As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute/Fauci'

Greg Nash/Pool via AP

The walls came tumbling down Thursday on some of the mendacious narratives the American public has been force-fed during and after the COVID pandemic about gain of function research and the origins of the virus. Although Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) repeatedly questioned former chief advisor to the president and former NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci about the research in heated numerous congressional hearings over the last few years, the good doctor went on record over and over again angrily denying that any such thing had occurred.


But on Thursday, NIH Principal Deputy Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak admitted that NIH did fund GOF research at Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth Alliance. Oops.

RedState's Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar explains.


Told Ya: NIH Deputy Director Admits Fauci Lied Under Oath, US Was Funding Virus Weaponization at Wuhan

X owner Elon Musk let loose on his social media platform Friday, savaging Fibbin' Fauci for his serial lies.

Musk is known for his sometimes short, always funny, and to-the-point tweets. He does it like no other.

More Musk:

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It's not the first time Musk has filleted Fauci. This is from December 2022:

As for gain-of-function research, Musk was calling Fauci out for that long before Thursday's revelations:


RedState was calling out the dishonest doctor as well. Here's our Scott Hounsell back in 2021:

Dr. Fauci's Testimony to Rand Paul on 'Gain-of-Function' Research Was Filled With, Well, Lies

The Five Questions Everyone Needs to Be Asking Dr. Fauci About Gain-of-Function Research

In April, Musk also called for the president of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, to face charges:

The lies we were told and the rampant governmental censorship with the help of Big Tech did America a grave disservice during the dark days of COVID. Folks like Musk and outlets like RedState must continue to fight for the truth.

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