Results for: Biden Family Business

Congressional Scandals Galore!
– In the operation, FBI agents posed as representatives of Abdul Enterprises, Ltd., a fictional business owned by an Arab sheik. … If a member of Congress dies while in office, their family will receive a payout of $174,000, or a year’s salary. … The book contains detailed chapters on the corruption and nepotism of Joe Biden (a US senator for 37 years!)…
CPAC, Day 3, Part I: Coleman, Dhillon, Bernhardt (DoI), Vought (OMB), Hice, and Plante…man-dhillon-bernhardt-doi-vought-omb-hice-and-plante-n129838
– We have looked at our business processes to serve the American people and deliver our services better. … The NY Times just did another puff-piece on Hunter Biden (they ignore the Biden family corruption/nepotism).…
Bloomberg Refuses to Call Xi Jinping a Dictator, That Raises the Further Question of His China Ties…r-that-raises-the-further-question-of-his-china-ties-n129602
– But the two most likely possibilities, Joe Biden or Mike Bloomberg, have significant issues for people. … Joe Biden of course got in his required gaffe, when he claimed that half the population of America – 150 million people – had been … Biden even flew Hunter to China on Air Force Two to meet someone with whom he’d just entered into a deal with in 2013.…
The Rise of Bernie Sanders Reveals NeverTrump for the Scam We Always Said It Was…eveals-nevertrump-for-the-scam-we-always-said-it-was-n129421
– story or Ukraine conspiracy theory that came down the pike and shamelessly repeat any negative story about President Trump, his family … because either their access to the trough and teat of government and RNC money was upended by his election or because they saw a business … At least Sanders has not come out in favor, as have Biden and Warren, of allowing male prisoners to be incarcerated with females on…
Biden Family Corruption: Lawsuit Against James Biden Implicates Big Brother Joe…wsuit-against-james-biden-implicates-big-brother-joe-n130851
– Could the five decades of Biden family corruption and nepotism finally catch up to them? … Here is what was said: Bream: There are new questions for Joe Biden involving a family member. … This is standard operating procedure in the Biden family, and has been for decades.…
The Democrat Intergenerational War
– First came sanctuary city virtue-signaling, then the “family separation” baloney, and now the abolition of ICE. … Would you trust your own business to the Millennial or Generation Z kid of your next-door neighbor? … It will be interesting to see how the septuagenarians like Biden, Hillary, and Pelosi handle their upstart leftwing activist children…
Joe Biden Is Going to Eventually Have to Answer for All the Corruption Around Him
– Meanwhile, we know that Joe Biden was aware of his son Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine, where someone with no experience at all … Biden can’t run from this forever. … Biden has had ample opportunity to shut this stuff down.…
Politico Uncovers Allegations Of Suspicious Business Dealings Involving Joe Biden’s Brother…cious-business-dealings-involving-joe-bidens-brother-n130690
– After the raid, two medical firms who had business relationships with James Biden stated in civil court proceedings that they possessed … , that his last name could open doors and that Joe Biden was excited about the public policy implications of their business models, … There can be no doubt that should Joe Biden win the Democratic nomination, his brother’s business dealings could become a pesky thorn…
Biden Is Not a Moderate, He's Promising to Raise Your Taxes and Donald Trump, Jr Has a Few Things to Say About That…d-donald-trump-jr-has-a-few-things-to-say-about-that-n130265
– (AP Photo/Chris Carlson) Joe Biden did very well on Super Tuesday after Pete Buttigeig and Sen. … to Sanders), Biden still has a host of positions that are very far left. … A man in the audience dared to raise his hands and challenge Biden saying that he had done well. So what did Biden say?…
Obama’s Crooks Jump on the Biden Train to Save Themselves
– the Democrat base into jumping on the Biden choo-choo train. Or maybe there was some vote monkey-business involved? … Back to Biden. … Nevertheless, Comey is on the Biden Train, too.…
Database Reveals Hunter Biden’s Foreign Visits Cost Taxpayers Nearly $200,000…r-bidens-foreign-visits-cost-taxpayers-nearly-200000-n131512
– Finnegan Biden. … As Hunter Biden zipped across the globe for his business deals, taxpayers paid $193,696 for his Secret Service entourage, according … This isn’t the first time that questions about the Biden family and the use of the Secret Service have come up.…
Hunter Biden Still Listed As Board Member Of Chinese Company He Promised to Quit In October…er-of-chinese-company-he-promised-to-quit-in-october-n134531
– Chinese business records the DCNF accessed Tuesday still name Hunter Biden as a director of BHR. … Biden said in December that none of his family would be involved in foreign businesses if he were elected president. … Hunter Biden is the sole listed beneficial owner of Skaneateles, Washington, D.C. business records show.…
University of Delaware Board Members Refusing to Release Senate Records, Have 'Close Ties' to Biden
– In 2018, Cochran, who has supported each of Biden’s political campaigns, joined Biden in attending the naming ceremony of the Biden … He has also donated heavily to Biden. … Claire DeMatteis served as counsel to Biden.…
My Exclusive Interview With Self Described 'Trumpicrat" Rod Blagojevich
– With General Flynn what they did, and again I saw it in my experience, is they threatened his family, they threatened to bring charges … My father was a steel worker The former governor described in detail his early morning arrest and the trauma it caused his family … He has to a duty to look into possible corruption which might or might not be the case with Biden and his son in Ukraine.…
Gowdy, Nunes: Flynn Just Tip of the Iceberg, Other Members of Trump Team Unmasked…member-of-the-trump-team-unmasked-by-obama-officials-n137190
– a farewell speech in which he calls Washington’s failure to overhaul costly federal benefit programs “our greatest unfinished business … WATCH: @TGowdySC reacts after the list of officials, including former VP Joe Biden and former FBI director James Comey, who requested … “President Trump’s family members names were unmasked.” I am told…Flynn is the tip of the iceberg…this gets worse.…
Illinois Drops the Hammer: Small Businesses Will No Longer Be Able to Have Men's & Women's Restrooms…businesses-will-no-longer-able-mens-womens-restrooms-n111838
– accommodation or public building shall be identified as all-gender and designated for use by no more than one person at a time or for family … an attempt to grant the wishes of a very, very small portion of the populace, the government is telling every independent small business … The Nike Recall – & Hits The Nail On The Head, As Usual Tucker Carlson: The Democratic Party Has Become A Religious Cult, And Biden
Joy Behar Calls Elizabeth Warren's Tuesday Night Medicare-for-All Push the Democratic Party's 'Death Knell'…tuesday-night-medicare-democratic-partys-death-knell-n112096
– While going over the highlights from Tuesday’s Dem debate (one of which was, to me, Tim Ryan losing — here), Joy declared Joe Biden … So that’s why I said Biden won, because he’s in the middle.” … And they know that if your family doesn’t have a great public school for your kid, if your family does not have great access to healthcare…
Chapter 2: An Anonymous Whistleblower Complaint Replaces the Steele Dossier
– urging an impeachment inquiry amid reports that President Donald Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden … and his family. … On April 1st, The Hill’s John Solomon broke the story about Hunter Biden’s business dealings with Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma…
Joe Biden Is Acting Like a Man Who Knows the Fork Has Been Stuck in Him
Biden: “Well that’s up to them to decide.” Reporter: Well make your case?” Biden: “I’m not going to.” … Rosemont Capital and Hunter Biden drew public scrutiny for piggybacking off of Joe Biden’s diplomatic trips to hold business meetings … JOE BIDEN’S FAMILY MEMBERS, JAMES AND FRANK HAVE MADE A PRACTICE OF USING JOE’S NAME IN CONTROVERSIAL BUSINESS DEALINGS Joe Biden’…
Major Purveyor of the Russia Hoax Is Now Pushing an Investigation of Joe Biden's Influence Peddling…pushing-investigation-joe-bidens-influence-peddling-n115875
– Over the weekend I opined that the whole non-scandal involving Ukraine would probably wind up hurting Joe Biden rather than President … son's work in Ukraine as "a significant liability for Joe Biden." … Wealthy pols and their family getting corrupt cash is bad.…
There Is Absolutely Nothing Suspicious and Criminal-Like About Hunter Biden's Ukrainian Director's Salary…iminal-like-hunter-bidens-ukrainian-directors-salary-n116759
– To that end, Burisma hired Hunter Biden who, by the way, had zero experience in much of anything other than grifting off the family … To be charitable, let’s put aside our disbelief and pretend that Hunter Biden was hired because of his totally mad business skills … Biden was paid in 100% cash.…
Twitter Deletes Trump's Viral "Look at This Photograph" Meme that Targeted Biden
– was lying about discussing business dealings overseas with his son, Hunter. … going to destroy him or his family. … When it comes to this Ukraine business, it would appear that the Biden family really is in the muck for doing something more than shady…
Ukraine Isn't the Only Country Hunter Biden Had Extremely Sketchy Dealings With
– Ironically, it looks like a mistaken phone call to the wrong Biden family member exposed the whole thing. … That would be Hunter Biden. … But because Joe Biden has the magic letter next to his name, none of this matters I guess.…
Pics Cast Doubt on Joe Biden's Claim That He Didn't Discuss His Son's Business With Him…aim-that-he-didnt-discuss-his-sons-business-with-him-n116497
Biden claimed he knew nothing because he had never discussed his son’s business dealings with him. … The pictures showed Joe Biden with Hunter and his business partner on Burisma at the time, Devon Archer. … One business associate told me that Biden, during difficult conversations about his family, “got deeply melancholy, which, to me, is…
CNN Is Making All the Right People Upset by Attempting to Report the News Unbiasedly…le-upset-by-attempting-to-report-the-news-unbiasedly-n622987
– Lately, CNN anchors and correspondents have been tweeting their real opinion about Joe Biden, Hunter, and the Biden administration … There are serious questions that should be asked about Hunter Biden. … No corruption from any elected official or their family member(s) should be partisan.…
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