Hasan Piker v Ethan Klein: The Left's Gen Z Radicalization Pipeline Is Collapsing From Within

Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Invision/AP

The radicalization of Gen Z wasn't just residual influence from a dying leftist legacy media. That's something older generations suffered through. Influencers and streamers are how the left was getting to Gen Z, and in terms of radicalizing that generation to the left, no one did it better than Hasan Piker. 


On Sunday night, the Grammys were on, but despite the sounds of it wafting upward from a television my wife had accidentally left on when she walked away, my focus was glued to my computer screen where I was watching something I thought was far more consequential. 

(READ: The Grammys Felt Like an Isolated Incident Despite All the Flash and Noise)

Moreover, it came from one of the most loathed people on the internet, Ethan Klein. 

For those unfamiliar with who Klein is, he's the guy who runs h3h3 Productions on YouTube. Klein used to be a YouTube golden boy, and to be clear, he still has a large following, but his decline after becoming something of a leftist douchebag has been notable. You may recall this is the same Klein who invited Steven Crowder to debate him, only to pull a quick swap at the last second and try to get Crowder to argue with YouTube leftist Sam Seder, which Crowder declined

But Klein's recent video he released on his channel was nothing short of incredible, because it was a video that attacked — not just the radical left — but a former friend and podcast host, Hasan Piker.

By now, most of my audience knows who Hasan Piker is, even if they're not familiar with the streaming community. Piker is the nephew of Cenk Uygur. He got his start at The Young Turks, and became a Twitch sensation. His content mainly circulated around being a radical leftist who hated all things America, even to the point where he was willing to cheer on its enemies. 


This is the same Hasan Piker who said America deserved 9/11. He's also a champagne socialist of the highest caliber, damning the rich and capitalism one moment, then purchasing expensive homes and cars for himself the next. 

Piker and Klein were friends for some time, even hosting a podcast together, but there was just one issue, and that issue popped up in a big way when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. 

You see, Piker is very anti-Israel and a massive antisemite, and Klein is Jewish. After the attack on Israel, a massive rift began to form between the two of them as Piker and his audience were openly celebrating the attack and Klein was not. Piker's audience immediately turned on Klein, calling him every nasty Jewish name in the book. 

Piker and his audience were already giving Klein bad vibes in various ways. For instance, Klein is not a communist and even shows disdain for it, admitting he himself is a capitalist. Piker is a big fan of communism and a supporter of communist war crimes. That became very evident to Klein over the course of the two years he worked with Piker. 

To be clear, Klein isn't red pilled, but he does seem to be one more person experiencing Reagan's dilemma. Klein isn't leaving the left, the left is leaving Klein. 

As such, Klein released a video calling Piker out for the evil person he is. 

The issue is that Piker's audience is massive. Not only is it huge, it's radicalized thanks to Piker, who is absolutely doing this on purpose, as he himself admits. He is the mainstream radicalization tool, luring in the youth and turning them into anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-capitalist idiots.


Because his audience is so massive, Klein has been attacked relentlessly by the left, who see his distancing himself from Piker, as well as his status as a Jewish person with an Israeli wife, as unforgivable.  As such, Klein released a damning video on YouTube that effectively nukes Piker and his entire online personality, as well as his audience. 

Not only does Klein attack Piker, he attacks the platform of Twitch, which continues to play host to Piker and other streamers who gravitate around him, such as his moderator and fellow streamer "Frogan," as they literally play host to terrorists and for them. 

I advise you watch this, as it's very well done and thorough, however I do want to give you a content warning, as well as a language warning. This video really goes into some details, and some of these details get disturbing, but I think it's worth watching in order to understand the depth of Piker's horrific nature as well as those promoting and supporting him. 

Which include some corporations. 

Piker's influence can't be understated. The youth really were taken in by him, and the glitz and glamor that was the Twitch elite did a lot to sell him as some all-knowing, well-connected, and well-regarded person. Piker's massive audience mostly consisted of Gen-Z and younger millennials, who listened to him uplift and celebrate radicalization of all stripes. 


With Klein's video, people are starting to wake up to just how grotesque Piker is. 

But it doesn't just stop at Klein's video. Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks also seems to be going in on Piker as well. After someone brought Hasan up to Kasparian, she posted on X that Piker is "terrified of the people who watch his streams," and he was "placating an audience I know for a fact he hates."

When a person tried to tag Piker to inform him Kasparian was speaking out about him, Kasparian fired off a defiant post, calling Piker out for how he treats his own family, namely his uncle Ugyur. 

"You f***ing suck, Has," Kasparian said. "You treat family like garbage when they're unbelievable good to you. That's what scum does."

Piker's fans are definitely out in force, attempting to paint Piker as a victim of Klein's lies, but it seems the video is definitely having an effect. The comments on Klein's video, which is approaching two million views as of this writing, is filled to the brim with people shocked at Piker's actions. 


The fallout from the video is still yet to be seen, but it looks like Piker may face serious trouble down the line, and not just from a decline in his reputation among the American people. Klein's call to action included approaching the corporations who sponsor Twitch and its activities. 

As Klein points out, Twitch is currently playing host to — and even promoting — antisemitic, pro-terrorist propaganda through Piker and his ilk. Corporations cornered about this will have to make a decision to either try to ignore it, which it would be loath to do, or tell Twitch they're pulling out until this mess is cleaned up.

This will leave Twitch with the responsibility to either punish Piker with a suspension or ban, or risk losing sponsors. This is a horrifying thought for Twitch, as they're not doing well financially. 

Piker's audience may very well inflate for a bit as drama addicts may want to see how he handles this backlash, and/or he becomes a rallying point for anti-American, anti-Jewish sentiment, but ultimately this will only hurt Twitch more if Twitch does nothing. 

Time will tell, but either way, the radicalization pipeline is going to collapse in on itself. 

The left seems to be turning on itself more and more as the radical element of the left truly puts its cards on the table. Events have definitely forced them to do so, including October 7 and Donald Trump's consequential actions. 


It's quite the show, and perhaps we'll see a swift cultural change from it as the left's most influential people lose their hold on the culture. 

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