WATCH: Polish MP Demolishes Finger-Wagging Reporter Over Charges of Racism Regarding Immigration


A British reporter became visibly angry in the face of a Polish MP explaining why his country hasn't allowed illegal immigration under the guise of refugee status, an issue that is now swamping most other European nations. 


Cathy Newman, who many may recognize as the same reporter whom Jordan Peterson famously embarrassed, was practically wagging her finger at Dominik Tarczyski, demanding to know how many "refugees" Poland had taken in. His answer left her fuming and calling him a racist. He then let her know exactly how much he cares about those kinds of charges.

NEWMAN: How many refugees has Poland taken?


NEWMAN: And you're proud of that? 

TARCZYSKI: If you are asking me about Muslim illegal immigration, none, not even one, not even one if it's illegal. We have taken in over two million Ukrainians who are peaceful in Poland. We will not receive even one Mulsim because this is what we promised. 

NEWMAN: But I asked not about illegal immigration, I asked about refugees. And Jean-Claude Yonker, the commission president says that you're racist. You sound proud of the fact that you haven't taken any refugees.

TARCZYSKI: Of course, because that is what the people expect from our government. That's number one. This is why our government was elected. But this is why Poland is so safe. This is the reason why we have not even one terrorist attack. Look at the streets in Poland. And we can be called populatists, nationalists, racists, I don't care. I care about my family and about my country.


Newman was playing a game that's played in the United States as well. Namely, the idea that as long as you claim asylum, the fact that you crossed the border illegally becomes irrelevant. Whatever legal arguments exist in individual countries for that position, Poland doesn't even bother to entertain that standard. 

That's led to lots of hand-wringing over the years, but can anyone argue with the results? As I type this, massive pro-Hamas rallies are taking place across Europe, including in London. In France, a teacher was murdered and two others were critically wounded on Friday after Hamas leaders called for a "Day of Jihad."

Do you know who doesn't have those problems? Poland. 

For that, the country's leaders have been maligned and will continue to be maligned on the international stage. That pressure won't produce results, though, because Polish leaders simply don't care. All the tut-tutting by other European nations has no effect on them. Love it or hate it, they prioritize their internal stability. 


The overarching point is simple. A nation can help people without being self-destructive. What most of Europe has done in regard to unfettered illegal immigration has left the continent on the brink economically, culturally, and socially. There's no putting that genie back in the bottle on the radical Islamism that has become ingrained via large infusions of those illegally entering to seek asylum. Newman can be upset that Poland didn't join the UK in shooting itself in the foot, but again, Poles simply do not care. 


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