Results for: the big guy

The Matrix 4 Review: Hey Guys, Remember the Matrix?
The political messaging in the latest Matrix installment was well hidden enough that it didn’t get in the way of the film. … As revealed by the trailer, the premise of the film is that Neo and Trinity have somehow survived the events of the third film and … The big problem with this Matrix film is that it’s disrespectful to itself.…
Biden Botches the Effort to Clean up the Mess of His 'No Federal Solution' Comment…clean-up-the-mess-of-his-no-federal-solution-comment-n498408
– Biden was mocked big time for seeming to throw in the towel. … This is the same guy who told governors to “get out of the way” of his federal solution just a few months ago. … are tired of the complete confusion that the Biden team has offered, of not knowing from one minute to the next what the heck is going…
While You Adios California, Your New State Wants You to Leave Your Bad Policies Behind…ew-state-wants-you-to-leave-your-bad-policies-behind-n498405
– Raghavan is a tech guy (big surprise), who is trampling the wilted rose of the Silicon Valley under his feet for the more lustrous … I’ve heard the alligators are worse than the homeless. … Here’s to the newest corner of the world where the upstarts are gathering.…
WH Embarrasingly Boots the Press So They Can't Hear Biden Answering Questions…he-press-so-they-cant-hear-biden-answering-questions-n497830
The liberal media has completely abdicated the one job they’re supposed to have — holding power accountable — in the name of the job … Who is the person who said to throw the press out today? … It can’t be a happy place to work when you’re always trying to cover up the deficiencies of the guy for whom you work.…
The Spoiler-Filled Rants and Raves for the "Rise of Skywalker"
– One of them was the child of the big Star Wars bad guy, Emperor Palpatine, and it’s revealed that Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter. … At the beginning of the movie, Poe Dameron pilots the Millennium Falcon like a madman. … the skills of the best pilot in the galaxy with excitement.…
Spoiler Free "Rise of Skywalker" Review: The Good, Bad, and the Not So Ugly
– In fact, I think Abrams did the best he could with what he was forced to work with. This guy had to do so much. … The movie ignores these plot holes, forcing the viewer to fill in the blanks themselves in order to make the story cogent. … I recommend you see it, especially on the big screen. I likely will a second time myself.…
Despite What 'Christianity Today' Says I Really Doubt Christian Witness or the Gospels Will Be Damaged If President Trump Is Not Removed From Office…pels-will-damaged-president-trump-not-removed-office-n123400
– To which Cuomo replied, “Which often gets translated into the ability to discriminate against others” — and dropped the Big One. … This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of … The grave error Galli falls into, though, is idolatry. He’s forgotten the admonition that we are in the world, not of the world.…
San Fran Nan Marches the Democrat Caucus off the Cliff
– He gave Jamie Raskin (D-MD), the guy who stood in for Jerry Nadler before the House Rules Committee on Tuesday, as an example of one … President Trump threw a big wrench into the Democrats’ plans when he declassified and released the 25 July transcript of his phone … The end.…
The Media Just Tried to Use Santa to Trick You Into Thinking a Fight Was Brewing with the LGBT Movement
The term may vary but the intent is always the same. … The Mirror sent out the tweet on Monday. … The poll in question, which was taken by a graphic t-shirt company, only gave the location of the polled as being in the “US” and “…
Top 5 Ridiculous Things That Happened in 2019
The New York Times also did some investigating and found the guy the Daily Wire had photoshopped over in order to ask him how he felt … The guy, having a sense of humor, made it clear that he didn’t mind at all, much to the disappointment of the NYT. … This is the same media that cheers on children drag queens like “Desmond Is Amazing,” and makes no big deal out of these exploited…
Minimum Wage Hikes Claim More Victims as Sacramento Businesses Are Forced to Close by Year-End…victims-sacramento-businesses-forced-close-year-end-n123080
– “They want everybody to make $20 an hour, but for the smaller guy, I can’t afford that.” … By January 2023, the minimum wage in California will be $15/hour across the board, so expect the layoffs and business closures to continue … (Hat tip: The Blaze)…
Soleimani Was Another Obama Timebomb
– Oh, and a big part of Obama’s “Iranian project” was the unchecked growth of Iranian-backed terrorism throughout the Middle East, especially … The Syrian civil war and the interrelated war against the Islamic State in Iraq breathed life back into the Special Groups after the … Let’s summarize what we’ve learned in this article: Soleimani was a known bad guy who was personally responsible for the deaths of…
New York Times Reporter Claims Without Any Evidence That There Was 'Razor-Thin' Evidence of Quds Force Plot and LawFare Blog Has an Orgasm…idence-of-quds-force-plot-and-the-left-has-an-orgasm-n124571
The person, to the extent that the person exists and is not actually Adam Schiff, was briefed AFTER the attack. … He was told to come to Tehran for consultation and further guidance, suggesting the operation was a big deal – but again this could … Again, we can’t evaluate the veracity of the alleged source to the extent that the source exists and we can’t vouch for what the alleged…
News Summary From the Week that Was (29 December – 4 January)
The big question is why Atkinson deemed the complaint “credible” enough to be reported to Congress — the trigger required for Schiff … Read the rest here. And note that Bernie just claimed a big money haul in the 4th quarter, topping all Democrat candidates. … protesters getting there and that’s the big difference between this administration and the last administration.…
Where Did Bernie Get the Money?
– that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, including Calvin Klein and “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane … into the war chest of the Clinton campaign. … The Democrats are big on money laundering schemes. Just ask the Ukrainians, Latvians, and others about that.…
BREAKING: Iranian Revolutionary Guard Leader Qasem Soleimani, Other Pro-Iranian Leaders Taken Out in Strike Near U.S. Forces in Baghdad
– inside of Baghdad Airport’s main road — Steven Nabil (@thestevennabil) January 2, 2020 The guy next … Reports are now coming in that one of the people in the car was a big hit – the IRGC head Qasem Soleimani, the man responsible for … the U.S. and Israel for the strike, but the U.S. has not confirmed their involvement as yet.…
Here's a Report Trump Needs to See Immediately for Safety of Our Embassy in Baghdad and Our Position in Iraq
– But the question was how did all those militiamen get into the Green Zone, the heavily fortified area around the embassy, to begin … But today he’s pointing to a big problem, not just for the future safety of the embassy but for our position in Iraq against Iran. … He’s been a senior official in the Badr Brigades, the military wing of the Iraqi opposition based in Iran, as well as the Director…
Texas Shooter Revelation: He Visited the Church Many Times and Became Angry When He Was Given Food Rather Than Cash…became-angry-when-he-was-given-food-rather-than-cash-n124198
The NRA extends our deepest sympathies to the victims and families of the TX church shooting. … He told reporters on Monday he then pulled the shotgun away from the man’s body as he was “twitching” and stood over him in case the … Texas Church Shooting is an Incredible Example of What We All Should Know: The Answer to a Bad Guy With a Gun Isn’t a Law Virginia…
Former Democratic New York Assemblyman Rips Bill De Blasio Over His Attempt to Blame Trump for the Big Apple's Anti-Semitic Violence…attempt-blame-trump-big-apples-anti-semitic-violence-n124068
Big Apple. … “The mayor’s a nice guy. … Texas Church Shooting is an Incredible Example of What We All Should Know: The Answer to a Bad Guy With a Gun Isn’t a Law A Lesbian…
Comey’s Tweets Have Been Deciphered!
– We need to help them with a big reason to vote Democrat in order to take over the House in a couple of months. … I was really worried that that guy would turn state’s evidence on us because he was very helpful in passing the Steele dossier around … Airport, which will be the signal for all of the cabal to flee the country.…
Pete Buttigieg Will End Drug Crime - By Decriminalizing All Drugs, Including Cocaine and Meth…g-crime-decriminalizing-drugs-including-cocaine-meth-n123991
– A big problem: drugs. Pete says make ’em good to go. Easy peasy, and it’ll stop the rising incarceration rate. … The paper asked: “Is that across the board? … The marijuana that’s out there now is four or five times stronger than the marijuana in the 60s or 70s.”…
Cory Booker Ends the Abortion Debate by Finally Clearing Things Up: Women Are People
– At 8:27 p.m., the guy took a break from the political lab to drop some science: “Abortion rights shouldn’t matter to men because … That being said, Cory’s mission for the moment is indeed to snag the nomination. … the other side.…
Tom Brokaw, Who Believes Republicans Want Nothing to Do With Hispanics: Unlike Nixon, Trump 'Plays From the Gutter'…nt-nothing-hispanics-unlike-nixon-trump-plays-gutter-n123837
– And what’s the common denominator between The Donald and The Richard? That’d be The Impeachment, of course. … He also thinks Nixon had a big brain: “[He was a] genius about the big picture, the sweeping issues that had to do with foreign policy … Sounds like a cartoon, and this guy was more newsy than the current crop at MSNBC.…
Victory in NC and IN, But There’s More to Do
The big news of the night is that Richard Mourdock absolutely eviscerated John Kerry and Vladimir Putin’s favorite Republican 60-40% … He was way behind in the polls for most of the year.  … The more Mourdock looked like a winner the more people supported him.  Thus, the margin of victory is not that surprising.…
Tech at Night: Oracle wins Java infringement suit against Google, ACTA fails in the EU, CISPA opponents silent on Lieberman-Collins UNEXPECTEDLY!…pa-opponents-silent-on-lieberman-collins-unexpectedly-n43084
– Where’s the outrage? … patient’s MRI gets no more broadband speed than the guy next door downloading the panda sneezes video on YouTube.” … Yes, Android’s VM is the issue here. That’s why Oracle wants a billion dollars. This is a big deal.…
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