On Tuesday, I covered Planned Parenthood CEO Leana Wen’s freak-out over a “public health crisis”: Missouri’s set to become the first state with no abortion clinics in nearly 50 years.
The license for the abortion chain’s St. Louis location hadn’t been renewed. They only have ’til Friday.
Leana accused President Trump and America’s pro-life legislators of being “anti-women’s health.”
Just trying to dissect the argument rationally, why would you call the pro-life position “anti-women” when 1) so many women are pro-life, and 2) over 50% of abortions keep a woman from being born?
Anyway, back to Missouri, it turns out there are really significant reasons why the Missouri Health Department has threatened to shut down Planned Parenthood of St. Louis.
Missouri could become the first state with no health center to provide safe, legal abortion. So, we’re suing. #EmergencyResponse #StopTheBans pic.twitter.com/29GxtlHpJE
— Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) May 28, 2019
According to an inspection report posted by CheckMyClini.org, here’s a list of a few violations (holy cow, there are a lot of ’em):
Repeat Offenses:
- Expired meds, IV fluids, and supplies, some as old as six years
- Staff using single-dose injectable medications for more than one patient to “save money”
- Medications not stored properly
Some of the violations could put the clinic in legal jeopardy:
- The staff did not log their abortions over 18 weeks gestation
- Patients not given their Patient Bill of Rights
- The clinic did not send fetal tissue for pathology evaluation
A few other hits:
- The refrigerator had not been cleaned in over 1 1/2 years according to a staff member (health care assistant) who had been working in the clinic for that period of time. He had no idea who was responsible for that.
- Fire extinguishers were not tested
No background checks on employees- There was dust covering equipment and supplies all over this clinic
- Failed to properly sterilize instruments that are used from woman to woman
- No infection control training on staff
See the complete list via this link.
As summed up by The Daily Caller:
Reports from 2009, 2013, 2015 and 2016 all showed similar and repeated violations. A 2016 report from the St. Louis Fire Department revealed that emergency services had been called 58 times between 2009 and 2016, or once every 46 days.
Real nice facility they got there.
Does that sound like a plus for women’s health, or does it sound like a crisis?
Relevant RedState links in this article: here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Hilarious: Kim Jong-Un Mercilessly Attacks Joe Biden With Insults That’ll Make Your Head Spin
DOJ: Islamic Man Arrested For Threatening To Blow Up Trump Tower & The Israeli Embassy
Find all my RedState work here.
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