Results for: chuck schumer

CNN Is Once Again Being Very Dishonest About Senate Republicans
– Republican Whip John Thune of South Dakota told reporters Monday that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is making a major mistake … Schumer, a Democrat from New York, set up a test vote for Wednesday on the legislation, which doesn’t exist yet, in order to spur the … So, Thune is saying Republicans won’t support a bill Schumer is blindly throwing up Wednesday if the bipartisan bill isn’t written.…
AFL-CIO’s Trumka Is Not Even Buried, but Dems Are Already Using His Memory to Push Passage of the PRO Act…eady-using-his-memory-to-push-passage-of-the-pro-act-n422214
– Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, as early as this weekend. … Chuck Schemer Schumer was more subtle than Fauxcahontas, but the gleam behind the crocodile tears was evident. … An emotional Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer tearfully announces the death of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Senate floor…
Savage Video Just Rips Apart Democrats' Lies About Vaccine Hesitancy
Schumer then called DeSantis an “anti-vaccine person.” … Chuck Schumer spreads COVID misinformation about Ron DeSantis, claiming he is “anti-vaccine.” … So if Schumer is looking at who were the “anti-vaccine” people, he might want to check the history of his own party.…
Biden Ups the Ante, Proposes Millions to Pay Legal Fees of Illegal Aliens…roposes-millions-to-pay-legal-fees-of-illegal-aliens-n420092
– Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Co., and most if not all of the rest of the Democrat…
Exploring the Nation’s Unease: So Many Things Just Feel Wrong About Joe Biden…nease-so-many-things-just-feel-wrong-about-joe-biden-n419236
– Now, you know why crabby Nancy Pelosi, whose favorability ratings are deeply underwater (37 Favorable, 54 Unfavorable) and Chuck Schumer
PELOSI Says Biden Doesn't Have the Authority to 'Forgive' Student Loans, and It's Not Fair, Anyway…ity-to-forgive-student-loans-and-its-not-fair-anyway-n419130
– Pelosi said — in effect — that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who has repeatedly said Biden could do it with “a flick of the…
Dems in Disarray With Boos and Nasty Media Swipes at Each Other Over Bills…boos-and-nasty-media-swipes-at-each-other-over-bills-n418869
– Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) wouldn’t be canceling on her plans for the summer recess, even if Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) … But what’s not normal is to have Schumer or someone close to Schumer leaking that information to Politico to apparently take a swipe … Given that the other efforts to pressure her seem to have only made her firmer in her stance, I’m thinking that maybe if Schumer is…
The Worst Part? The Democrats Can't Use the 25th Amendment
– And, between Biden, Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, there doesn’t seem to be a sound leader among the Democrats in D.C. right…
Senate Passes the 1.2 Trillion 'Crap Sandwich' Infrastructure Bill
– Majority Leader Chuck Schemer Schumer and the Biden-Harris administration. A greater loss for the American people. … “There’s been detours and everything else, but this will do a whole lot of good for America,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
Trump's Meeting With Democrat Leadership Ends Pretty Much As You Guessed It Would
– Scott Applewhite)   President Trump met with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Steny Hoyer this afternoon on the subject of Syria…
Whoopi Goldberg Shocks the World with a Statement About Conservatives
– And that would be the war which Democrats — including Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and Joe Biden (Obama wasn’t…
One of the Whistle-Blower's Lawyers Worked Directly For James Clapper
Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton, at the beginning of the process was previously the inspector general of the intelligence community…
Tulsi Gabbard on Tucker: 'I Stand Against Everything' Hillary Represents
– Congress voted on war, and those “Yeas” included Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, and that great celebrity-endorsed…
Harold Finch Comments on a Tale of Two Pictures (Me, too)
– Pelosi, along with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., walked out of the meeting … And Chuck Schumer smirking like a childish teenager watching the mouthy kid run her mouth at the Teacher. … It is CRITICAL to the safety of our nation that we take the House away from Pelosi &and further marginalize Chuck Schumer.…
After Trump Calls His Former Defense Secretary 'The World’s Most Overrated General,' Mattis Smacks Back at Al Smith Dinner…d-spurs-battlefield-donald-trump-earned-spurs-doctor-n117906
– Harnik)   During President Trump’s contentious meeting with Congressional leaders on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer … having another rally, it was great to catch up with General Mattis—the Meryl Streep of Generals. — ChuckSchumer (@SenSchumer) October 18, 2019…
Could Trump Derangement Syndrome Be a Good Thing?
– Trump followed this up by revealing that he had not notified such luminaries as Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff of the drama…
The First Four-Star Flag Officer in US History Joins the Effort to Void the Election of the US President…r-us-history-joins-effort-void-election-us-president-n119083
– Clapper, John Brennan, George Soros, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Tom Perez, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, ChuckSchumer, and the far left Progressive/Socialist Caucus in the House of Representatives, led by Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) … McRaven has thrown his lot in with conspirators Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Soros, Perez, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and Schumer
You Don't Need to Question LTC Vindman's Patriotism to Have a Lot of Questions for LTC Vindman
– I have to say that Chuck Schumer pulling out all the stops to protect him sort of starts the sirens flashing: SCHUMER has sent a…
Babylon Bee Ties in a 'Diehard' Reference to Trump's Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Announcement…d-reference-trumps-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-announcement-n118816
– demanded answers as to why he did not notify certain “Gang of 8” members like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer.…
NYT Reporter: No, Trump Was Not Legally Bound to Inform Pelosi and Schiff of ISIS Raid…ump-not-legally-bound-inform-pelosi-schiff-isis-raid-n118718
– that Trump had informed Russia about the raid in advance but not Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader ChuckSchumer.…
Watch: NSA Adviser Shuts Down Chuck Todd on Why Russia Was Notified in Advance of ISIS Raid…r-shuts-chuck-todd-russia-notified-advance-isis-raid-n118685
Schumer. … NBC News’ Chuck Todd was just one of many journos who saw something sinister behind Trump’s decision to notify Russia in advance of … I think there’s anyone — CHUCK TODD: First country he thanked today.…
The Friend of My Friend Is My Enemy? Schumer Takes Heat for Praising Pete King
– Upon his announcement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) weighed in, as well: Peter King stood head & shoulders above everyone … RIP to a real one" — Luke Darby (@dukelarby) November 11, 2019 Got that, Chuck?  You’re out of line!  … OK Schumer.…
Schumer Wants to Sit Down With McConnell to Create 'Fair Rules' in Senate on Impeachment…onnell-to-create-fair-rules-in-senate-on-impeachment-n119781
– But that didn’t stop Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) from saying that he was “ready to sit down with Leader McConnell and … “There’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to do that,” Schumer said. Sen. … Chuck Schumer: "I'm ready to sit down with Leader McConnell and try to come up with fair rules [on impeachment].…
Whistleblower Reached Out to ICIG Atkinson on October 8th to Explain His Contact With Schiff Before Filing Complaint…ber-8th-explain-contact-sean-schiff-filing-complaint-n121097
– Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent out the following tweet on Friday. … It’s also possible Schumer calls Vindman a whistleblower because he spoke to the NSC’s general counsel following the call. … — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 22, 2019…
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