Results for: gain-of-function

Rand Paul Promises a Fauci Reckoning if GOP Wins
– We’ll get to the root of everything.” … That would be great because that could then address the lies about gain of function research. … There’s no evidence that any of the mitigation, any of the rules, and mandates changed the trajectory of the virus at all.”…
EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Woman Veterinarian of Kabul
– It was one of many stories emerging out of chaos. … You know, it’s my opinion, but I think a lot of the women staff had done a lot of interviews, and a lot of talking, and a lot of promotion … It’s just a lot of delays, a lot of delays.…
Obama Once Again Shifting the Blame on Gas Prices
– Over at the website of energy consultant Wood Mackenzie, I found an oil and gas map of the Gulf of Mexico that will help illustrate … my point: Wood-Mackenzie Oil and Gas Map of the Gulf of Mexico (€675). … Explorationists use highly detailed seismic surveys to gain a precise structural understanding of a prospective area.…
The Liar's Paradox and Why We Should Not Trust the US Government's Word About Biological Weapons Labs in Ukraine…nments-word-about-biological-weapons-labs-in-ukraine-n536174
– destroyed.Now, in addition to all this, the US funds around 300 biolabs around the world who are engaging in dangerous research, including gain-of-function … The lack of any moral compass by biomedical researchers from the lab bench to NIH led to skirting the laws against gain-of-function … Russia of being about to do what Russia’s accused us of being about to do.…
Russia Convenes Special UN Security Council Meeting to Investigate US Support of Bio-Weapons Research in Ukraine…tigate-us-support-of-bio-weapons-research-in-ukraine-n534943
– That function is sort of baked into the membership and how the UNSC operates. … The second thing wrong with her argument is that after the “gain of function” research sponsored by Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci, … I’m not one of them.…