
Payback Against Hizzoner? It Sure Looks Like It

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New York City's Democrat Mayor Eric Adams ramped up his criticism of the Biden-Harris regime in 2023 over their porous border and pleaded for help dealing with the waves of illegal immigrants pouring into the Big Apple. “The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis,” he said pointedly in April '23.

In November of that same year, he was headed to Washington D.C. to meet with members of the administration to discuss the problem, when guess what happened? The home of his chief fund-raiser, Brianna Suggs, was raided by the FBI in a corruption probe. Interesting timing.

Adams quickly turned around—and never got his meeting.

Since that time, the mayor’s administration has been under a cloud of suspicion, investigations have swirled, and several of his team have been indicted or are under continued scrutinization.

Trouble in the Big City: FBI Raids Home of NYC Mayor Eric Adams' Fundraising Chief in Kickback Probe

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gives Must-Hear Speech Surrendering on Illegal Immigration, Ignores Poem on Statue

Democrat Mayor Adams Blames Biden for Immigration Crisis 'Destroying' NYC Ahead of WH Meeting

On Thursday, Adams was formally indicted by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York for alleged illegal actions stretching back to 2014, from when he was Brooklyn Borough president.

Are we seeing justice play out here, or payback from a hyper-weaponized Biden-Harris DOJ? As RedState’s Jeff Charles and Nick Arama reported, Adams and many others feel it’s a clear case of the latter:

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gives Defiant Remarks While Facing Federal Indictment

WH Gets Grilled, People Raise Questions After Eric Adams Claims He Was 'Targeted'

GOP nominee Donald Trump, himself a victim of endless lawfare campaigns against him by the DOJ, says he predicted this the moment Adams opened his mouth:

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman says it looks pretty darn suspicious, writing, “Having witnessed the weaponization of our country’s prosecutorial resources, sadly I have to say I am that much more skeptical when indictments are announced against someone whose views are not welcomed by the party in charge.”

I am not a dues-paying member of the Eric Adams fan club, and my argument here is not that he’s guilty or innocent—he may be as guilty as the day is long. My point is that because of the Biden-Harris efforts to politicize and weaponize Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice, no thinking person trusts them anymore. They have lost all credibility. They’ve gone after J6 participants as if they bombed the World Trade Center; they target moms who care about what their kids are being taught, as well as Catholics and folks who don’t think abortion is all that it’s cracked up to be by leftists. Meanwhile, they basically ignored the George Floyd riots and the violent pro-Hamas protests that overtook campuses and public spaces around the nation since the Oct . 7 terrorist atrocity.

Eric Adams may be corrupt—but isn’t it notable that the Feds suddenly turned up the heat when he criticized Biden-Harris?

It could be that they’re pursuing justice. It could be they’re persecuting Adams for political reasons. There’s a third answer, too, however: both things could be true.

In the end, though, we’re left with a sobering reality: the fact that so many are even asking this question shows that thinking Americans have lost all faith in our DOJ.


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