Can't Stop Won't Stop Losing: Beto Tells Pro-2A Advocates it's 'Wrong' to be Carrying Their Weapons

A supporter of senate hopeful Beto O'Rourke holds a sign during a Democratic watch party following the Texas primary election, Tuesday, March 6, 2018, in Austin, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

A supporter of senate hopeful Beto O’Rourke holds a sign during a Democratic watch party following the Texas primary election, Tuesday, March 6, 2018, in Austin, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)




Are ya ready for some goofiness?

I gotcha covered.

On Wednesday at a Kent State University campaign rally, single-digit would-be hunting rifle thief Beto O’Rourke let people know it’s wrong to carry guns. At least, to any of his events, I guess.

The guy’s goin’ out with a blaze of glory — I’ll give him that.

It’s also, however, a blaze of ignorance, as he’s continued to speak about guns while making clear he’s never, at any point, said to himself, “Hey, what are guns? Maybe I should take just an hour or two to find out some information, any information. And then talk.”

Beto’s previously said he’ll be stealing your AR-15, but you can keep your hunting rifle.

Meanwhile, the AR-15 is America’s best-selling hunting rifle.

The other day, while eating a gigantic cheeseburger followed by a huge chocolate peanut butter malt, I was speaking to a friend who’s a handgun owner. I mentioned Beto’s vow to confiscate AR-15’s.

My friend:

“Well, those are like machine guns.”

That’s what she thought, from what she’d heard on the news.

We’ve got a problem here.

And O’Rourke ain’t helpin’.


Here’s what he had to say:

“It is not enough to stop selling AR-15s and AK-47s when there are more than 10 million of those potential instruments of terror.”

All guns are potential instruments of terror. AR-15’s just look spooky.

“We must mandate that every single one of them be bought back — back home, off the streets, out of our lives. No longer a threat to every to every single one of us.”

That won’t make any great difference, given that the vast majority gun deaths are due to handgun use. And AR-15’s are not the only rifles, goob. You don’t think a murderer’ll just grab the other rifle or pistol on the shelf?

Nevertheless, to Beto, so long as there exists a long gun with a scary shape, everyone’s walking around with a bullseye on ’em. But it sounds as if, if voters choose for him to steal those things from their homes, magically, the bullseyes’ll all just disappear, Jack!

“None of us should face this terror. No one in El Paso, Texas should have to tell me, as they do all the time, that they’re walking around with a target on their back.”

I have a suggestion: How about talk about things that will actually do something, rather than goofiness that makes no sense and no large difference?


Some folks came to the Beto bash in protest — and they brought their firearms:

Beto told ’em it’s wrong:

“And nobody should show up with one of these weapons that seek to intimidate us in our own democracy. That’s wrong. That’s wrong.”

What if it was a shotgun? Would that be better? A .30-06 bolt-action rifle? Preferable? No longer wrong?

The problem with politics, it seems to me, is that the majority of the CO2 appears to be comprised of absolutely meaningless words. It’s posturing, grandstanding, fluff, and — if given the benefit of the doubt — ignorance.

But so long as Beto sticks to his…guns…and continues to hammer one single kind of firearm which doesn’t make a dent in the larger scope of violent crime in America, he’ll cement himself as one more electoral fart in the wind. How about the Green New Deal fix that?

“Yesterday, people brought assault weapons to our rally at Kent State—where 4 students were shot dead in 1970.”


No, they didn’t. As for the AR-15, they brought hunting rifles.

And your rhetoric stinks.



See 3 more pieces from me:

Pioneer David Hogg Changes His Tune – The Cause Of Violence In America Is No Longer Guns

Beto Can’t Abandon His Pursuit Of 2020, Because Anything Less Wouldn’t Be ‘Good Enough’ For You. Just Ask Him

Best & Stupidest This Week: The UK Wars With Cutlery, Offers Knife-Free Chicken Boxes & Tales Of Murder For Dinner

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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