WATCH: Disturbing Video From Black Nationalist Subway Shooter Revealed as FBI Gets Egg on Its Face Again

Frank James, the alleged NY Subway shooter, rants about blank nationalism in unearthed video (Credit: YouTube)

Per RedState’s reporting, we know a lot more about the man who allegedly donned a gas mask, popped a smoke grenade, and started shooting people in a New York City subway on Tuesday.


The man’s name is Frank R. James, and his political leanings appear to be highly relevant to why he carried out the attack. Further, he was known to the FBI but “cleared” in 2019 of posing any kind of threat, and shock of all shocks, the authorities are once again pretending the motive here is a total mystery.

Recall that the Waukesha massacre assailant, who killed six people, including a child, after ramming his SUV into a Christmas parade, was also an outspoken black nationalist who had talked about killing white people. To this day, we have never received any official statement on his motivation. You can expect that to happen again in this case, as it appears the FBI has an aversion to labeling crimes that may prove inconvenient to the left. After all, this is the same FBI that called the 2017 Congressional baseball shooting a “suicide by cop” until they were forced to change the designation nearly five years later.

Still, the evidence is out there that James was highly motivated by his radical political and racial leanings. Another video has surfaced that includes him talking about white and black people needing to be segregated while asserting that white people are “angry” because black people are no longer slaves.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve never found myself mad that black people aren’t enslaved anymore as they were going on two centuries ago. Yet, that narrative is actually mainstream among not just far-left activists, but Democrat politicians as well. Recall that it was Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, who accused then GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney in 2012 of being so incensed that he wanted to re-enslave black Americans.

When you have one side of the aisle constantly telling a specific demographic that they are oppressed, victimized, and are being held down by literal nazis, is it any wonder a few crazy people take that message to heart? I mean, that’s the argument the left makes about the right constantly. Doesn’t it apply both ways? To suggest it doesn’t is to be illogically hypocritical.

There’s also another part of this, which is that black nationalism is typically intertwined with antisemitism. Just prior to James’ attack, another man went on a rampage against Hasidic Jews in New Jersey. Court documents now reveal that he felt they were “devils” and that he also had black nationalist views.


Do you think Democrats constantly ranting about the evils of Israel and Zionism might have played a part in stoking that kind of irrational hysteria toward Hasidic Jews? You have actual Democrat Congresswomen accusing Jews of committing genocide regarding the Palestinians. Or do words not matter when it’s someone on the left stoking violence?

Returning to the FBI, though, they’ve got egg on their face once again. They’ve got time to entrap people in a fake kidnapping plot right before the 2020 election, but not to even acknowledge that black nationalism is a problem. There have now been multiple attacks just over the last year. Will FBI Dir. Christopher Wray go before Congress and proclaim that ideology a threat as he did with white nationalism? Don’t bet on it. Rather, you can expect the FBI to continue to obfuscate because some find it politically necessary.


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