Results for: red book

'Macho Man' Tucker Carlson Cracks on Jim Acosta: It's Pretty Shocking That He's 'So Proud of Himself'
– Hearing Sean Hannity is taking some shots at me over my book. … Two things Sean… #1 I offered to come on your show and talk about the book and you guys declined. Sad! #2 you’re in the book. … But one user provided a not-so-great sign of success: Jim Acosta goes unnoticed at book signing, signs book for himself…
"I Loved Her": Rosie O. Alleges "Lesbian Undertones" in Hostile Working Relationship With Elisabeth Hasselbeck…retly-loved-elisabeth-hasselbeck-and-she-betrayed-me-n103609
– in the book. … “There was a little bit of a crush,” O’Donnell says in the book. “But not that I wanted to kiss her. … Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–…
The Betrayal of Capitalism and the Future of Publishing
– Domenech are joined by Richard Vigilante, author of Panic: The Betrayal of Capitalism by Wall Street and Washington to discuss his book … Related Links: Panic: The Betrayal of Capitalism by Wall Street and Washington Richard Vigilante Books The line between book and … Red Planet Noir by D.B. Grady 9. Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time saga) by Robert Jordan 10.…
The ACLU's Communist origins
– FBI, which quoted him in a 1924 report as having said: “The right to advocate a violent revolution, assassination, and proletarian Red … guard, are all clearly within scope of free speech …” The ACLU founder traveled to Stalin’s Russia in 1927 and wrote a book titled … Back in the middle of the 20th century, liberal academics, faced with the spectacle of Red Scares and McCarthyism, would fan out across…
Reserve Your Room for the RedState Gathering
Book your room here. … Ladies and Gentlemen, You have only 3 days left to book your room for the RedState Gathering at the special discounted rate. … BOOK YOUR ROOM NOW If you want to take advantage of the special low rate, you can book additional days before and after, from the 16th…
RedState Gathering: Deadline Extended
Book your room here. … BOOK YOUR ROOM NOW If you want to take advantage of the special low rate, you can book additional days before and after, from the 16th … Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol welcomes Red State Gathering! Group rate available until August 18, 2010.…
Scholastic Books Puts Kids Last, Bends Knee to Woke Rage Mob
– Scholastic Books, purveyors of every kid's favorite book fair, announced they were going to give greater control over book fair book … Let me make an important note here: This decision was to affect elementary school book fairs. … Who among us didn't get way too excited for the book fair?…
John Bolton Needs to Step up and Go on Maddow to Say If New York Times Leak Is True…d-go-on-maddow-to-say-if-new-york-times-leak-is-true-n126708
– needs to go straight to a media outlet that hates Trump, like MSNBC and just do an interview if the New York Times “leak” in his book … Bolton has a book coming out in March and around the time this breaking story hits from the Times, the pre-sale link went live. … Bolton allegedly says this in a book.…
Report: Team Trump Has No Strategy To Deal With Forthcoming Comey Book
– engage in squirrel sightings when the coming media whirlwind hits next week with the release of former FBI Director James Comey’s new book … This book is selling, so there’s merit in responding and no downside in responding.” … Any discussion about how to address the book and Comey beforehand is wasted breath and the Trump team hopefully knows it.…
[Watch] Obama Spouts Off Mind Numbingly Stupid Lie On Guns During Dallas Memorial
– @POTUS “It’s easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.” … Do you know how hard it is to hand a book to a kid? Not that hard, because they’re freakin’ everywhere. … Red Glock, Blue Glock.…
New Analysis: Monica Crowley's PhD Dissertation Plagiarized THOUSANDS of Words…crowleys-phd-dissertation-plagiarized-thousands-words-n66084
– On January 7, we learned that Crowley’s 2012 book had plagiarized sections of other people’s work — including RedState. … And, in case you missed it, here is an example of plagiarism from her book: After her book plagiarism was reported, I assigned … It’s a classic line of attack for scandals where someone is caught red-handed. 2. It’s not really plagiarism.…
Brian Stelter Gets Hilariously Dunked After Trying to Shame Newspaper Columnist for Publishing His Tweets…d-trying-shame-newspaper-columnist-publishing-tweets-n123694
– keeps on giving, here’s yet another gift from our favorite media firefighter all wrapped in glittery paper complete with a shiny red … author took him and others to task for criticizing SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch for appearing on Fox News a week ago to promote his book … The Q: How is it appropriate for a Supreme Court justice to try to goose sales of his three-month-old book by chatting on one of the…
The Great One, Mark Levin, Expertly Dismantles the Bolton News in a Twitter Blitz
– Bolton’s book was obviously timed for maximum impact & sales. … Moreover, the strategy also maximizes publicity for the book.  … The cover of the book is presently highlighted on Drudge and through the media.…
Gen. Mark Milley Becomes Another Cog in the Leftist, BlueAnon Propaganda Machine…other-cog-in-the-leftist-blueanon-propaganda-machine-n411568
– A new book, implies that the “woke” general was concerned that Trump and his allies might try to pull off an armed takeover of the … A defense official who is close to Milley stated that he will not publicly discuss the content of the book. … It didn’t take long for many of the claims made in the book to be debunked.…
Bill Maher Rips Apart the 'Woke Revolution' and the Connections to Communism…the-woke-revolution-and-the-connections-to-communism-n698548
– Maher made the comparison to how that such thought in Communism worked out in places like Russia and China, with the Red Guard and … That was the modern version of what the Red Guard was doing. … How dare banjo player Winston Marshall read, much less speak approvingly of a book by Andy Ngo about Antifa.…
LOL: Sean Hannity Calls CNN's Brian Stelter "Humpty" Face to Face
– Stelter and Hannity have been embroiled in a Twitter feud over the former’s upcoming book about Fox News and President Donald Trump … Stelter has been a frequent punching bag of us here at Red State also. … We could all use a really big book with a picture of an egg head on our coffee tables to keep drinks safe on those tables.…
Opinion: Conservatives Don't Deserve Greg Gutfeld — or Maybe They Do
– At one time, he hosted a similar FNC show called “Red Eye,” which was during the week but stuck in a ridiculously-late time slot. … The book that will change the world! Sorry, I actually meant universe! … EDT, 8/2/20]: “Red Eye” aired on weeknights, not weekends.…
Full-On Red Guard: BLM Surround People, Scream in Their Faces to Raise Fist In Solidarity…le-scream-in-their-faces-to-raise-fist-in-solidarity-n252467
– (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) Scary Red Guard-kind of things going on from the BLM in Washington, D.C. got caught on camera this … I expected them to pull out Mao’s little red book and demand she kiss it, it’s the same feeling. … in China would confront people in the street and force them to recite from Mao’s little red book.…
Nebraska Elementary School Principal Bans Everything Related to Christmas; EVERYTHING…rincipal-bans-everything-related-christmas-everything-n98550
– in classrooms Elf on the Shelf – that’s Christmas-related Singing Christmas Carols Playing Christmas music Sending a Scholastic book … The red is for the blood of Christ, and the white is a symbol of his resurrection. … Scroll down to the red horizontal bar that says “Show Comments.”…
Speaking of Books: New Book Details Clinton Affairs, From the Perspective of His Secret Service Detail…ils-clinton-affairs-perspective-secret-service-detail-n82585
– notice of another new book seemed to slip by, relatively unnoticed. … The new book offers a lot of secret tidbits from the Clinton years. … It wasn’t that Reverend’s car just missed the red light.…
'Parental Rights Really Anger Me': Trans Author Expresses Anger Over Parents Banning His Book…uthor-expresses-anger-over-parents-banning-his-book-n2164318
– The book is one of the most banned novels in the nation and for a pretty good reason. … The book encourages gender confusion and has some scenes in the book that are nothing short of bizarre and disturbing for a 45-year-old … hero and keep his book on their classroom shelves. …
The Lightbulb Disinformation Conspiracy
– But this one line in the comments is a solid winner in my book it deserves to stand on its own: Erik Erikson has always been a hack … , and Red State is the best disinformation site for uninformed conservatives since the invention of the light bulb.…
The 'Other' Reason Americans Are Fleeing Blue Cities and Blue States
– state, but the dirty little secret might be that Americans are flocking to red states for other reasons as well. … They no longer have to deal with being called book burners and white supremacists, just concerned parents. … But the exodus to red states offers them more ability to control just how much of it intrudes on their lives.…
When I Met Santa Claus in Indiana, He Knew My Name
– The heavy red coat is off, revealing long underwear and black suspenders that hold up his worn red-flannel trousers. … One was labeled “Bad Girls Book.” The other Bad Boys Book. … The heavy red coat is off, revealing long underwear and black suspenders holding up his worn red-flannel trousers.…
The Magnitsky Act and the Woman Who Met with Trump Jr.: Part One of a Six-Part Series
– I’d like to try to remedy that journalistic failure with this series of posts, which also constitute a review of the book Red Notice … Tomorrow, in Part Two, I will set out the background of the fraud uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky, as set out in Browder’s book Red Notice…
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