If you’ve come to RedState looking for wall-to-wall coverage of whatever Nancy Pelosi, Ted Lieu, Chuck Schumer, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Brandon Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Jen Psaki, and the rest of their fellow travelers are saying/doing, you’re likely to be disappointed. You won’t find that here.
Pelosi has orchestrated the day to be filled with so many events that some could mistake it for Inauguration Day. Even people like Bill Kristol have said that that’s a bad idea (although they’ve since brought him in line), and normal people know that the vast majority of Americans don’t care.
We already know that Biden’s remarks, if he can deliver them as written, will be focused on the Left’s never-ending case of Trump Derangement Syndrome in an attempt to gin up some support for the January 6th committee’s witch hunt. Again, regular Americans don’t care. They’re trying to pay their bills, fill their gas tanks, and feed their families, and, especially in blue states, they’re furious about renewed mask mandates and virtual learning. They’ve now lived (in many states) under repressive mandates and lockdowns and government overreach for nearly two years, and they think it’s pretty ironic that Biden’s talking about someone else’s supposed obsession with power.
They don’t want to listen to the ramblings of a man obsessed with Donald Trump and with power, whose moral compass went kaput a long, long time ago. And they don’t want to hear reports about them, either.
For those who would like coverage of Biden’s speech, though, here you go.

What we need to talk about is the treatment of January 6 defendants, and about US citizens thrown in jail for exercising their right to protest (and no, I’m not including those who physically assaulted people or destroyed property in that category.). Thank you for keeping the Department of Justice on their toes, Julie Kelly and others.
On eve of Jan 6, thinking of the families of Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson, Benjamin Phillips.
Thinking of 80+ political prisoners denied bail by Garland’s punitive prosecutors and complicit judges.
And 700+ Americans punished for protesting Biden’s election.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) January 6, 2022
What we need to talk about is Attorney General Merrick Garland’s use of his office to surveil and persecute political opponents.
We need to more vocally demand and receive full transparency from all of the federal agencies involved that day – especially the FBI and the Capitol Police – and for them to produce things like video from Capitol Hill office buildings and within the Capitol that various news outlets (such as RedState) and watchdog groups have submitted Freedom of Information Act requests for. We need to know exactly what Nancy Pelosi was told about threats of violence prior to that day, and why the Capitol Police force wasn’t properly prepared or, allegedly, even warned that such might occur.
We need our elected officials to stop lying to their constituents and all of us about what happened that day. Remember Dem Rep. Jamie Raskin’s false claim that Nancy Pelosi was followed around by an assassination squad? And, “right wing” social media sites weren’t the ones where planning for the event took place; it was Facebook. To this day, Democrats continue to peddle the lie that multiple Capitol Police officers were killed that day, and that Brian Sicknick was viciously beaten by protesters, leading to his death – even though an autopsy report found that the cause of death was a basilar artery stroke suffered approximately 12 hours later. And while I believe it will never happen, we need outlets like CNN and MSNBC to be a little more obsessed with holding the government accountable than with things like, say, stealth-editing their false narrative articles when definitive evidence to the contrary is released.
These are just a few of the few extremely important issues that still need to be resolved as it pertains to January 6, 2021. They’ll be ignored by the mainstream media, and the meaningless machinations in Washington, DC will be ignored by us.
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