
The Party of Elder Abuse

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

In early 2023, Dianne Feinstein suffered from Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a neurological disorder that stems from shingles. I would say Feinstein looked like a walking corpse, but she couldn't even walk. She was wheeled about in a chair when she could appear to cast votes. She was gone for months before that, and when she did come back, it was clear that she had no business showing up in her condition. 

It was pretty obvious that she was there for less than wholesome reasons. While some Democrats definitely believed she should step away due to her failing health, others wanted her to stay because it was easier to confirm leftist federal judges with her staying put. She did so until she died. 

As my colleague Nick Arama wrote at the time, "None of them give a rap about Feinstein or what they might be putting her through. It’s all about how they can hold onto power and/or get what they want."

Now we have Joe Biden. 

To be completely fair, many Democrats want Biden to step aside, but I think it's pretty clear that very few of them want him to for his health. If Biden was on a stretcher, breathing through a tube, and still polling better than Donald Trump, I'm pretty sure the Democrats would be proclaiming he's fit for office and ready for another four years of one of the hardest jobs in the world. 

As I write this, the front page of RedState is chock-full of articles discussing the internal war happening within the Democrat Party about Biden's need to step aside. His performance on Thursday during the NATO conference was incredibly embarrassing, calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by the name of the rival he's at war with and referring to Kamala Harris as "vice-president Trump," before stating she's not ready for the position of President. 

As I wrote at the end of last month, Biden should have never been in this position in the first place. He was already demonstrating his cognitive faculties were failing him then, yet the left wouldn't hear it. In fact, they tried to make it seem like it was impolite to talk about, and I can remember some conservatives bizarrely agreeing. Even then, it was pretty clear that Biden was someone's puppet. More accurately, he was likely a group's puppet, but as time went on it became pretty clear that his wife, Jill Biden, was one of the primary suspects. 

(READ: Shame on Jill Biden)

Even now, after the NATO conference, the disastrous debate against Trump, and the consistent moments of embarrassment no matter where he goes, you still have a party arguing with itself whether he should go. The Hill reports there are Democrat leaders still planting their flag despite the evidence that Biden isn't fit for any of this: 

In a meeting that ran for roughly two hours, the debate was lopsided in favor of keeping the president on the ticket — a dynamic suggesting that Biden has, at least for now, prevented the slow seep of individual detractors from becoming a flood. 

“I feel we’ve hit a turning point,” Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), who is backing Biden, said after the meeting. “As the president said, I think yesterday, it’s been 10, 11 days or so since the debate and it’s time to move on. And I think that’s where many more members are today than they were last week.”

“We’re ridin’ with Biden,” said Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), a prominent voice in the Congressional Black Caucus, which has rallied aggressively behind Biden since the debate.

This isn't okay. None of this is. 

As fun as it is to watch the Democrat Party fall apart, at the center is a confused old man who goes between being so mentally out of it to being propped up by so many drugs I'm surprised his body hasn't given out in some capacity. Yeah, Biden is a villain, and maybe he deserves what he's getting, but we don't deserve it. This man is the leader of the free world. He represents us. He's supposed to be doing a job and he clearly can't do it. 

This is all really gross when you stop to think about it. 

They are abusing an old man because they think it's their ticket to maintaining power. They will continue driving Biden forward until he's lost his usefulness or literally dies doing their bidding. His wife and his son, two people who supposedly love him, are using him to maintain their wealth and safety from what will inevitably come if he steps down. 

Like Feinstein before him, Biden will be expected to perform until his body gives out, and he is packaged in a pine box. The Democrats truly should be ashamed of themselves. 

Most importantly, everyone should take notice of this. Democrats don't actually care about people. They care about power, and if they can use you to get it, they will. It won't matter if you're on death's door, they'll wheel you out on the stage and demand you dance. 


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