My father was an immigrant to this country many years ago, looking for work.
He found it, brought my mother in, and I was born the first Yank in our family ever. So, the question of immigration — legal and illegal — has interested me a long time.
After World War II, my father employed new immigrants. They were called “D.P.s” for Displaced Persons fleeing the Communist takeover of Eastern Europe.
When my father walked through the factory, the women in their babushkas would try to kiss his hand, so grateful were they for the opportunity in this new free land.
Immigration these days is far different. Because our elected politicians have been unable to agree on reforms, the system has decayed into chaos,
Millions of illegals have entered the country on the basically open southern border. They’ve merged into the even larger community of illegal aliens across the country, creating an underground economy and immense financial strains on local governments, social welfare agencies, and schools.
Joe Biden “reformed” Donald Trump’s border controls into oblivion, as he did quite quickly with our hard-won energy independence.
Joe Biden says a lot of things these days that make absolutely no sense. One of them is he wants another term until he’s 86.
I am unable to believe this will happen. Although watching our media and Washington establishment do nothing about his mental incapacities, my belief has decayed to a hope.
That’s what I talk about in this week’s audio commentary.
In recent days I had another post in the new occasional series of Malcolm Memories. This one was pretty well received, and I’m thinking of a follow-up. It dealt with some fun encounters I’ve had over the years with Fame.
What was especially rewarding about this open post, My Encounters with Famous People and Someone Else, was the readers’ responses sharing their own encounters with famous people. Dozens of them, all fun. Thanks for that, and I hope readers will continue such energetic participation.
The most recent audio commentary examined the inexplicable and disturbing look-the-other-way attitude our president has taken toward China. Most everyone has their own $u$picion$ about why that is.
But once again, our protective media and elected politicians just let it all slide by. Did I mention Joe Biden wants to keep this lucrative gig going until 2029?
This week’s column looked generally at the upcoming opening national debate in the Republican presidential primary,
Here’s an excerpt that raises the question of if the low-energy Trump campaign might really not be about returning to the White House:
That sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Because Trump is all about winning except, that is, for the 2018 midterms, a large batch of dubious Cabinet and staff picks, the 2020 general election, and the lousy 2022 midterm candidates he backed in places like Georgia and Pennsylvania just because they liked him. Which cost Trump’s party Senate control.
And unless you think about how early Trump announced to head off challengers, which didn’t work, and the relatively few actual campaign events he’s done, and the major candidate appearance he’s skipped and hints he intends to repeat.
And then there are the accumulating legal indictments Democrats are throwing in his path, like spike strips in a police-car chase.
The debate is scheduled for Aug. 23 on Fox News and Fox Business.