Results for: hamas

BRUTAL: John Kirby Trips All Over Himself Trying to Defend Biden's Phone Call With Netanyahu…f-trying-to-defend-bidens-phone-call-with-netanyahu-n2172316
– Biden believe that a military victory against Hamas is possible for Israel?" … How exactly is Israel supposed to defeat Hamas, a goal the White House claims to still support, if they stop fighting Hamas? … Israel's goal is to finish off Hamas so that an attack like the one on October 7th can't occur again.…
Secretary of State Blinken Backs Up Biden's Message to Netanyahu, Absolves Hamas of Responsibility…to-news-of-biden-phone-call-with-israels-netanyahu-n2172317
– “Israel is not Hamas,” Blinken said. “Israel is a democracy, Hamas a terrosirst [sic] organization. … And democracies place the highest value on human life - every human life.Last we checked, Hamas was also the elected government in…
UN Human Rights Council Writes Sternly-Worded Letter on 'Immediate Ceasefire,' Ending Arms for Israel…for-immediate-ceasefire-urging-end-to-arming-israel-n2172374
– On Friday morning, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution calling for several actions relating to the Israel-Hamas
Dems' Discord: Pro-Israel Democrat PAC Targeting 'Squad' Members in Primaries…rs-targeted-in-primaries-by-pro-israel-democrat-pac-n2172325
– Cori Bush in Missouri, in the ongoing battle for influence within the Democratic Party amid factions emerging over the Israel-Hamas … members stems from controversial comments made by the Representatives including Bowman calling reports of Israeli women being raped by Hamas … But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.After more evidence of sexual assaults against women, committed during Hamas' attack…
Biden Essentially Abandons Israel in Phone Call With Prime Minister Netanyahu
– Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that "an immediate ceasefire is essential" in Israel's war for survival against Hamas … Security Council or any other avenue at our disposal to pressure Hamas to release hostages immediately and unharmed.The two also discussed … Israel by Iran - a critical topic for Israel given the revelation Wednesday that Israel had intercepted a cache of weapons headed for Hamas
Biden Gives Confused Answer, Loses It on Reporter When Asked About Abandoning Israel
– It's so disgusting that just as they are about to wipe out Hamas, Biden pulls this switch and is essentially helping Hamas.…
House Democrats Respond to GOP Bill to Rename Airport After Trump With Bill to Rename Prison After Him…after-trump-with-bill-to-rename-prison-after-trump-n2172387
– the controversial former president, including a national security funding package that would further support Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas
NEW: Joe Biden Says Too Much, Reveals Jill Biden Is Seething Behind the Scenes About Israel…ch-reveals-jill-biden-is-seething-behind-the-scenes-n2172286
– According to a new report, while being confronted at a Ramadan event by a pro-Hamas supporter, the president revealed that his wife … has been seething behind the scenes and demanding that her husband "Stop it, stop it now" concerning Israel's war against Hamas. … Israel has to do what it has to do, and that means destroying Hamas once and for all.…
Donald Trump Reconfirms Support for Israel to 'Finish' Hamas, but Concerned It's 'Losing PR War'
– and that country's actions.Previously on RedState: Secretary of State Blinken Backs Up Biden's Message to Netanyahu, Absolves Hamas … It is perhaps understandable that they would wish to, one might say, count coup by publicizing their successes against Hamas.…
How a President Communicates Reveals Much
– years of non-action, other than it changed Trump’s policy.While Iran and its proxies continue to attack U.S. troops, to fund and arm Hamas
Uh-Oh: Noted Fire Alarm Enthusiast Jamaal Bowman Is in Big Trouble As Election Nears…jamaal-bowman-is-facing-disaster-as-election-nears-n2172277
– controversy surrounding Bowman, from his enthusiasm for fire alarms (which led to pleading guilty to a crime) to his support for Hamas … The latter issue is likely to play a big role in this particular election, as there is an ongoing effort to oust pro-Hamas representatives…
Israel Intercepts Arms Shipment From Iran to Gaza
– video was not accompanied by any narration or indeed any audio, but reportedly shows a cache of weapons and explosives headed for Hamas … Iranian diplomats.Iran has been called out by the United States State Department for their logistical and technical support for Hamas … , among other terrorist groups.In 2020, Iran provided support to Hamas and other designated Palestinian terrorist groups, including…
The Left Claims the Right Doesn't Know What Woke Is, but Does the Left?…he-right-doesnt-know-what-woke-is-but-does-the-left-n2172368
– We saw a glimmer of this after Hamas attacked Israel last October when some celebrities seemed blindsided by the antisemitism among…
The World Central Kitchen Deaths in Gaza Will Have an Impact Like Nothing Else in Israel's Conflict…ave-an-impact-like-nothing-else-in-israels-conflict-n2172243
– about any other story that has come out of Gaza to date.There are a lot of Democrats who have latched on to narratives put out by HamasHamas should not be allowed to exist. It is evil, has committed atrocious acts, and has brought this destruction upon itself. … Hamas violated it. They have since rejected several offers of a ceasefire.…
WATCH: Ex-WH Hack Obscenely Calls Israeli Strike That Killed Seven Aid Workers 'Good for' Biden…strike-that-killed-seven-aid-workers-good-for-biden-n2172253
– The United States has repeatedly urged Israel to deconflict their military operations against Hamas with humanitarian operations, in … nbsp;I don't watch a second of CNN or MSNBC, but I'm sure both hopelessly-biased clown cars were just as horrified by the October 7 Hamas
Israel Defense Forces, Citing Retaliation Threats From Iran, Cancel All Home Leave for Combat Troops…from-iran-cancel-all-home-leaves-for-combat-troops-n2172306
– The two have been fighting a proxy war for many years, with Iran supplying arms and technical advice to groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah…
Israeli Airstrike Unintentionally Lands on Aid Workers Traveling in Active War Zone…y-lands-in-aid-workers-traveling-in-active-war-zone-n2172221
– Gaza, a foe who has committed unspeakable atrocities and who, given the chance, would do so again.Previously on RedState: Is HamasHamas, further, has the bad habit of hiding in hospitals and schools, making targeting orders of magnitude more difficult. … In the meantime, Israel must finish the job, and remove every last member of Hamas entirely from the mortal coil.…
Biden's Ramadan Event Protested Both Outside and Inside the White House, As One Attendee Walks Out…rotested-both-outside-and-inside-of-the-white-house-n2172288
– ceasefire in Gaza, Biden responded that Israel would push back because of concerns about the hostages that continue to be held  by Hamas
Joe Biden Rages Against Israel, Throws Ally Under the Bus After Aid Workers Are Killed…ows-ally-under-the-bus-after-aid-workers-are-killed-n2172233
–  All of this ends tomorrow if Hamas stops hiding among civilians, surrenders, and releases the hostages. … That doesn't mean Israel shouldn't investigate and correct what happened within its command and control structure, but as long as Hamas
Wisconsin Woes: Democrats' Twin Troubles Trace Back to Their Own Ranks…in-wisconsin-and-the-democrats-created-both-of-them-n2172235
– community leaders on Tuesday after several Muslim invitees declined in protest of President Joe Biden’s support for Israel's war on Hamas
Is Hamas in Gaza Collapsing? Signs Point to Yes.
– On Sunday, Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said in a statement that Hamas in Gaza may be "collapsing from within." … Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Sunday that senior Hamas operatives captured by troops in the Gaza Strip have told interrogators … terrorists into good Hamas terrorists since shortly after the Oct. 7th massacre last year, so it's expected that Hamas will reach…
Monday Morning Minute
– Is Hamas in Gaza Collapsing? … Signs Point to Yes.International pressure for a cease-fire notwithstanding, this isn't the time for the IDF to stop revoking Hamas
Military Experts Warn of Extreme Dangers to American Troops Building Floating Pier off Gaza Coast…erican-troops-building-floating-pier-off-gaza-coast-n2172149
– GazaDeathPort and connect to a floating dock two miles offshore— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) March 28, 2024But Hamas … to the fighting and the intense anger at the United States for its support of Israel will render the pier an enticing target for Hamas
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