If you have not read Nightwister’s post you need to.If the Republicans in Colorado get less than ten percent of the vote in the gubernatorial race, the Colorado GOP will lose its privileged position in Colorado as a major party — a designation that gives it automatic ballot access.This will tremendously impact down ballot races in Colorado long term.At a time when the GOP is set to pick up the Colorado Senate seat, thanks to the stubborn stupidity of Dan Maes and his refusal to get out of the race, the GOP will win the Senate and concurently and most likely lose its position on the ballot.But there is hope. Tom Tancredo, a man with whom I disagree on many issues, continues to go up in the polls. Republicans in Colorado need to rally to Tom Tancredo. He can save the GOP. Yes, the GOP will still lose majority party status thanks to Dan Maes, but having Tancredo in the Governor’s Mansion will mitigate the damage Dan Maes is doing.Dan Maes should go. He is doing untold and long term damage to the Colorado GOP. But it is clear Dan Maes does not care. He is, as NightTwister called him, a political suicide bomber.I am happy to endorse Tom Tancredo for Governor of Colorado. I urge all Republicans in Colorado to rally to him quickly and bring their checkbooks. Tancredo will be a great Governor — far better than the Democrat and far more viable than Dan Maes.It is time to rally.
I Endorse Tom Tancredo for Governor of Colorado
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