What I Did This Summer: For Some Pro-Hamas Students the Answer Is Go to Communist 'Summer Camp'

AP Photo/Makiya Seminera

We all did it: spent at least one of our childhood summers at camp. For our parents, it kept us busy and out of trouble. For us, it was an escape from the watchful eye of said parents. We spent those summers swimming, hiking, making s'mores over a campfire, and plenty of other fun stuff. We also engaged in things that were not in the brochure, like playing "Truth or Dare" and sending the nerdy kid out to go snipe hunting. Now, there is a new kind of camper. They are a bit older than the average camper, and they are not happy.


In Northampton, Massachusetts, a new summer camp has sprung up, and there is no swimming or s'mores on the agenda. The Western Massachusetts Popular University for Palestine is for pro-Hamas college students, where the main topics appear to be “the manifestation of...capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy.” But it is not just about the Israel-Hamas war; also thrown in is some communism, the evils of capitalism, and its relative, class envy, and "talk about building a better society." Because nothing says building a better society more than having Commie summer camp under a flag that celebrates terrorism.

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The summer camp meets every Saturday, where participants gather for events with titles like "coffee with comrades" (how appropriate). In one recent case, the main speaker was a University of Massachusetts Amherst PhD candidate. Making sure to cover all the bases, but apparently not caring that he looked like a caricature, he wore a keffiyeh with an extra accessory, a Cuban Communist Party cap with a star on it. He discussed the writings of Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, and Palestinian Leila Khaled, the first woman to hijack a plane. You really can't make it up.


For many of these, as the great Rush Limbaugh would have put it, "young skulls full of mush," it is like Woodstock without the mud. "The Boston Globe" puffily described it this way:

For many students, the pro-Palestinian encampments in the spring were a kind of utopia — warm, caring environments with participants contributing what they could to sustain the communities with libraries, food, medical aid, art, music, education, and other supports. Several students said participating in the encampments was a transformative experience.

Owen Buxton, who is a student at Emerson College and participated in last spring's protests and has two arrests under his belt to show for it, also described his summer camp experience, saying:

“It felt like the blueprint, [or] the mappings of a better society. It felt like living outside of this capitalist, white supremacist patriarchy could actually be possible within my lifetime, which was inspiring.”

Never mind that it is the capitalist patriarchy, probably in the form of his parents, that is paying his roughly $53,000 a year tuition bill to sit around Emerson College and whine about capitalism, the patriarchy, and white supremacy.


Pro-Hamas summer camp is not just attracting college students who have never been taught about the evils of Marxism by the failing American public education system, but older folks too. Cue the Birkenstocks and Jefferson Airplane tunes. One woman said,

“When I was in my 20s, I envisioned a more compassionate world with countries accepting each other and sharing resources [because] we are all connected. We need these young people speaking out for rights that have been taken away from us.”

What is obviously glossed over in all of this is the rampant antisemitism that permeated the previous campus protests. The only veiled mention by The Boston Globe puff piece was that “'allegations of antisemitism and the use of controversial slogans' limit the appeal of the pro-Palestinian movement.'" Ya' think?  

The pro-Hamas protesters are enjoying their time at summer camp now, but soon, it will be back to school time. Many groups of protesters say they aren't going anywhere and will be back on many college campuses this fall. Leftists seem to ruin everything they get their hands on. Even summer camp is no longer safe.


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