
Biden's Family Has Every (Selfish) Reason to Want an Ailing Joe to Stay in the Race

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool

If you're a Biden, you're shaking in your boots right now. Things are not looking good for your family, as President Joe Biden's debate performance against Donald Trump could have only been more disastrous if Biden had collapsed on stage and soiled himself. The embarrassment that was suffered that night has caused panic and remorse to spread throughout the Democrat Party, resulting in calls for Biden to step down and allow someone else to take his place. 

His top donors are talking about refunds as the threat of Kamala Harris as the nominee surfaces. Biden's cheerleaders in the media are throwing in the towel and admitting that he's not the one who should take the party forward. Biden's defenders are out there, but their voices are drowning in a sea of fear and regret. 

But the Biden family seems to be planting their feet, and like the Wolf of Wall Street, they're not f***in' leavin'. The show goes on. 

As Nick Arama wrote, a Biden family huddle was had at Camp David with the Biden family consigliere brigade, and the family has seemingly decided that Biden senior needs to stay in the race with the loudest voice being his son Hunter Biden: 

One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations. 

Yeah...yeah, I bet he is. 

There's little argument among America that Biden isn't fit for office, at least at this point. The calls for Biden to step down are coming from inside the Democrat Party's house at this point. This man is not fit to lead the most powerful nation in the world, yet the Biden family refuses to let go. I think it's safe to assume that they're not doing this because they love the country. There's been little evidence of that over the past few years.

No, they're doing it for them. 

There are various motivations, none of which are noble. In fact, I'd wager to guess that the two largest factors in this decision are greed and fear. 

Let's start with greed, and that primarily revolves around Jill Biden. 

As I wrote last week, the First Lady seems to be her husband's primary handler, at least the most public-facing one. It's gross to watch her lead her husband around and push him to his limits, speak for him, and seemingly act as his puppeteer. Of all the voices telling everyone he's had enough and he needs to go sit at home to enjoy what brainpower he has left to live in peace with his family, hers should be the loudest, yet she's using her voice to praise Biden like a toddler, infantilizing him in front of crowds as he stands there, possibly wondering who this nice lady giving him so many compliments is. 

(READ: Shame on Jill Biden)

Jill Biden currently has something that she values greatly — power — and she's not going to let it go so easily. As it stands, her behavior has caused many to speculate that the person in charge of the country right now is Jill. People are recalling the situation with Woodrow Wilson, where his wife Edith took control after Wilson had a stroke. She ran the country in secret, and will Jill fighting so hard to keep her husband in office despite his ailing body and mind signaling that he's had enough, people can't help but wonder if we're seeing Edith Wilson return in spirit. 

It doesn't help that Jill's ex-husband seems to think that's exactly what's happening, saying that his former wife wants to be the president.

But then there's the fear aspect of it all. 

There is a lot of smoke around the Biden family, and there are quite a few barriers stopping anyone from seeing the fire. Should those barriers be removed, then the Biden family could find themselves up to their ears in legal issues, expenses, and a massive loss of power and influence, which, to a Democrat, is death. 

And Trump, should he win, will have every reason to want to bring in the fire brigades. The Biden administration has been active in relentlessly targeting him, using every trick in the book to bring him down, and even inventing some new tricks in the attempt. There's evidence the Biden administration was involved in the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, it worked with NARA to trigger the Special Counsel classified docs investigation of Trump, and while there's no open tie to the White House, the New York trial against Trump that made him guilty of felonies just before the election is probably only going to add more reasons for Trump to want retribution. 

The Biden family, especially Hunter, have every reason to fear Trump's return to the White House. 

I need to reiterate. The Biden family has no business being in the White House right now. Joe Biden is an empty suit. His cognitive capacity is embarrassingly limited. He needs to step aside, if not for the Democrat Party, then for the nation, but his family is not going to let him. They're willing to put their ailing patriarch through even more suffering in order to reward themselves power and safety. It's a nightmare scenario for Joe Biden, but it is one he set himself up for. 

Luck is not on the Biden family's side, and increasingly, neither is America. No matter what happens, the Biden family will go down as one of the most corrupt and nasty in presidential history. 


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