'They Found an Angry Cause and This Is Very Dangerous': Hamas 'Green Prince' Rips Anti-Israel Protesters

AP Photo/Andres Kudacki

As we reported on Saturday after news broke that Israel had freed four hostages in a daring rescue operation in Gaza, the worse-than-inept Biden administration released an incredulous statement, again calling for Israel to accept an ill-advised ceasefire with Hamas.



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Meanwhile on Saturday, an angry mob of pro-Hamas, anti-Israel activists converged on the White House, intent on creating as much havoc as possible. Biden's White House wasn't the only target of the well-organized and well-funded demonstrations.

So as the intentionally uninformed activists continue their ignorant protests with no end in sight, Mosab Hassan Yousef, the eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, shared his shock and concerns in an interview with Fox News Digital.

Yousef, known as "the Green Prince," defected to Israel in 1997, where he worked s an undercover agent for a decade before moving to the United States. He told Fox:

They found an angry cause, and this is very dangerous to advocate on behalf of something they don’t understand. They are not helping the situation. They are just making it worse. 

Bending to terrorists will have consequences. We are sending the wrong messages. These people don't receive our statements or our actions as a form of tolerance that we are trying to reach peace.They perceive it as weakness.


Yousef explained that Hamas doesn't view its war against Israel as a political issue but something much much deeper, which is beyond the scope of programmed protesters on college campuses and now in the streets of America to grasp.

It’s very dangerous what they are doing. This is not a political issue. It’s a fundamental issue.

Yousef calls Hamas a religious movement that is "waging a holy war" under the guise of a political party. He stressed in the Fox interview that protesters are continuing to send the wrong message to the terrorist group. 

The more we continue sending the wrong messages, the more we complicate the situation," he added. "We have to stand firmly ... Hamas is a designated terrorist group in the United States, according to the American law, so it's a ridiculous thing of any lawmaker not to be able to distinguish this group."

The "Green Prince" also dismissed the notion that the Gaza Strip is tantamount to the world's "biggest open-air prison," with the Palestinians as the prisoners and Israel as the warden ruling "with an iron fist." Yousef noted that Israel left Gaza almost 20 years ago, and it's been Hamas that has governed with an iron fist. 


Gaza was under the blockade, not only by Israel but also, by Egypt and other international forces because Hamas did not agree to drop their guns and recognize Israel’s right to exist. That was the only reason for the blockade. It was a security blockade. It had nothing to do with the race or with nationalism.

FInally, Yousef asked — and answered — this salient question: "So what's good about Hamas?"

Killing people indiscriminately? Killing Palestinians? Killing Arabs and Jews and Americans? They have blood on their hands. They have been using violence since the beginning of their movement as the only strategy, and they just crowned their violence with a genocide. So, what isn’t obvious about Hamas?

Everything’s wrong with this group.There is nothing good or righteous about Hamas. They adopted killing, destruction, violence as the only method towards achieving their political and religious agendas.

The Bottom Line

While Mosab Hassan Yousef's depth of knowledge and understanding of the never-ending Hamas-Israeli conflict — and even the ignorance of the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protesters — is superb, there exists an ugly little secret that supersedes everything he told Fox Digital.


College students indoctrinated by left-wing college professors to hate Israel don't give a damn about the truth. They don't give a damn about the sins and atrocities of Hamas. All they do give a damn about is bringing Israel to its knees — or worse — and most of them have no idea why.


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