervisor Fletcher was filed, which includes accusations of sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, and other illegal behavior. It is not unusual for those accused of this level of illegal activity to have their…
— 𝑍ᴀᴄᴋ Ꮹɪᴀɴɪɴᴏ (@ZackGianino) April 4, 2023
Last week a lawsuit against Supervisor Fletcher was filed, which includes accusations of sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, and other illegal behavior. It is not unusual for those accused of this level of illegal activity to have their concealed carry permit (CCW) revoked and a gun violence restraining order (GRO) filed to remove all access to their firearms.
@SDCGO2A sent this letter to local LEO’s asking for an update on the progress made to revoke Supervisor Fletcher’s CCW and to file a GVRO against him. @nathanfletcher has been vocal about his support for GVROs and for heavily restricting CW holders; especially when they are accused of violent crimes.
As SD BOS Chairwoman Vargas’ said, “By his own statements [Fletcher has not] upheld the principles of integrity expected in his position.”
Now Vargas joins Desmond’s understatement as its Queen. The damage both Nathan Fletcher and Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher have enacted upon the County of San Diego and the state of California is only now being uncovered—and it’s a deep pit. But at least the walls of the illusory House of Fletcher are a pile of rubble. This Board of Supervisors emergency meeting will assess the damage done to the County and attempt to enact clean-up. Many San Diegans feel it is too little, too late, and like Lori Saldana, they want many people held accountable.
Two weeks too late. And if it had not been for public outcry they wouldn’t be doing this. More virtue signaling from the virtue signalers.
— Chris Epting (@chrisepting) April 10, 2023
As this San Diego commenter stated, first in line for accountability should be Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher, who has been the yang to Fletcher’s yin and the one who is most responsible for his rise—and knowing Gonzalez-Fletcher—probably his fall.
Lorena said the problem had been going on for a “long time”. Alcoholism? Predatory behavior? Makes me think the supervisors had to have been aware of something. And of course they did nothing – whoever helped facilitate his nonsense needs to go. Including his insufferable wife.
The walls are closing in on the Gonzalez Fletcher dynasty.
San Diego politicos can't just rescind support for Nathan Fletcher. Lorena Gonzalez is responsible for foisting him upon the community in his current incarnation.
— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) April 7, 2023
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