WATCH: Anthony Fauci Testifies Before House Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic

Greg Nash/Pool via AP

Former NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci will testify before the House Oversight Committee's Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Monday, his first public testimony since his retirement. Proceedings are slated to begin at 10:00 AM Eastern, and you can watch right here at RedState. We will be providing live updates on this post throughout the day.


1:30 PM:

After a brief closing statement by subcommittee chair Rep. Brad Wenstrup talking about how we (meaning the federal government) need to do a better job with transparency in public health and respecting the doctor/patient relationship with regard to treatment and mandates, the hearing was adjourned. Additional stories related to particular topics in the hearing will be published this afternoon at RedState, so keep an eye out for them.

1:20 PM:

Rep. Ruiz's latest comments are full of projection; everything he claims the "right wing" is doing, he and Democrats are doing.

12:45 PM:

Fauci still won't disavow all the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the vaccine mandates. Incredibly insulting.

12:10 PM:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) skewers Fauci on his double-standards with masking and social distancing, and a litany of what the American people suffered due to his "science," including schoolchildren being forced to perform in "bubbles."

...while Fauci was yukking it up at a Washington Nationals game.


And, he admits there were no studies on masking.

11:10 AM:

Fauci has thusfar struggled to answer much of anything directly, but interestingly both Ruiz and Raskin are admitting that a lab leak origin of the pandemic is a possibility - but they both say that if that happened, it wasn't a virus whose creation was funded by NIH/NIAID.

Raskin even says that the committee should be investigating whether there was a lab leak origin; perhaps he should take that up with Xi Jinping since all efforts to investigate a lab leak have been thwarted by the Chinese Communist Party.

Also, Ruiz and Raskin both claim Republicans are using an overly broad definition of gain-of-function research that doesn't have any regulatory importance. However, as RedState reported in November 2021, NIH allowed EcoHealth Alliance to redefine "gain-of-function" so they could get around an Obama White House ban on gain-of-function research.


REPORT: NIH Allowed EcoHealth Alliance to Redefine Banned Gain-of-Function Research, Emails Show

10:50 AM:

Fauci's opening statement was full of weasel words, denials, and throwing others under the bus.

Fauci Testimony by Jennifer Van Laar on Scribd

10:30 AM:

Ruiz gave Jamie Raskin the remainder of his opening statement time, which Raskin used for propaganda purposes. Raskin repeated the lie that Trump told people to inject bleach into their veins.

10:25 AM:

In his opening statement, ranking member Dr. Raul Ruiz incredibly claims that Fauci never lied about funding gain-of-function research or the research occurring at Wuhan Institute of Virology, and claims that Fauci did not orchestrate any efforts to play down the lab leak theory.

It looks like Ruiz and the Democrats are going to throw Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance chief) and Fauci's former Senior Advisor David Morens under the bus; Ruiz spent time talking about Daszak's avoidance of reporting requirements for EHA and Morens' avoidance of FOIA compliance and didn't claim those were lies. In Democrat-speak, that means it's foreshadowing for future blame of Morens and Daszak for things Fauci should be accountable for.


10:15 AM:

Dr. Andrew Huff, a former employee of EcoHealth Alliance, is in the hearing room.

Fauci sat for a closed-door deposition over a two-day period in January, 2024. Those transcripts, revealing that Fauci essentially made up the six-foot social distancing rule and didn't read studies on mask efficacy before recommending universal mask mandates, were released Friday.

RELATED: Fauci: I Made It All Up

Read Part 1 of Fauci's transcript here:

Fauci Part 1 Transcript by Jennifer Van Laar on Scribd

Read Part 2 here:

Fauci Part 2 Transcript by Jennifer Van Laar on Scribd



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