
Anheuser-Busch Knows What It Has to Do to Make the Pain Stop

(AP Photo/Gene Puskar, File)

Anheuser-Busch is experiencing something greater than things simply going from bad to worse. We’re talking a full-on crisis with no end in sight.

For those who aren’t caught up, Bud Light decided to celebrate transgender influencer and professional woman-mocker, Dylan Mulvaney, and his “365th day of girlhood.” It was a move that America wasn’t having, seeing as how Mulvaney’s whole act is an insult to women everywhere, but more than that, he’s a picture-perfect example of the transgender activist community’s forced intrusion into everything.

Bud Light’s done a number of things since then to try to win people back, but all of them feel incredibly insulting. This includes posting an ad online that looks like a big city ad agency’s guess at what regular blue-collar Americans like to hear, complete with a reference to 9/11.

Meanwhile, things got worse when it was discovered that the move to put Mulvaney on the can was an attempt by then-marketing director Alissa Heinerscheid to reach out to Gen Z and the much-vaunted but rarely proven “modern audience” in order to save this brand that was “in decline” from the “fratty” people who’ve been hitherto targeted for marketing the beer.

Heinerscheid is now “on leave“, but so are the customers, and I don’t mean that figuratively. I mean everyone from consumers to vendors is abandoning Bud Light. Just check out this video from Fenway Park on a game day. The Bud Light counter is barren despite a ton of people at the stadium.

Distributors are even trying to give the beer away for free in order to keep their name out there.

The situation for Bud Light just keeps degrading and it’s not stopping. Anheuser-Busch is clearly panicking. In fact, CEO Michel Doukeris assured investors during an earnings call that this was one can, one influencer, one post, and not a campaign.”

There was no hint of an apology, but there was an accusation of “misinformation” about the facts surrounding the Mulvaney shout-out. What that “misinformation” was exactly was not elaborated on, but the facts seem pretty clear.

Bud Light fell into the same trap that many other brands fall into, thinking that the leftist perspective is the reigning perspective in our culture and, as such, allowed a woman who had no business being in charge of marketing for Bud Light in the first place to do something that Americans are clearly insulted by.

The CEO can claim “misinformation” about what’s going on and have confidence about the brand’s recovery all day. This isn’t just a reaction to “one can” with “one influencer” on it. This boycott is now a movement, and it doesn’t seem to be losing steam, at least not yet.

A-B is going to bear this scar for a very, very long time but it can begin the healing process by simply apologizing for what it did. It should come out and tell Americans that it’s sorry that it even gave the time of day to such a divisive influencer who represents something that is hurting people everywhere. It needs to come out and vow to never do it again.

What it chooses to do to make that apology seem more concrete is up to it, but no matter how you swing it, it needs to begin with “we’re sorry.”

The issue is that getting this apology will be like trying to pull a tooth from a very awake badger. While A-B’s customer base primarily consists of red-blooded Americans, they are afraid of the leftist machine just like every other corporation is. Apologizing for putting Mulvaney on the can will be a very loud choosing of sides and once they do, they can kiss their ESG score goodbye. This would be financially damaging to them in a very big way as various investment institutions that prioritize ESG obedience will suddenly not be interested in giving them the time of day.

(READ: The Sinister Reason Behind Why You’re Seeing Dylan Mulvaney Everywhere Now)

But an apology needs to be made nonetheless, and it would help if they understood what they were apologizing for. Allow me to reiterate something I wrote when this boycott was really gaining speed:

This boycott is about more than just some transgender influencer normalizing a mental disorder that destroys and rots everything it touches.

What this really is about is America’s slide further into the shallow existence that is modernity. We’re resisting a programmed life of weakness and fear, where a simple word can send someone spiraling into a mental breakdown. Where obedience to the rabid and unthinking mob comes before individual wisdom and calm reasoning. We’re resisting a regression to a time when life didn’t mean much and freedom was a joke.

This isn’t about transgenderism, it’s about a future where our children can grow up without having to fear defying the mob, the state, or the education system. Where they can be more concerned about who is going to play hide-and-seek with them on the playground than whose pronouns they need to respect lest they find themselves on the receiving end of their teacher’s wrath. Where they can learn and embrace real realities and advance our species through being inspired by the mystery that is God’s creation.

If A-B and Bud Light truly are the brands that help define America, it will recognize this and apologize. It will choose that side.


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