
Harris Seizes Two Key Republican Themes in Effort to Change the Messaging of the Democrat Party

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Let's first be clear: Once a San Francisco radical leftist, always a San Francisco radical leftist. Kamala Harris can feign a move to the center until the proverbial cows come home, but if she wins the election in November, she'll race back to the far left quicker than you can say, "We told you so!" 

If you paid close attention to Kamala's acceptance speech at the gaslighting extravaganza in Chicago — otherwise known as the Democrat National Convention —Harris seized on two long-time Republican themes as part of her plan to change the messaging of the Democrat Party. Note that I said "change the messaging” — as opposed to changing her long-held policies, despite her lies to the contrary. 

Ironically, those two themes are freedom and patriotism, both of which are anathema to the so-called “progressive” direction that Harris and today’s radicalized Democrat Party want to push — or drag — America. 

When Kamala trotted out on a rally stage in Milwaukee for the first time as a 2024 presidential candidate on July 23, Beyoncés “Freedom” — Harris’s new campaign anthem—blared from the speaker system. Newly ordained Harris told the frenzied gathering of Democrats:

On behalf of our children and our grandchildren and all those who sacrificed so dearly for our freedom and liberty, we must be worthy of this moment.

Really? “Freedom and liberty from what, exactly? We’ll come back to this in a bit.

Absurdly, Harris has also continued to work “patriotism” into her spiels as well. Again, we’ll revisit.

Also Read:

Democrats Try on 'Freedom'—but It Doesn't Fit

Kamala Harris Has a Big Freedom of Speech Problem

JD Vance Claps Back at Kamala Harris After She Questions His Loyalty: What Have YOU Done for the Country?

J. Edwin Benton, a professor of political science at the University of South Florida, summed up Kamala's scheme perfectly:

Democrats are trying to steal the thunder, put the idea of freedom and patriotism back.

So, let's think about this for a minute.

Freedom from what? Freedom from being constrained from attacking and threatening freedom of speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment? Freedom from being stopped from passing draconian gun-control laws by rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment?

And patriotism? Please. 

Democrats, including Kamala Harris, ridicule — and worse — “America First.” Please explain to me the “patriotism” involved in the left's virulent opposition to “America First.” Or, name one country on the planet that doesn’t put its best interests first. Just one.

Then There’s Whacked-Out Walz

If there's ever been a more bizarre character on a U.S. presidential ticket than Tim Walz, I'm unaware of who it was. Here's Walz describing "freedom" — Democrat-style.

When we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love. Freedom to make your own health care decisions.

Uh-huh. Lemme translate: 

When “we Democrats” talk about freedom to make a better life, you mean at the expense of other Americans — namely, “the rich” and large corporations — via wealth redistribution. And when “we Democrats” talk about “healthcare decisions,” you mean the right to kill inconvenient children — up until what would have been the moment of birth.


WATCH: Sen. John Kennedy Exposes Democrat Abortion Extremism in Epic Grilling of HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra

Any question about Democrat "healthcare decisions"?

Strategic Messaging?

The question is, will “borrowing” bedrock conservative beliefs from the Republicans work for Flip-Floppin’ Kamala? Elaine Kamarck, director of the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institution, thinks it just might.

We had a situation where the Democrats took away from the Republicans an issue that used to work for them, they used to talk about freedom ... but mostly in economic terms. There’s a good case for that, obviously, but [Democrats] went much bigger … and I think it’s a winning theme.

If "borrowing" conservative themes does prove to be a winning theme for Harris and the Democrats, the late comedian George Carlin's admonition will come to mind: "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." The bottom line here is that the Democrat Party has a much larger pool of useful idiots than the Republicans.

E.J. Dionne, op-ed columnist for The Washington Post, explained that Kamala Harris and today's Democrat Paty have a different definition of patriotism than do the Republicans.

They are offering a very specific definition of patriotism, which is, yes, love of country, but it is love of this country because it is a pluralist democracy that welcomes in all kinds of people.

“A pluralist democracy that welcomes in all kinds of people.” See: Biden-Harris Border Crisis. 

Finally, according to Robert Y. Shapiro, a political science professor from Columbia University, Harris must continue moderating on immigration

The drawbacks are accusations of flip-flopping, but the benefits could be providing a sense of responding to what the people at large want and moving toward the goals of dealing with climate change and health care, etc., in a more incremental, deliberative way.

Given that Kamala appears to have few, if any, consistent convictions of her own, she can talk (lie) all she wants about how she now, miraculously, supports a wall on the southern border and now supports fracking, but she and her party want nothing less than a permanent change in the demographics of America, and they will import as many illegal aliens as part of that goal that they can get away with until they are stopped.

Freedom and patriotism be damned.


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