Vince Fong Wins the Special Election to Replace Kevin McCarthy; CA and the Nation Are the Better for It

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

After former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his speakership, he decided to take his toys and go home. Literally. McCarthy resigned from Congress in December, leaving his district and the House majority hanging by a thread. McCarthy's former district director and current Assemblyman Vince Fong decided to enter the race to fill McCarthy's seat.


 From Fong's campaign website:

it is my strong belief that the Central Valley must continue to be represented by proven, conservative leaders in Congress. In light of recent developments and in an attempt to unite our community in this critical moment in our nation’s history, I have decided to run for Congress in 2024.

I have spent my career fighting for Central Valley families. I am eager and ready to take that fight to Washington and deliver meaningful results for our community. In Congress, I will focus on the pressing issues impacting our quality of life. I will defend the Central Valley’s water and energy resources. I will work to end the chaos on the southern border and approve new border security measures. I will oppose new taxes and the reckless spending that has fueled inflation and caused our cost of living to soar.

I am excited to share this vision with Central Valley residents and earn the opportunity to represent our community in our nation’s capitol. I ask the community for their support, and more importantly, their continued prayers.

Thanks in no small part to the strong endorsements from McCarthy and former president and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, on Tuesday, Fong was elected with over 60 percent of the vote to finish McCarthy's congressional term. The people of the Central Valley apparently felt as though he had earned that opportunity


In the race to replace former Rep. Kevin McCarthy in Congress, San Joaquin Valley voters Tuesday chose Vince Fong, a Republican state assemblyman who was endorsed by McCarthy and Donald Trump.

The Associated Press called California’s 20th Congressional District special election for Fong at 8:17 p.m. Fong bested fellow Republican Mike Boudreaux, the Tulare County sheriff.

This special election served to complete the remainder of McCarthy's term, which runs through December. Fong and his Republican opponent, Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, are also on the ballot in November for a full Congressional term. Like Republican Mike Garcia (CA-27) and his win to take over the seat of disgraced Democrat Congresswoman Katie Hill (CA-25), the ability to make your mark in these remaining months and gain the advantage of incumbency cannot be overstated. Garcia went on to win a full term in the November 2020 general election, and won re-election in November 2022, even after his district was carved up and reconstituted into California 27. 

I wrote an article on Tuesday about California Assembly members who could not bother to even show up to push forward AB2641, legislation that would rescind sanctuary state policies for pedophile criminal illegals. This was also Fong's election day, but he still managed to show up and glow up. 


This says much about what we can expect from Fong in the United States House of Representatives. The "powers" in California know this as well, and they are frightened. In January, at the behest of Attorney General Rob Bonta, his fellow appointee, Secretary of State Shirley Weber, attempted to remove Fong from the congressional ballot for the sole reason that he was also on the ballot for re-election to the California Assembly. California state law does not preclude this. File it under more creative lawfare waged against ballot measures and candidates that Governor Gavin Newsom and his cohorts do not like. Fong sued, and the court ruled in his favor. This now legal precedent has triggered the submission of legislation (by Democrats, of course) to change this.

But now, the rest is history. Fong issued this statement after the early returns came in on Tuesday showing he had indeed won the seat.

I am filled with humility and gratitude tonight, as early results show that voters have overwhelmingly selected me to serve as their voice in Washington D.C.

With the campaign over, the real work now begins. In Congress, I will remain focused on solving the tough issues facing our community—securing the border, supporting small business, bringing investment in water storage and infrastructure, unleashing our energy industry, and keeping the United States safe admist the grave security threats facing the nation. 

Now is the time to unite and work together to fight for our way of life.


As his former and soon-to-be current colleague Rep. Kevin Kiley (CA-03) has done, Fong will no doubt change the landscape of the House for California and the nation.


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