Hot in January: RedState's VIP Top Ten

AP Photo/Andres Leighton

Every Saturday morning, we bring you the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s Top Five — our most viewed stories of the week — in case you missed any of them. Today, we're doing something a bit different: a rundown of our Top Ten VIP articles for the month. 


While we bring you bonus content and deeper dives with our VIP content, because it's available to subscribers only, it necessarily won't be viewed by as many. We wanted to take this opportunity to showcase what you're missing if you haven't yet become a VIP member. So, what were January's VIP Top Ten? 

#1 - The American People Just Demonstrated to Biden Why He'd Lose a Civil War

But the signal just sent to Biden, and indeed the Democrats, should be very clear at this point: You don't have F-35s because there wouldn't be anyone there to fly them. Even if he did have a handful of pilots willing to commit treason against the American people, they'd be outnumbered by the pilots willing to protect them. 

#2 - If You Think Epstein's Island Was Bad, It's About to Get So Much Worse

#3 - If Republicans Were Looking for Another Gap in the Democrats' Armor, Maine Has Given One

#4 - Can Michelle Obama Really Save Us From Joe Biden and the Other Guy?

#5 - The Fear of Freedom Is Real

#6 - Why Are Americans Souring on Self-Checkout?

#7 - Alaska's Eklutna Dam, Providing Clean Electricity, 90 Percent of Anchorage's Water, Proposed for Removal

#8 - The Four Most Powerful Words in Public Discourse: 'I Will Not Comply'

#9 - Civilization-Ending Events: Rand Paul on Biological Agents and Gain-of-Function Research

#10 - The Academy Is About to Snub 'Ferrari'—Here's Why You Shouldn't Make Their Mistake


As you can see by the above list, our VIP content covers the gamut — from domestic strife to political intrigue; from philosophical inquiry to technological advance; from energy policy to entertainment. As a VIP subscriber, you can find stories and topics like these, and much more, including our weekly VIP Gold Chats, our interactive live blogs, and our in-depth reporting on issues that the Big Tech censor scolds would squelch if they could. 

It's because of the generous support of our subscribers that we're able to bring you this added content. So, if you're not already a member of our VIP program, we invite you to sign up and enjoy an ad-free experience and exclusive content —and know that you're supporting independent journalism when you join today. And if you're already a subscriber, please share this with others you believe will enjoy RedState so they can see what they're missing out on. (Hint: Use code "SAVEAMERICA" to save 50 percent.)


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