As the old adage wisely suggests, it is often better to remain silent and let people think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. In the ongoing case of NBA superstar LeBron James, the admonishment could not ring more true.
James, who some of us have mockingly dubbed a “noted law enforcement expert” and other such satirical designations, has a propensity to open his mouth or take to Twitter to make jaw-dropping comments in the immediate aftermath of police actions involving white cops and black suspects. Facts – or lack thereof – be damned; LeBron James just can’t keep his mouth shut. Or stay off his Twitter machine, as the case might be.
As RedState reported last month, James was among the usual suspects (Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, et al.) to rush to judgment after a white police officer in Columbus, Ohio, shot and killed M’Khia Bryant, as her arm was in motion, her hand clutching a large knife, to stab her would-be victim. There was no question about Bryant’s obvious intent; the only question that will forever remain unanswered is where she would have stabbed her would-be victim.
James’s response was predictable, based on his prior comments about prior police actions, but not the threat and target he put on the back of the officer involved in the shooting.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 21, 2021
James was widely skewered over the tweet, including by a black former NFL player and retired police officer who blistered James, pointing out that the NBA star is “living on a high horse in a multimillion-dollar house, lives near nothing but white people” [and] “at the drop of a dime, will have white officers at his house doing investigations on false claims.”
Now, as reported by The New York Post, James says he “regrets” the whole episode.
James rationalized that he “fueled the wrong conversation” — about Ma’Khia Bryant. Actually, ‘Bron, you “fueled the wrong conversation” about the police officer whose life you put in danger, but we’ll get there.
So James once again fired up his Twitter machine and fired off this tweet on Monday.
“I fueled the wrong conversation about Ma’Khia Bryant and I owe it to her and this movement to change it. Thank you Fabiola Cineas for educating us about Ma’Khia and her story and why this needs to be about her.”
This is all kinds of wrong, as you’ll see, below.
I fueled the wrong conversation about Ma’Khia Bryant and I owe it to her and this movement to change it. Thank you @fabiolacineas for educating us about Ma’Khia and her story and why this needs to be about her. #sayhername #Blacklivesmatter
— LeBron James (@KingJames) May 3, 2021
James’s “educating us about M’Khia and her story and why this needs to be about her” bilge was in reference to Cineas’s Vox piece, Why they’re not saying Ma’Khia Bryant’s name, with the subtitle, “The 16-year-old black girl could never be the perfect victim.”
Here are a few excerpts:
“After watching 15 seconds of police body camera footage last week, viewers of various races and political affiliations had made a decision: 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant was “the aggressor” — the “fat,” “huge,” “knife-wielding attacker” and “maniac” who deserved to be fatally shot by the police on April 20 in Columbus, Ohio.”
“According to these viewers, Nicholas Reardon, the police officer who immediately shot and killed Bryant, who was holding a knife, was justified. That she was a teenager in the middle of an altercation, in which she was presumed to be defending herself, did not matter.”
“But the cries for justice that applied to George Floyd did not ring out as loudly for Bryant. Even after it was discovered that Bryant was living in foster care, that she was in the middle of a fight with older women when police arrived, and that she was allegedly the one who summoned the police for help, people.”
“Bryant’s death has become a debate that questions a child’s actions — and worthiness to live — instead of another example of the racism of policing and the institution’s failure to provide wholesome support, care, and safety for the communities it serves.”
LeBron James believes he “fueled the wrong conversation.” For entirely the wrong reason.
So the “right conversation,” as James, Cineas, et al., see it, should be about M’Khia Bryant, who was “presumably defending herself,” but was deemed “unworthy to live” by “a racist white cop” as just one more example of “the racism of policing” across America and the “failure of the institution” to “provide safety for the communities” it serves.
That about do it, ‘Bron?
Say, I wonder if LeBron James or Fabiola Cineas checked in with Bryant’s intended black stabbing victim about whether she believes she was supported, cared for, and provided safety — a split second before a knife was stabbed into her chest, neck, or face?
Oh, and LeBron? That old adage I referenced, at the top? Yeah.
But lemme fix it for you. “Shut up and dribble.”
There, that’s better.
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