Democrats Do Know How to Do One Thing: Stick Together

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Democrats are pretty good at marching in lockstep, even on issues that may not directly affect a particular member's constituency. As evidence, I offer Alaska's at-large Congresswoman, Mary Peltola, whose voting records have been unfriendly to Alaska on several issues - like energy - and who recently, along with every other House Democrat, voted against a bill to require Congressional reapportionment to be made by a count of citizens, not warm bodies.


Rep. Mary Peltola, Alaska’s only voice in the U.S. House, has voted against a bill that makes it clear that redistricting (also known as reapportionment) must be done by using the U.S. Census count of actual citizens, and not by counting the 20 million illegal immigrants that have criminally moved across the border and are living in the United States unlawfully.

Over 7 million illegal immigrant (sic) have come to the United States in the three and a half years of the Biden Administration, and the Administration is shipping them to states like Florida, playing a long game to flip the state blue.

“One of the lesser acknowledged, but equally alarming, side effects of this administration’s failure to secure the southern border is the illegal immigrant population’s influence in America’s electoral process,” said Rep. Chuck Edwards, of North Carolina, speaking in favor of his Equal Representation Act, H. R. 7109

The act passed along party lines, with all Democrats, including Peltola, voting against it.

Because of course they did. As I said, Democrats do know how to stick together. And in this case, there's a method to their madness.

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That method involves bringing in illegal aliens - millions of them - and shipping them around the country. The Biden administration's stance on this issue is that the census, for purposes of reapportionment (which includes not only House seats but the Electoral College), counts only warm bodies. The Trump administration supported counting only citizens, which honestly makes more sense; why should people who are in the country illegally be entitled to representation in Congress?

Mrs. Peltola's voting record hasn't been great for her home state. In conjunction with other Democrats, she voted against a GOP-led energy bill that would have opened up a lot of jobs on the North Slope. She did support the Willow project - but the Biden administration greenlit that project. 

What makes her stance here more baffling is that Alaska isn't a state that is not as directly affected by illegal immigration as most of the lower 48. We have few illegal aliens in the state; to get to Alaska, one has to go through another entire country, and we don't really get a lot of illegals slipping in from the Yukon. This vote was a bone she could have tossed to Alaska conservatives, and she just didn't do it.


Given Alaska's overall favoring of Trump in the current polling, and given Trump's continual emphasis on this, perhaps his strongest issue, it's baffling that Mrs. Peltola wouldn't choose this issue to break ranks on.

It's difficult to see the Biden administration's border policy as anything other than a thinly veiled attempt to alter the electoral makeup of the nation by importing millions of what they hope will become reliable Democrats. It's not in Alaska's interest, nor the nation's interest, to support this.

But Democrats are really good at sticking together. Sometimes it costs them. This fall, votes like these may well send Mary Peltola back to Bethel.


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