
Kamala Harris Has a Big Freedom of Speech Problem

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

While the national press continues to push Kamala Harris' campaign as one of nothing but joy and rainbows, a far more sinister reality is lurking underneath the façade. The current vice president turned Democratic Party presidential nominee is the same person she's always been, and the great thing about the internet is that it's forever. 

ALSO SEE: Kamala Harris Just Keeps Digging With Latest Jab at Gold Star Families

If you want to know who the real Harris is, just take a look at her first presidential campaign. Despite being the front-runner for a period and receiving mountains of glowing coverage from a press desperate to play up her intersectional box-checking, she didn't even make it to the first primary. Before that colossal failure, though, she went on record about a variety of issues. From wanting to ban fracking to supporting universal healthcare, Harris did her level-best to wiggle into the Bernie Sanders lane. That extended to her views on free speech. 

A 2019 video has resurfaced and is making the rounds on social media. To put it mildly, it should be disqualifying. 

HARRIS: He has lost his privileges, and it should be taken down, and the bottom line is that you can't say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. 

They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop.

For clarity, she's talking about Donald Trump in that clip (some have mistakenly claimed she was speaking about Elon Musk, who hadn't bought Twitter at that point). As a presidential candidate, Harris was calling for the complete banning of the President of the United States from being allowed to speak across all social media platforms. The level of tyrannical insanity it took to get to that position is hard to fathom. Keep in mind, this was long before January 6th, which has often served as the baseline excuse on the left for trying to stop Trump from speaking. 

As crazy as it sounds, that's not the worst part of her statement, though. After fretting about Trump, she goes on to call for "oversight" and "regulation" of social media companies because they are "directly speaking to millions and millions of people." She also suggests that Facebook and Twitter (now X) can't have separate rules despite both being private companies. 

Think about the implications of that. Harris wants the federal government to be able to control the world's largest flow of information. I have no idea how anyone could listen to that and not believe she's thoroughly disqualified herself from ever serving as dog catcher, much less as president. We are talking about the stuff of communist dictatorships being espoused by someone who wants to become the most powerful person on the planet.

What happens if she does attain that power? Would she send her DOJ after Elon Musk if he doesn't kowtow to her demands for partisan content curation? Would she sign an executive order shutting down X on the basis of "national security?" I see no reason to give her the benefit of the doubt given her authoritarian impulses. 

Harris hasn't changed. All that's changed is what she thinks she needs to say to win the 2024 election. If she gets into the White House, every single position she took in 2019 will be retaken, and that's an incredibly disturbing prospect.


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